Attempt to draw KRIS of EXO: 2.

Listening to: a lot of things - TRAX - Blind.

I've been craving to draw an EXO member lately (mostly Kris, Tao, Baekhyun, and yeah.) and this is what I've ended up with:

I KNOW it's better than the first Kris pic. I drew. I also drew Tao the night before Christmas (?) but I won't show it here... yet. 


So here: 



Edit (edits again~ bleh.) : I forgot to draw his left shoulder, but oh well! What's done is done!





Original Picture (excluding symbols and initials on the sides)(::























Yes, yes. I know I have to improve in my art skills. But I've been praised by my Aunt (who thinks he's gay), my lil' bro. who is a pro. in art (well... maybe not with realistic art like me :p), and my younger cousin who thinks Kris actually looks like a MAN! 

So I'm happy.

A.N.S. are my initials. 

Proves I did it!!!!! >P<. 

Anyways, I hope you liked it. I really wanted to show you guys!~ =D.


Oh yeah, remember when I said I gained weight? 

Well, I did. SADLY! URGHH. I'll try to lose weight before my trip to a city coming up soon. I don't want my room-mates to think I'm fat or actually see my fat! I also wanna look pretty for this guy I like-



I will be drawing more of Kris and other people when I have time. NOW, I have to do the laundry! >.<. 



Does anyone else wanna have piercings like Kris or Tao?! I just- ughh- I WANT THEM. NOW.


Here's my gained-weight picture. Since I've gained weight, my face is on the O.K. side of the acne scale. Which is GOOD! But I'm afraid to have it spread all over my face again! GAHHH!~:


My hair was mid-dry this morning. I have a Tao-Tao on my shirt! <:.


To distract you from my stupid self (for exposing myself on the web), I GIVE YOU MY BABES.


I should really... REALLY, consider drawing a KrisTao/TaoRis scene one day, shouldn't I? :/. Oh, the possiblities of getting caught by my Dad, my Brother, and my Aunt.

*I. Will. DIE.*





Love them... Just love them. 



Credits of photographs belong to: Whoever they belong to.

Okay. Done. 

See you next time! ^.^*.




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leehomshineef4321 #1
WoW You are really good at drawing. And don't worry about looking fat. The picture of you on here is really cute :) Be confident in yourself!