
This morning when my little brother and sister were getting ready for school, my mom had told my little sister Maleena to go brush her hair. And I guess at the last minute before she was leaving for the bus, my mom had said, "Maleena, you look like Medusa. Is that who you want to look like?" it was the funniest thing ever! I got a really good laugh from that one. ^^


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babysach #1
you know, my school principal has really curly hair. i think she totally perm it.
anyway, her nickname is medusa haha. i think she doesn't know we call her that.
so whenever we see her, we'll go, medusa medusa. then we'll all scatter haha.
wow!!! mum really said that to momo??? xD lmao
trolololol. your mom.
Lol ur mom is funny xD Hahahaha
LOLL. your mom has humor :D
LOL!! Tough love, ya know? LOL!!
LOL that's so mean XDDD