Oh my!!

Today,my brother's sick so my mom brought him to a clinic..I didn't follow them so I just online happily at home.When my mom and brother got home after went to the clinic,they all were like,"Yah!Your boyfriend's sick~Go take care of him!!What's his name?Raiyan?".I just can't help it but just blush and told them that he's not my boyfriend and his full name..They started to make me embrassed by saying,"He sat next to me when we're at the clinic~","He came to the clinic with his mom and his mom's so cute..With slim body,fair skin and I think she's just pretty!Haha,I bet you already know your future mother-in-law","He just look at me when I sat next to him~Maybe he'd thought,'this is my future mother-in-law..I need to keep my image in front of her'","I'm sure you're gonna text him  and ask about his condition tonight~"  and more things..Aishh~ >.<

Why?Why do you guys have to do this to me??I can't stop thinking about my LOVE that I gave him and him!!Someone,please help me!I can't stand this anymore~I just wanna cry!But,wait,he's not my boyfriend or ex-boyfriend.Why do I need to feel like this?He's just my bestfriend who once confessed his love to me and at the same time,I confessed to him..And now,he's still my bestfriend who love to tease me by calling me,'Rain','KL Tower(Because I'm taller than him)','Storm' and whatever he wants to call me~ xD I just love him as my bestfriend now~(I think)


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oppadeuI #1
Awwwwww, if you guys like each other, why don't you guys just be a couple? I'm sure you guys will be sooo cute :D

p/s : You a Malaysian girl ? :D
You know,most of the research made,guys love teasing the girl they like so why don't you try to be couple with him..?i can sense some doubt in ur writing whether you like him or love him right..? Since both of you like each other,why dont try give urself a chance..?
bangtits #3
Ahhahaha, your mom and bro is sooo funneh! xD
relaaax, i've been through this before, with that "Yonghwa" but never mind about that. They'll forget about it anyway~ *but my dad still talks about him -'___'-*
you still like him and he probably likes you too
wahh you're very lucky to has someone confessed to you.it made me realize that I'm forever alone lol. hmmm I think you should confirm your feelings towards him y'know bcause you seem a little doubtful. Anyway it's cute when he teases you argh dammit I need to find real bf hahahaha I always tell my mom that EXO is my bf HAHAHAHAHA desperate,I know.
Anyway goodluck and sorry for the long- comment
Haha, remains me when my mom teases me every time I text my boyfriend :B Hehe, just accept his LOVE. you won't regret it. trust me.
just accept his love~so you can bully him back~ LOL xD
i think you feel something more to him than just a best friend~