This is getting a bit too personal, isn't it? :)


Shame on all you Canadian/American Exotics who went to the aiport and shoved your huge DSLR's in his face. I'm sure he appreciated you guys ruining his PRIVATE trip. xoxo.

If you guys didn't know, he was there to sort out family affairs. Do you really think he expected to find a ton of fangirls waiting to fullfill their dreams of "being with kris oppa!!~ <333" No. Just.. just stop before I brick myself. First of all, this gif doesn't even explain a fraction of what Kris had to deal with at the airport. And "He's an idol, so he should just get used to fangirls around him." IS NOT an excuse.

He doesn't have to deal with/ commit to/ get used to/ do for any of us. Liking someone doesn't mean you should recieve some sort of payback. If you people were real fans, you would give him some space. Honestly, I think it's fine going to the airport just to see him and cheer him on a little, but crowding around him and unabling him to get to his car? Bloody hell, I would go to the aiport just to police him from the fans.

so yeah. sorry for this random outburst.   


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poor kris if people can't respect him as an Idol they should respect him as person. He is humaaaaaaaaaan! omfg.
Omagaw. I would do the same except I would kick their bootays Like, Mind yo business. People in the states [not all, but most] have no respect especially since I have experienced it considering I live somewhere there. They need to F off. He don't need any more problems, lyk seriously.
people need to off
kris has things to do and will not sign autographs for you if you shove your camera to his face.
god...i feel so bad for exo
most of their injuries are from the airport