Just Remember... You Love Me~ hehe ;D


As you may (or may not, have I spazzed to you yet? No, good, I shall commence) know- I recently wrote a fic titled Black as Cinder, White as Blood.

If you don't know, chances are you've either:

1- avoided my blog like the plague.


2- avoided my blog like the plague Just haven't had the opportunity to check them out


3- Really just didn't care. (How hurtful! ;~; <3)


So, for those who don't know. I wrote BC,WB over the course of three days- that's it. 72 hours of pure, unadulterated, torture (with the added benefit of having a box of tissues practically glued to my side).

And for those who haven't checked it out- I wrote it for an angst fanfic contest. Which you can check out here: [link] (I also recommend you check out some of the other fics listed because there are some fan-frickin'-tastic ones, like... woah.)

Anyway? The point of this blog?

This is the first contest where I actually made it past the "lower than honorable mentions" (make fun of me if you will, I'm calling it that) place. I got fourth!

So, yeah, okay. My prize was 200 karma- and if one more person asks me what I'm going to do with all of my karma... honest to goodness. OTL

I'm amazed that I got a prize, tbqh. But I am grateful that my fic was appreciated enough to even place Fourth! 

So, yes. I spent a good hour or so (psh~ understatement!) spazzing out because I actually made it that far in a contest involving something I wrote.

Which is why, for all of those lovely people who love me- if you can withstand some angst and abuse and violence and stuff... you should check out

Black as Cinder, White as Blood [Extended Version]

Because I haven't completely finished with torturing Zitao yet (sorry, buddy!)

So, yes. It's starting out fairly light. But if you even glimpsed at the contest entry, you'll know that it won't stay that way for long. u_u;;


Before I sign off and leave you all thinking,

"Oh. My. God. She's really insane."

Which if you already do...

I understand, I do too.



Have you been up-to-date on my annoying blogs thus far? No?

Allow me to link you! =w= <3

FIRST- Ze Blog De Promises (or more affectionately titled: I Solemnly Swear that I am up to no good... and that I am insane.)

[link for ze blog]

Second- Ze Countdown timer that dictates how much time until I've been on AFF for two years, and thus must accomplish the goals in the promises by said time.

[link for ze timer]

Third- I just realized I joined the day before my brother's birthday. *shrugs* Well that makes it easy to remember- doesn't it? xD


Thank you for being you! And don't forget to stay awesome!

Love and peace!



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Lolol poor Tao baby. You get a lot of love for torturing him XD
SleepingSwallow #2
You and one other person are legit the only ones who's blog posts I actually check out Everytime XD
well, congrats!
Ahh I haven't read your new story because even though I write a lot of angsty stuff, I can't read it ;_; so it's not like I don't care or haven't seen it but... Yeah. Okay I don't know if ot matters to you but it does to me xD
And gosh I hope you'll reach your goals! :D
I subscribed to the extended version(YAY!) but I'll probably read it after my exam cause I cannot fail another class. T_T
Good job extending the pain though.