My Name Is Khan



It's a Indian movie that is truly inspiring and touching in so many ways and levels. My father, who I've never seen cry from watching films (probably because he's way too  inclined with the action genre), actually did. We were shedding tears for like half the duration of the movie, and it ran for like 3 hours. I've never cried that much and that long since My Sister's Keeper.

I am not going to reveal a good measure in case you want to see it for yourself, and I recommend that you do. I don't want to end up spoiling your viewing experience.

But let me just warn you that if you're touchy on the subject of religion, especially on Islam and Hinduism, then maybe you should not watch it. Then again, I hope you keep an open mind. I am neither a Muslim nor a Hindu but 'My Name Is Khan' tugged at my heartstrings like no other films I've seen. And anyway, it's more than just about religion.


*photo is not mine



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It's an amazing movie!! I was seriously crying river while watching it. I'm a muslim but I respect other religions and through this movie I think we can learn to respect each others eventhough we are different :) I agree with you it's more than just about a religion.
I was thinking of watching this movie. My friend recommended it. I will try to watch it this weekend :)