Education, thou are complicated!

I started taking my Bachelor's degree in Classical Languaged this summer. However, I feel more and more like I would like to study English better. So at the moment I am trying to figure out what to do and it feels like a HUUUUUUUGE puzzle. HOWEVER! If I studied English, the chances of studying abroad would be a lot better and I just spoke to my mum and she said, if she lives at a place where she is allowed to have cats, she'd seriously consider taking care of my cat for me if I decided to go abroad! I am so excited, I really wanna go! Just,.... Somewhere! England, Canada, Korea, China, New Zealand, whatever! Just somewhere I can be all alone and foreign and have to survive on my own. I am seriously addicted to that feeling. I'd love to live somewhere with a different culture. Like... different from the general European culture. I do find Korea appealing, but that miiiiight be because I am into Kpop XD But to be honest (though my mum would NEVER believe me), Korea is also so very different from Denmark that I might chose to go there purely because of that. I want to experience new things! I want a culture shock! I am totally excited now!


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Whatever you do, don't come to England to study English. I know, I know, that sounds stupid but don't. It's way to expensive, like so expensive I'm having to go abroad cause I can't afford even with my grant/special allowance from the government...
I'm considering going to Korea too :D But...I don't want to leave Josh xD I'm such a weirdo.