〈 T H E ᐧ M A N A G E R ' S ᐧ O F F I C E 〉⋮ second interview




〈 second interview



To the applicants of 7/11 branch store #152,


Regarding your employment, our managing team has decided to offer a second questionaire in order to better get to know our prospective coworkers and formulate a greater understanding of how our team will shape up in the future. Also, Kris wants hot coworkers shut up no one listens to you Joonmyeon.


The manager's office


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username : Haekyung

character name : Song Hanul

love interest : Baekhyun, Zelo, andandand uuuh- Zi..tao(?)

shift desired : Morning Shift

position desired : Cashier


01. implications of eyebrows. :

.. (blinks) Eyebrows? (suddenly goes up to touch her own) Uh- I don't really know what to say about that.. Is it like a new thing? Like a new ? (GASPS) Do guys like it when girls like eyebrows?! I-I didn't know that! If that's the case then I think eyebrows are amazing! I.. I LOVE EYEBROWS-

02. the nursing home : .

 I guess I'd do it. Because. Well. What else do I do? Do I say no? Am I suppose to say no? Is Joonmyeon a bad person?!
(le re-gasps) But, I think it also depends on what he asks. If he asks me to lift a box and bring it over there, then of course I would. It's part of my job, too. If it's something like smelling his armpit, then.. no. Probably not. (raises her brow, suddenly petting it oddly when remember previous question)

03. steaming up the room :

Yes. Yes I would. (nods, with a stupid little grin plastered across her face) Mwehehehe..

04. mathematical skills :

Two. I'm pretty sure it's two.. Or, maybe it was- no. Wait. It is. IT SHOULD BE. I DIDN'T KNOW THERE WAS GONNA BE A TEST. I'M NOT PREPARED- IS THIS A TRICK QUESTION? I DIDN'T BRING A CALCULATOR- (spazzes)

05. there's no 'i' in team :

Uhm, well, I'm not sure. I haven't gone around to know everyone face-to-face yet, but I think I'd probably get along less with.. Baekhyun. He's a derp, and he's mean and he's a bully who bosses me around, and he's a jerkface who doesn't know how to have fun, and and and-.. Yeah. But, then again, I think I'd get along with him most because he's the only person I know. He's actually pretty nice, sometimes.. (clears throat)

06. invasion of the fans : 

Cleaning and restalking the ramen wall. (stupid smile) Mr. Luhan is a man, he can handle himself. (nods) Plus, the ramen wall has lots of snacks, and if no one's looking I can just go on ahead and- (coughcoughcough) I MEAN- As an employee of 7/11, branch #152, I Song Hanul must keep at her desk and work! It is the security guards job to save Mr. Luluhan!



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