Jay Park's Diaper Middle Finger Picture Surfaces


Jay Park Apologizes for Flipping the Bird, Diaper Middle Finger Picture Surfaces

As we reported before Jay Park shared a photo of himself sticking his middle finger out and smiling for the camera on February 3. Netizens had mixed responses. Some did not care while others criticized the photo.

Then through an official press release by Jay Park’s agency, he apologized. The press release read, “Jay Park truthfully apologizes for the [middle finger] picture posted. Jay Park should become a role model as a public figure. Jay Park and the agency deeply regret this incident. We will think more carefully before we act so that such an incident does not occur again. We will try harder to only show positive qualities as a public figure. One more time we apologize to everyone that we gave concern.”

Currently after the event another picture of Jay Park flipping the bird appeared on the internet. This was a screen capture of a December 3 “Jay Park TV EP 04” clip that was on YouTube. Jay Park is shown sticking up his middle fingers while he is in a diaper. 


But isn't this kinda normal? I mean, if you look at it. It's JAY PARK! He could get tattoos for like every other night. And has anyone seen his friends? He's basically a normal guy. LOL, but not because he's an idol, he's supposed to act the way the audience likes. He's actually just being himself. Why wouldn't he be? I mean, he's a human being too. Why? Don't other idols bad finger too? 

Someday your idol will another girl with his middle finger. Someday idols will each other. Well, that's the truth. Me too, I can't believe that Tablo is ing his woman. Well, that's because he's a guy. AND A HUMAN BEING.

Just grow up.




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Maybe it's because of the culture. Koreans don't like that.
But I don't understand why knetizens are hating him because of planking? I don't get them.


The last paragraph xD omg ilu <3 ahahaha