★ Gold ☆ Girlgroup ★ Yoo Naeun [ Ai ]




As an  AFF user

I am: HaeKyung

Feel free to call me: Call me Dani, please! ;u; ~

About me: Hmmn.. Where do I begin? - uh, well. I'm a derpface girl, who's a little
tomboyish here, girlish there.. girlish in a sense that I literally spazz over every
frakin' asian boi I see, because most of'em are hotties, and one cannot contain
thyself. Uhm. I'm a dorky-porky, gurl, too. I love food. And, stuff. And I ramble
a lot. I also like writing, but it needs a lot of improvement. I've been single all
my life, and I love spicy food and I go off topic, because ASDFGHJKL-- yeah.
I don't know what else there is. xD I LOVE KPOP. AND ANIME. AND ROLE-
PLAYING, AND FOOD, AND annyeonghaseyo, Haekyung imnidar. eu e;;

Activeness scale: I go on everyday of everyweek, every morning, afternoon
and night. So, I'm highly active.




The girl in the  MIRROR

Full name: Yoo Naeun

Surname(s): N/A

Date of birth: Dec 12, 1991

Current height: 163 cm

Current weight: 53 kg

Was born in: Daegu, South Korea

Grew up in: Vancouver, Canada

Languages spoken:

[Korean] Born in Daegu, Korean was her first language before english had been
taught to her, when moving to Canada, somewhere in her life. Is quite fluent,
but often forgets things since she only used Korean at home.

[English] While growing up in an international state, English became her second
fluent language. Although, she sometimes carries a korean accent (similar to how
Key from SHINee would speak english), her words are usually clear.

Does she have an accent, compared to a native Seoul speaker?:
Her parents were both born in Daegu, where they had developed a gyeongsang,
accent. Since her parents were the ones to have taught her both Korean and
english, she soon developed the same accent as her parents.


Ulzzang name: Kim Sooyeon [Mint]

Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back-up ulzzang’s name:

Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3

The way you dress/Style: Naeun dresses in a very feminine way. She grew up as a tomboy, but
eventually grew to be more girly by age. She is often seen wearing floral patterns, dresses, plaids,
skirts and plentiful designs that seem all around elegant. Gallery View

Personality: Although on the outside, she is protrayed to being a very calm, and elegant woman,
Naeun with herself, and can't seem to find the better within her. To be honest, she's quite the pessimist.
So, she tries to show others a perfect girl. Someone sweet and just.. perfect. In truth, although
she's not nasty or hates people, she's really shy about herself. It's hard for her to even speak of
what kind of person she is, and finds it much easier just to pretend. One could say it's a little two-
faced, but she grew up worrying. Almost constantly. And although she knows it isn't right to be
hiding yourself, she can't help, but do so, because she feels she will be judged.

In reality, underneath that mask of "perfection" is a quiet, and reserved girl who tries her hardest.
Even if she has low self-esteem, she's built with a little determination to turn herself into a better
person. Most of the time, she'll beat herself down - thinking she's worthless and can't be the
person she wants to.. but, at times, when you give her time, she'll do her best to move forward.
No. Not as the person she really is, but as the person she's not. I know, it's not the best way
to be living, but that's how she grew up. That's how she's become to like herself, because right
now, if she wasn't pretending to be this beautiful, flawless "Ai" person, she'd have hated herself right
down to the core (even if she claims to hate herself enough). She refuses to respond to her
real name, because she feels that she can never go back to being that useless person. She'd
rather be Ai, someone beautiful and talented, than this "Naeun", who could only see the her
flaws. To her, there is no Naeun in this world. There is only Ai, and that is all.

- recognition
- romance
- perfection
- spicy foods
- warmth
- love
- someone who will love her

- becoming a flaw
- imperfection
- lying [ but, she does it anyway. usually hates herself for it. ]

- reading sick romances
- watching dramas

- putting herself down
- lying about herself
- drooling in her sleep
- picking at her cuticals
- pocket dialing

- holds a fear of the dark. can only sleep with the lights on.
- doesn't like bugs. be it butterflies or ladybugs.. no.
- isn't a good dancer
- bad at sports
- has a fear of dogs
- doesn't like grapes
- has an allergy to peanuts

Time for an interview:

·      What is your special talent?
"Well, uhm.. I'm able to do tongue twisters. Is that a talent?"

·      What is the thing you wish you hadn’t done? Basically, your biggest mistake.
".. Pretending to be someone I'm not."

·      What do you feel about sports?
"I'm alright about them, but they don't really suit my fancy. I'm not too good, but
I'd try if you asked me to."

·      How do you feel about animals? Do you eat meat?
"Animals? It depends. I like small ones.. like, rabbits, cats, dogs. Amphibians,
and insects are a no.. fish, probably a no. And, yes, I do eat meat. Don't you?"

·      What was your dream when you were a child? Is it the same as today?
"Why, yes it actually is. I wanted to be someone famous. Someone.. special.
Someone who could concour her fears--.. so, I think, I've accomplished one
of those dreams.."

·      In the group, what personality suits you best and why? Father, mother, oldest brother, oldest sister, youngest brother, youngest sister.
"I'd probably say youngest sister, even if I'm a little older.. (laughs). Perhaps,
the mother, I'd think? It usually depends!"

·      Are you more like fire or ice?
"I'm ice. Definately ice."

·      What is your favorite gift a fan sent you?
"I haven't recieved any.. sadly. (laughs again)"





Yoo Kandong | 54 | Father | He's a very kind man, who likes to take good care of his
family. Although, sometimes he can become quite the worrywart, he's a man
who's always there to help you with anything. Someone who will talk to you,
no matter what you say.

Choi Mirae | 53 | Mother | She is as equally kind as Naeun's father, but she's a
little more over-dramatic. She'll be horrified to hear if you hadn't eaten, and
will not take no for an answer. She will go to everything to at least give you some

How I was raised: Naeun was raised very proper. She was taught how to be polite,
how to speak and act towards others, and frankly, although others though she was
born rich, or something, she was raised into a very carefree family. Naeun grew to
be very smart, and always had good grades. Often, she'd be rewarded for such things,
and one could say she was raised in a very good-mannered household.

Now: Although still in contact, Naeun has had less and less interaction with her
parents. The main reason is due to the fact that she had moved back to Seoul,
on her own. Thus, her parents stay to themselves in Vancouver. Contacting
each other is difficult, but they try hard to email or skype every now and then.


My superstar  STORY

How did you become a part of Frost Entertainment:
While still living in the middle of Canada, an audition for SM was announced
to be held around her area, where Naeun was so-fully determind to audition.
With her parents approval, she auditioned with IU's "Raindrop", but eventually
failed, when claiming her vocals weren't as great as they were. But, Frost Ent.
saught potentinal and talent in the girl, and later, Naeun was scouted, and
was soon to debut with the given stage name "Ai".

How many years have you trained?
She started her audition around the age of 17, where she had firstly
attempted to become part of SM. Later dated, when scouted she began
to train under Frost, and had been doing so for a little over 3 years.

How were your trainee days?
During her trainee days, Naeun wasn't all to socialble. She was unable to open
up to others, if it wasn't for her close friend to have made it into the same
company as she. She spent most of her time with him, but eventually grew open
to others when she was put into the group GOLD.

Did you go to any other agency?

How many times did you take the audition?
Only once, since she was scouted by an agent.




My SOCIAL circle

Bestfriend + Love interest [Can I do that?]:
Won Bangyeol | 22 | Soloist

How you met: Were close neighbors living in Vancouver, thus becoming close friends
as children. It was one of those days when the new kid would have been paid a visit
by the other. So-on-and-so-forth. They grew up together, like, pretty much joint to the
hip. They were like, brother and sister.

How you act with each other: Naeun, among the close relationship between the two,
sees Bangyeol as nothing more than a best-older brother. She treats him like someone
special though, being said that Bangyeol is the only person who has ever really seen
her true self. She doesn't even think twice of Bangyeol as a love interest, except for
nothing more than a really, good friend. Although Bangyeol may be the tadest bit
upset about this, he does his best to keep her happy. He acts kind, and shows lot of
attention to her, hoping that one day, she'll consider it.. but, being said, that Naeun
holds a secret admiration for the oh-so-famous Jaesung, he can do nothing but,
watch and root her on.. even if it hurts him.

He is always like: Acting as if he doesn't give a crap about how Naeun, treats him.
Although he's offically friend-zoned, he's the one who holds the deepest feelings for
her. He's always watching and caring for her, taking care of every complaint and
issue that occurs - even if she puts him second place, he strives to being her number
one. In all honesty, he acts like an older brother, who teases the younger, and jokes.
But, at the same time, he's caring, and does all her can to make her happy.

Why he is the best: Though she claims she wouldn't ever think of Bangyeol that way,
she does have some uncertain feelings for him. She likes how he's passionate about
things, and cheerful, playful. She likes how he's the sweetest guy, and her shoulder
to cry on when she needs it. But, for some reason, she drowns those feelings when
it comes to Jaesung. Jaesung, being her ultimate bias and/or first love (more like a
crush, but she calls it what she wants), she says she'll think nothing of Bangyeol.
She thinks Jaesung is her perfect match because, well, she finds him perfect, while
Bangyeol.. is just there.

Our relationship is currently like: Childhood friends/just friends

Back up love interest: Sang Jaesung

He is always like: [however his personality is orignally protrayed] he treats
her like any other girl, and holds no special feelings towards her. Nothing more than
friends, or merely, nothing more than buddies. He acts kind towards her nevertheless,
and of course polite, but he doesn't see the admiration in her eyes.

Why he is best: In Naeun's eyes, he's the most perfect man that there is! He's a singer,
and actor, and he's just the greatest guy ever!.. No, Naeun doesn't know him yet. No,
they're not very close. And, no, they barely talk, but just because of that, it doesn't
mean Naeun's not in love with him! Right? Riiiight?

How you met: After having so much admiration for the popular boy, she finally built up
the courage to talk to him, kind of confusing him at first, because he hadn't all too
recognized her yet, but gradually, Jaesung became aware of her existance.

Our relationship is currently like: Strangers/Crush

(Not really a back-up love interest, but more of just a crush. LOL. Yeah.
They don't need to be together. Jaesung + Naeun, I mean.)




I am full of  TALENTS

Stage name: Ai [ "Ai", is the japanese + chinese way of saying "Love". Also, because her name "Naeun" is
close to "Naneun", meaning "I" as in "Myself". ]

Stage persona: The elegant Angel

What position do you wish for: Main vocal

Why would you be best in that position?: Because Naeun isn't that much of a "leader" type of person,
she's better to be the main, or at least sub-vocalist of the group. She has a strong voice, despite her
pure, and angelic-like image, which is a big step-up for a group like GOLD.

What are you best at: She's best at high-vocals. She's able to hold a good pitch, but not as high as IU's.

What are you worst at: She's the worst at dancing. Naeun isn't the best dancer, but given the routine
and the time to practice, she'll be able to pull it off. Naeun's a bit of an awkward dancer, so she
wasn't all too meant to be a main or lead dancer of anykind. Naeun has difficulties remebering steps
at times, and needs a lot of work to memorize them.

Personal fanclub name: Aya [ "Ay" as "Ai", and taking the "A" from "Angel" = Aya ]

Personal fanclub color: Pure white [ Resembles innocents, and practially because it's an angel's color. ]




I want to know YOU

How would you act and feel if: A line or two should suffice. :)

·      There was a spider on your shoulder?

·      Some other trainee ate your (insert favorite food) you had saved for a special occasion?
".. Oh. Well.. I-It's fine. I could always eat it another time.. Probably why they did so, since
they obviously didn't ask for premission or anything....."

·      A fan offered you an old and ugly teddy bear?
" I'd take it! It shouldn't matter if it's ugly or old, it's something that must mean a lot, to
have kept it for so long! I'd treasure it!"

·      There was another trainee every member of the staff was praising and set as an example for you?
" Aha. I really don't know for that.. uhm, should I be glad?"

·      The director of the company felt like you lacked talent and told you: “Why are you so bad at (insert thing your character has most talent in)?”
"Well, that's rude.. I.. I guess I wouldn't say anything. There shouldn't be much of a reason for my
lack of talent.. he is the director, so saying something would be bad.."

·      Sang Jae Sung came and flirted with you? (Keep in mind that he is a member of FROST Ent. so you will most likely see him every day afterward.) What if he went and did the same thing with another girl?
".. (blushes a deep red) Well, I.. really wouldn't mind it. I-If he spoke with me, that'd be a real..
thrill for me.. Jaesung-sshi's popular, so him flirting around shouldn't be much of a surprise.."

·      You got a part in the group?
"Cherish my days as if they were my last."



TOGETHER. ASDFGHJ-- For Bangyeol, I'm basically giving him to you. :'D
Like, you can make up everything about him. ;orz I'm sorry. I'm really out of ideas.
I think it might be too much trouble, though. ;A; If it is, I'll make another app for him!

Scene request?:
Not at the moment. ;orz


I feel like I filled some things wrong..
Could you provide a small review in the comments? :'D
I like reviews. ;orz

Anything else?:
I luv you. asdfghj-- ;u; <3


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So, now that she's officially Frost trainee... How about a duet? :D
Being both friends and crush is perfectly fine. Don't worry. :)

Asdfghjkl! I like her so much! You totally wrote the kind of person I felt was missing in the trainee bunch... And her being 21 and the Main Vocalist, that's just too perfect!

Aw, nice of you to give me someone! That's the first time that ever happened to me. Bangyeol, I'll find him a place. XD.

As a more detailed review:
I think her personnality is really well described. Maybe you could precise when 'Ai' was developed. Was she there before Naeun's debut and only use as a stage persona or was she there way before?
For the part where you say she was scouted by Frost, was it like a member of Frost was hiding amongst the SM Staff and kinda stole her from her Sm auditioned? I could totally see that happening... XD

Nothing else to change. It's really good. :)
By the way, although I've never been to Vancouver, I live in Canada. Funny ~

I love you too! ;)