Daruma-san Fell Down

  • Chara: faggot8
  • Genre: ePIC Horror!!! WARNING +++, Fail Comedy, AU (sisters!faggot7; mom!Vicky)
  • Summary: In which the three mischievous bears summoned a stalker ghost and got their family into a chaotic mess.
  • Note: Read this first thnx.



It was Saturday morning, where everyone's chilling in their own spots feeling all carefree and stuff. Vicky, a mother who has 7 kids, was getting ready to her father's birthday party in which the other 5 of her kids said 'would be boring and pointless' for the lack of cake (and lots of apple ciders, ew) so she made the two eldest, Po and Ria come along.

"If only Dad's here," Ri sighs. "Dad's in Paris," Vee says. "Yeah, I know," Ri answers, crossing her arms.

"So as usual, behave and don't make any trouble, understand?"

"Yes, mom," the kids answered in unison. Except for one. "Rita?" Vicky calls out, and the latter lifts her head up from her laptop. "Yeah?"

"Are you listening?"



And with that, Vicky, Po and Ria left the house, leaving 5 children without parental guidance. Well, not much of a big deal, they're grown ups, weren't they? With the oldest being 16 year olds, they can take care of themselves right.

And right about then, this child Cher has an idea, as she scrolls down her favorite horror blog and finds a great game to play.

"Hey Kylie, we should totally play this Daruma-san game. It's challenging," Cher nudges the other, making her choke on her cereal. "Don't nudge my hand while there's spoon in my hand okay?! And what the heck is that anyways?"

Cher chuckles and looks around before leaning close and whispers to her twin sister, explaining her about the so called Daruma-san. Kylie felt shivers up her spine before pulling away and shakes her head in refusal.


"It's a haunted game, you little !"

"YOU'RE NO FUN. Am asking Vee, bye," Cher says before she gets up and leaves, leaving scared Kylie behind (in which she follows up right after).

"Hey, Viv," Cher says before glomping her sister, grinning grimly. "Wanna play?"

"No, I'm busy," she says as she turns to Cher; frowning. "Did you call me Viv?"


Okay, two strikethroughs: Vee and Kylie. Losers doesn't want to play the Bath Game with me should not be tolerated, anyways, who cares? I have like, 2 more sisters, Cher huffs.

And so the latter crawls to her sister Rita's bed (have we ever mentioned how Rita looks like Merida; unlike the others who look like Mulan and Sailormoon? Something's fishy.) and pokes her , the only way to avert Rita's attention.

"Whoa there, Cheroo! Stop mothering me!!!" Rita yells angrily. "You wouldn't say that if you heard my plan," the elder chuckles.



( Exactly 2 hours and a half later. )



"Yes, I have my Daruma-san partner!" Cher yells out to everyone in the house. 

"I thought it must be played alone?" Rita asks, and Cher shakes her head. "Family must stand together, if the Daruma gets you, I'll hit her."

"It won't work, stupid," Ri interrupts as Cher raises one of her brows. "How'd you know?"

"Because it's in the rules, you dumb dumb head."


"I did," the youngest snorts and walks away. Psh, brat.

"Wait Cheroo I thought you're the one who's gonna do this?"

"No, you," the elder says, "and this will work, there's no rules saying you can't play with 4 other people in the house."

It was not even the time before they go to sleep when both of them decided to play the game. Totally against the rules (in which one of it is: "Don't play this game, it's dangerous.") and Cher didn't really care, she just wanted to see if it's true. It's a way to scare Kylie too, she seemed so scared about the idea of summoning the ghost.

"Guys... I don't want to see this ghost following Rita around..." She voices out, clinging onto Cher's arm. "Don't be such a wuss and go to sleep, Vee's probably just as scared as you are," the brunette claims and pats her twin's back. "We won't die, dammit, we just have to make sure Rita doesn't get caught by her."

The photo Ri finds in the internet was very disturbing that she couldn't resist the urge to turn around and look behind her, and much to her relief there's nothing there. Vee is beside her, still being 'busy' with her boyfriend (aka Daehyun's photo) on her phone.

"The ritual's starting," Cher peeks out her head on the door, raising her brow at both of her younger sisters curled up on the bed together with the blanket wrapped all around them. "Um, you ok?"

"Probably if the idea of summoning a ghost wasn't up there in your cracked brain, Cheroo," Ri sighs.

Well, I don't give a ahuehuehuehue.




"Okay now Rita, take off your clothes, and remember to close your eyes. Turn yourself to the faucet, don't ever open your eyes. Wash your hair and repeat "Daruma-san fell down", and the rest you know what to do. Imagine a woman standing in the bathtub and fell down as the tap goes through her eyes. Here, read this instruction before you do it," she hands a piece of paper to Rita.

"Cher i'M SCARED!!!" Rita exclaims after reading the paper.

"No you aren't, calm down okay?! I promised you Supernatural DVD!! Remember!!"

"Fine ugh," Rita says before stripping off all her clothes and enters the bathroom, and as Cher cues to 1, she turns off the lights and ran off with Kylie to their bed.

"I hope she doesn't trip."

"Oh, our poor baby sister."

Exactly about 10 minutes or so later, Rita comes out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped messily around her, eyes still closed as she closes the bathroom door. She quickly runs a few steps away before opening her eyes and shivers in terror.

"I really could feel her behind me," Rita says, almost crying. Right then, Cher felt bad that she had to drag her sister into her sick experiment and ran up to her, hugging her tight. "We ride together, we die together," she says. "Bad bo-"

"Don't," Kylie says. "Fine."

"Don't tell mom about this, though," Cher says, making sure Vee and Ri listen too. "She'd freak out and we all will get grounded."

It was later at 11pm that Vicky is back with two of the eldest sisters, Po and Ria. Visiting grandpa for the whole day made them all tired, and as tired as they are while seeing the 5 siblings being scared in their rooms made them curious.

"What's happening, hm?" their mom asks, embracing them all in a hug. "Cher decided to do something stupi-"

"Nothing mom, we watched a movie. Kinda traumatized," Cher explains with a smile stamped on her face, patting Kylie's back harshly as she laugh.

"Oh well, that's fine. Go sleep, alright?"


They went to sleep with ease after their mom sung something soothing.

They didn't realize a pair of eyes staring at their sleeping figures, though.




The next morning, the first one to wake up was Ria, who was feeling really hot all over her body as she finds out the air conditioner was turned off the whole night. She decided to take a bath first, of course, afterall it's a great morning, great way to start the day with some bubble bath!

How happy she was when she saw the bathtub already filled with water. "Today's my day," she says as she happily tugs off her shirt and went right in before sprinkling some bubble powder into the tub.

"Why did you fall down into the bath?" a voice asks her, making her startled.

"Huh? Who's that? I didn't fall down," Ria shrugs, looking at the door thinking it was Cher doing some weird pranks of hers again. "Cheroo, I have no mood for your bull, leave me alone," the oldest sighs, smothering bubbles on her face.

"Why did you fall down into the bath..." the voice asks again, and this time Ria felt strands of hair brushing her legs, and that's when she screams and stood up, staring down into the bathtub and finds a woman with one eye missing, grinning at her.

"MOTHERING--" Ria screams and runs out of the bathroom crying. What a good day.




"Honey, trust me, there's no ghost in there..." Vicky shrugs, scratching her head as she checks the bathroom for the nth time. "I swear she was right there!"

"Alright, maybe it's your imagination. Or that thing had already went away, I have no idea. Calm down," Vicky says and rubs Ria's back to make her feel better before leaving, walking towards Cher, Kylie and Rita's room.

"Are you hiding something from me, kids?" Vicky asks.

"Uh, the Ri ate the last frozen Mac n Cheese without even heating it up," Rita shrugs. "Yeah, what else?"

"...That's it," 3 of them answered in unison.

"If you're playing some sort of game right now, I recommend to put it into a stop right now," the mother says sternly, staring at all 3 of the kids who always cause trouble. Yeah, those three again.

At the same time in the living room, Po kept on feeling like she saw someone outside the sliding door prying on her that she kept on staring outside. She sighs at the uneasiness that starts to consume her, but she shrugs and continues watching her cartoon series. Not that it made her feel better that she kept on seeing a black figure in the corner of her eyes.

"," she curses as she turns to the window, catching a glimpse of a long haired woman. "The was that?!" She felt her heartbeat running fast, it's totally not strange to see an unknown woman peeking at you outside your house and disappearing when you try to catch her figure...



"Listen, Rita," Cher inhales, holding onto her sister's shoulders. "Make sure you say "Tomare!!" and run as far as you could to distance yourself from her, then turn around quickly to catch a glimpse of her, then say "I'll cut you loose" before you uh, karate chop your hand in one swift motion. Got it?"

"...Got it, I think."

"We don't want mom to find out about her, seriously," Kylie says and Cher nods. "If she does, we... and the ghost will be dead."

It's always hard when your youngest sister has the biggest mouth in the universe and she wouldn't stop leading onto the conversation of the night before, though.

("Mom we have an uninvited guest", "Mom I feel uneasy", "Mom someone's watching me" Dammit.)

Well the big mouthed child didn't have to tell anything further though, because the next victim was Vee and her case was that she felt her shoulder getting touched once or twice, and she almost cried when she felt someone breathe down her neck when she was taking a nap. Cher personally thinks this Daruma-san is a ert, no wonder she had no other eye than one.

It's funny because the summoner was Rita and the culprit was Cher, but they never saw the ghost yet, then how are they supposed to end the game if Rita couldn't catch a glimpse of Daruma?

"Put it into an end, Cher," Kylie says as she still clings onto her twin's arm, being scared as she heard a story from Ri, the next victim after Vee. She got her snatched away while she was wearing it, this ain't cool at all.

"If you want to do so, Daruma must show up behind Rita so she can karate chop her, and if that doens't happen we can't do anything about it," she explains and shrugs as if nothing was happening. 

"What actually went wrong though?" Rita asks, now clinging on Cher's other arm. "Maybe because of Ria, she bathed in the water you washed your hair with."

"We have no choice but to tell both of them about this then," Kylie suggests and all three of them gulp. "They're gonna tell mom," Rita says. "Screw that, we're gonna die! It will get worse if someone gets hurt!"

And so the plans changed, the seven siblings gathered up in the attic as Cher explains their situation to the two eldest. "In conclusion, we're being stalked by a one eyed woman."

"I ing knew it was one of your antics," Ria groaned, and Cher chuckles. "No seriously! This game is chique as hell," she says.

They all promised each other not to tell their mom, but right when Ri points behind Cher, all of them turn to look behind her and...

"Why did you fall down the bath?"







When will it ever end?


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