( the ice cream shack ☄ ) » han jihae

The Ice Cream Shack ☄

han jihae


Applicant Info.

Username → HaeKyung

Nickname → Today, I am Dani! (Usually uses username) Herpderpderp! ;u;)9


Basic Info.

Name → Han Jihae

Nickname → Jiji

Age → 17

Birthday → 09/20/1995

Height → 162 cm

Weight → Slim



Ulzzang → Kang Hye Yeon

Photos → 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Backup ulzzang → Ryu Hye Ju

Photos → 1 | 2 | 3


Appearance → Her apperance is pretty much of any average teenage, girl; Her hair length is past the shoudlers, and looks between brown and black. Since it's pretty thin and not as easy to work with, she ties it messily into a bun, or ponytail (especially since it's summer, it doesn't help the fact that it's blazing hot when she lets it loose.) Her eyes are brown and doe-like, while her lips are small and petite. Her skin is usually pale, but since coming to the beach a lot, you could say she's tanned a bit. She doesn't like to wear anything more then lipgloss and lipbalm, in product terms; she doesn't paint her nails as often either, but if she does, they're usually just a really, pale pink, or top coat. She has no pierecings (not even earrings), because she claims to have no use for jewlery (also doesn't want to risk loosing anything expensive). She's of average height, but isn't all too surprising in sizes. (Sizes, as in chest area, hip area, etc, etc.) Doesn't show off that much of a "curve".

Style → Jihae doesn't have that much of a fashion sense, but it's pretty decent. Her attire consists of mostly baggy sweaters, summer shorts, convers, and sandels. As much as she loves the beach, Jihae prefers not to prance around in a bathing suit, or bikini like the others because she's grown a little insecure about her body. If she were to go swimming, a large tee and a pair of shorts with her swimwear underneath. Also due to the fact that she's a little embarrsed to even be seen in a bathing suit. Two peices reveal too much. One peices just show off all your curves, and Jihae feels like she has none; if Jihae was really, really comfortable though, then yes, she would wear a bathing suit. Nothing fancy, flashy or girly. If anything, she'd just wear a sports swimsuit, or ones that come with shorts. She'd never want to wear a two-peice; Jihae also prefers jeans over a pretty, floral skirt, because Jihae just likes to keep things simple.

Summer/Casual Attire: 12 | 3 | 4

Swim Attire: 12 | 3



Description → Jihae is a girl who has troubles finding what she wants to be - or, rather, has troubles finding herself. Like most girls, she's a little insecure about things, like her apperance; she's the type to watch her own actions to keep from other's judging her. Someone who would freak (on the inside) about something so minor and unharmful, that she'd never let it down. But, as insecure as she is, Jihae tries hard to keep her insecurities to herself. Jihae dislikes having to worry others, and prefers to solve her own problems rather than having someone step up for her. She's a little too independent, and refuses to depend on others. Jihae doesn't want others thinking she's weak, and can't stand up on her own two feet. She wants to prove that she can work her hardest without being told. To float her own boat and sail the seven seas. Jihae is very much the type to keep at one thing at a time. To do what's needed before what's wanted. Really, this girl gives up on her dreams much too easily. If you has offered for her help one day, the same day she made plans for herself for something she'd only be able to do once in her life time, in all honesty, she'd give it up for you because that's just how she is. Jihae will always put herself second place; despite her low confidence in self, Jihae is a very hard worker, who works diligently when told. She has a habit of keeping things organized, tidy and always does things on time.

You'd think that someone like Jihae would be a little dull, a little too blaah, for someone's liking.. but, for some reason, she just carries a natual charm around her. Like, an ability to just keep the aptmosphere relaxed, content. Though, she'd be unable to pump up a party, she can manage to make a decent joke here and there - a little dorky interaction that you can't help, but smile at. Little things that make you grin. She can be clumsy at times, too, but her efforts to work hard can make up for it. And as bad as her jokes are, her smiles make up for it too; when you meet her, she's a little awkward at first, and just needs some time for her to ease up on you, because she isn't all to used to making friends as often. Jihae is a girl, full of insecurities and a mind set to keep others happy. She may be a little stubborn at times, and as much as she says that she wouldn't want to burden you, you just have to be persuasive. All you need is to give her a little push, a little nudge and a little hope, and boop! She'll be movin' on~

Likes →

  • sweet pototaos
  • acoustic guitars and piano
  • romantic comedies [movies/books]
  • various kpop groups [shinee, snsd, tvxq, 2pm, etc, etc.]
  • dogs
  • seafood
  • listening to music
  • taking pictures

Dislikes →

  • getting her picture taken
  • her laughter
  • sand clinging to her feet or anywhere else [in all honesty, who does? :'D]
  • bugs or amphibians
  • spicy food
  • getting criticized

Hobbies →

  • journaling [basically, writing in her journal every night, listing off events that occured that day]
  • photography [owns both a polaroid camera and a nikon; takes photos of mostly nature]
  • reading [off iphone, laptop or paperbacks]

Trivia →

  • chews at the ends of her sleeves when nervous or thinking over something
  • has an allergy to peanuts
  • favorite food is sweet potatoes
  • carries a small, brown napsack with her
    — [consists of: journal, camera, lotion, sunscreen, lipbalm, wallet, keys, school ID, glasses, and iphone]
  • eats petitely eg. will take tiny bits out of everything; rather, she just nibbles
  • has a puppy named "Popo". the name taken from "Ppo-ppo", meaning "friendly kiss in korean
  • is near sighted [wears contacts, but brings her glasses just in case]
  • snorts when she laughs

Favorite ice cream flavor → Purple Yam : As odd as it sounds, the flavor of sweet pototao yam is something simple, and sweet. Although it's not something everyone likes, Jihae is quite fond of it. Why Jihae likes it over a creamy, chocolate sundae? Because it's unique and individual. For Jihae, simplicity is best. She tried it only once so far, but she keeps it as her top over ice cream any day. Her brother bought it one time (store unknown), but, didn't like it as much as Jihae did so, they don't have it as often as Jihae would have liked.



Biography → As a child, Jihae had always been independent; she grew up without a mom through-out most of her life, and at times became the mother of the household. She doesn't remember too much about her, so it's not that much of a memory. All Jihae knows is that she lived most of her life growing up with 2 men in the family. Her dad, and her older brother Jiho (Not Zico from Block B). As the only girl of the family, Jihae didn't quite pick up that many feminine aspects. Very few really (her reasons for not wearing anything too girly in ways). Although she was quite girly at some point in her life, Jihae didn't find it as comfortable as she did in her state of jeans and sneakers. Sometimes she'd think being a girl was too troublesome; her brother on the other hand would always try to get her to wear a skirt at least, on days she would go out to walk the dog or go out for just the heck of it, but Jihae would always refuse. One of the reasons for that would be due to the fact that, as a child, Jihae was a little rounder than most girls. She was bulky around the arms, and legs (mostly around the stomach), and didn't want to be teased. So, the tomboyish attire remained up til' this day, even if she's slimed down a bit, she still finds that her weight is a tad heavier than other girls, and hides body underneath bundles of sweaters and loose clothing.

As a kid, Jihae was also very quiet. She didn't make many friends, or talk to other students because she'd also grown a bit of an attatchment to her older brother. Her older brother Jiho - her hero and savior. Her best friend for life. She'd always prefer to hang out with him than to play hop scotch or jump rope with girls of her age. Maybe it was because Jiho and their father would always spoil Jihae, but maybe it was because Jihae just found it better that way. But, all went well, I would say. When she grew older, she crawled out of that little shell of hers, not entirely, but slightly enough to know her classmates by name. Knowing them well enough to drop honorifics and eat with them at lunch. It made her a little more confident - a little less shy. But, it was still a work in progress; later on in the furutre, when Jihae turned 16, her brother had taken the oppuritunity to study in America, and being the determinded man he was, he did so, bidding his father and his little sister goodbye. Jihae was upset about this at first, but she realized that this time, she didn't have to lean on anyone anymore. She was 16, and she'd have to learn to fend for herself (even if she still has troubles). She'd have to learn to grow up a little more - to try new things and get out a little. But, it'd just take a little time.

Lifestyle → Jihae and her family aren't wealthy, but more or less an average family. There are things they can afford, and whole lot that they can't, but it's good that they're able to buy what's needed rather than what's wanted. The three have lived in the same apartment building since forever, which is somewhere in the middle of Paradise, not too far away from the beach; the apartment building isn't all too fancy, and appears to be a little run down, but it's durable and the Han family appreciates it. They've lived there too long to actually want to find a better place. While Jihae attends school, her work travels usually vary. Usually, she'd either walk, jog or bike down to the beach. Other times, she'll just get lazy and take the bus there (which would only take about 5 minutes to ride down there). It usually depends on the weather, and how active Jihae would be feeling that day.

Education → Jihae is currently in her third year of highschool, and will graduate somewhere around, after Summer. She is currently planning for college, but hasn't quite yet figured out what she wants to do, or wants to be. Also has no clue to what college she'll want to attend. Maybe, even a university.

Job application → Being in her last year of highschool, and since Jihae has had no job experience whatsoever, Jihae requires job credits in order to graduate highschool. Since there really wasn't any other places for her to take on a job, and although she could have taken a job experience after summer, during school and all that, Jihae decides to get it over with, and work at the nearest place possible: the Ice cream shack, down the beach. She thought it'd be good as a job oppuritunity; she would get paid, she would recieve her job credits for highschool, and all she'd just have to serve ice cream to beach dwelers. It was perfect.


Love Lines

Love interest → Oh Sehun [Exo-K]

Age → 18 (04/12/1994)

Education → Currently in his first year of University; majoring in film and photography

Personality → Sehun appears to be one of those guys; the guy with an unfamiliar poker-face, who would only sit, watch and observe the world around him. The type of guy who keeps to himself, and lays personal standards and distances with other people. The type of guy to have boundaries, and will only allow certain people to break through. In reality, Sehun is just a quiet guy, who, like Jihae, has troubles in getting to know others. He's often shy at first and doesn't say much, but he'll try his best to make a good impression. He's really kind of dorky, and can't make the best jokes, but when he warms up to you, and you warm up to him, he's quite playful and often childish. He is an observer, and likes to keep watch of his surroundings so he doesn't say something real, stupid or insensitive.

Relationship → Between the two, it was Jihae to have fallen head-over-heels for the Pokerfaced Sehun. At first, when seeing him visit the beach a few times, taking pictures and whatnot, she had previously seen Sehun as someone cold, and unfriendly. She saw him as someone who didn't want to be talked to, or didn't want others getting to know him. Someone who didn't like making friends, and preferred to be kept by himself. But, after noticing him more often than she had meant, Jihae realizied Sehun wasn't as bad as she assumed. He was calmer, much cuter in an adorable, dorky way. She couldn't help, but watch the boy at times, seeing how he'd act proud to see how well his photo came out, or how his nose would scrunch up when it didn't come out the way he'd wanted it. She'd giggle at how he'd make the most adorable expression when an idea popped into his head, and it was then that she realized how much she really wanted to befriend this boy. But, being Jihae, the girl who had no courage, and too many insecurities to do such a thing, she decided admiring the boy would be much better of a choice.

Sehun, on the other hand, although always taking photos or filming the beach life of Paradise, he too saught Jihae at some time around. He saw how she'd always be looking at him, and he was most certaining awed by how simple, this girl had looked. Simple, but in a pretty way. He had to fight all eagerness of wanting to steal a photo of her, but fought back against it when he knew just how creepy that would have seemed, how weird it would be to go up to a girl and ask: Hey, I thought you were really, really pretty, and I was just wondering, may I take a picture so I can always admire your beauty? Yeup. Sehun. Nooot, creepy at all. So, instead, like Jihae would have thought, maybe just watching her and she watched him was better than to actually confront her, right? Dear Sehun did what he decided, and traveled to the beach plenty of times. But, after days of avoiding, and only watching, Sehun had, had enough. For some reason, on that day, he just told himself he'd take things up a notch. So, what did he do? He went up to TICS, and got himself some vanilla ice cream. To his dissappointment, he wasn't served by the pretty girl he had eyes for, and was very much upset with himself for making the decision to speak with her now. While he was averting his way back to the beach, he just happened to bump into GUESS WHO, who had scurried off on a bathroom break, and due to collision, Jihae was covered in ice cream. You could say it wasn't how the two would have like to have met, but it was better than not having met each other at all. After that, the two would see more of each other at the beach. Eventually exchanging numbers, and making plans to hang out together, and thus, a close friendship sky rocketed! (Perhaps more than friends to come?)


Backup love interest → Huang Zitao [Exo-M]

Age → 20 (09/21/1992)

Education → Currently in his second year of Universtiy; majoring in film and photography

Personality → Like Sehun, Tao has a very harsh look to himself. But, really, Tao is an adorable panda boy, who's too childhish and presistant for his own good. He likes to move at his own pace (which I would say it rather quick), and is the type of guy to follow his heart. Tao is one of those guys, who kind of push you at times that you really can't say no. And his attempts to aegyo, don't help that fact either. Tao, although quite big in size, is really hyperactive and loves having fun, but out of everything, he hates being told what to do.

Relationship → It was out of the most oddest ways of meeting one another - not the usual "hello, my name is", or a cliche situation where the latter bumped into the raven. Nope, they met because Zitao needed an assignment: and his assignment, was to get a girl. Hey, yeah, I know what you're thinking, but this situation a little bit different. Tao, while majoring in film and photography he was given the assignment to design something of his own. Something simple, and classy. Nothing too bland, or flashy. So, what came into his mind?.. OH, GOSH, IT WAS SUMMER. So, away the little panda went, in search of his perfect model, when suddenly he found her. A girl so simple, so average and boring - someone who never dared to ever wear a bathing suit - well, ha. She caught his eye. She, out of all the other beach babes he had saught, Tao had chosen her. It was a little awkward for him to be asking, but he went up to the girl and asked her "Hey, cutie! You wanna be my model?!" Jihae of course refused to this. She didn't like her picture being taken, especially since she had thought wasn't as pretty as other girls, and most certainly did not have the body of any model out there, but Tao was persistant. He wanted his assignment to be different, and he wouldn't take no for an answer. He told her her fashion was crap, and that she needed a little kick to start anew. He explained how she would never find a boyfriend in a state where she would show no skin, besides her bare legs.

Somewhere around those lines, when Tao was most certainly on the verge of giving up, Jihae finally broke. She was tired of Tao following her, giving her offers of money, and or fame, and how he'd make her the most beautiful girl in the world. Jihae just didn't want it anymore, and most suddenly agreed. So, the two worked slowly; every other day, Tao would try to teach Jihae how to smile in photos. How to pose, and how to act. Eventually, the two got a little closer into the relationship, as much as Jihae disliked having to do such a thing for Tao, she eventually enjoyed their tiny little work together.. and it wasn't because of a camera~



Comments → Herp. I can't help, but feel like I made a real typical application that has no originality. asdfghjk-- Haekyung-kyung-kyunggie might've failed this one.. but, honestly, I like this app. ;u; There are some things I really enjoyed writing! Uh-,but authornim. I do hope it's not too difficult for you to grasp Jihae, or Sehun's personality. asdfghj-- I-I don't know if you would. You can, right? I didn't make it derpy, did I? D':
Also, is Sehun's relationship with Jihae boring? I wrote too much on it, and I was just wondering if you think it is. If Jihae was with Sehun, then both of them would progess to getting more confident, yes? And then with Tao, he'd be the one to boost her all the way through- but, I'm just a little worried that you might find Sehun x Jihae a little .. blah. ;orz What do you think authornim? I keep wanting to switch theeeem, but then I start liking one more than the other and then vise versa- and- AH, SO MANY WORRIES. /DEAD. Please tell me if I should switch them, or not because yeah. I don't even- I also  apologize for not being the best writer out there. Sometimes my writing doesn't make much sense. /sobsobsobs.


Suggestions →

  • Sehun bumping into Jihae and getting ice cream on her (lol. part of their relationship, thing. asdfghjk-- /dead)
  • Sehun finds the shop where Jihae's older brother bought her favourite ice cream, and he buys it for her as a surprise
  • Sehun tries to make Jihae go for a swim, but Jihae confesses how she's unconfortable with her body, and how she had problems as a kid
  • Jihae takes Popo (her dog) on a walk, and the dog starts barking at Sehun when they encounter each other


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