-- Lil' Joys; 2.18.13

February 18, 2013

-- Monday


Waking up to the sound of my mother's laughter 

A few minutes in a bookstore

Getting lost in a make-believe world of a book character

Stashing a book away from the eyes of other potential buyers while thinking to self, "I'll come back for you when my allowance comes."

Singing in an open field

Hitting the right note

Watching my mother access the complicated world of internet

Seeing her silly but amusing expressions over the complexity of her 'online' situation

Savoring the last bits of junk food

Purchasing a good book at a very, very cheap price

Shakily voicing out an idea

Talking to a friend on the telephone

Discovering the last slice of an icingfilled cake

Acknowledging a simple compliment

Initiating a conversation with somebody I'm not closed with

An accommodating squeeze on the shoulder


                    Half of the time I do not make sense. And this post is another testimony of that. Don't mind this though, it's just the hormones and an indecisive (not to mention sleepy) person talking.

                    I am posting these to remind myself of the glory of small joys. Lately, I have been stressing over and focusing more on the grand situations that I had put to line and forgot the simple joys hidden behind everyday challenges. I disregarded all these and lamented over those things and situations I have no control over, thinking to myself how pitiful I am compared with others.

                    I was chasing the 'greats'; I've forgotten 'little'.

                    Now I realized how important 'little' and 'simple' is.

                    They are.

                    We are.


Smile and keep your heads up,



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Don't worry. Be happy. :P
Yes lil Dinober u should smile and laugh a lot...life is already hard we shouldn't wasted it with being unhappy.....enjoy every minute of it HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY :D