Dear You


Dear You,
Do you remember me?
I'm the one who made you smile when you had times of need.
I'm the one who laughed at all your lame jokes no one else found funny. 
I was there when things went wrong and you just cried for me
Now look where we are. 
Separated, two different worlds where love is the wall
And I am trapped by hate
I hate you, but I hate myself most of all
In these two different worlds where love is the wall
Now let's get some perspective;
Bright lights
Cheery friends
Something worth smiling about everywhere 
I don't see what you see
A blank world where those cheery friends are just dream
The same cheeriness they have is unobtainable to me
What is a smile?
It should touch your heart
But I have not, so I do not since it will not
Not really
Laughter is just a faint whisper in the back of my mind 
I catch it, and I laugh too
Not really
My heart is drowning in floods caused by this never ending flow of tears 
I must cry on the inside
I can't let these tears show
For if I do, I risk the chance of breaking the wall
Showing you that your perfect world isn't so perfect at all
Then my sight would become darker, and my hate would burn hotter
Because I will have ruined you
Dear You


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