An open letter to my boyfriend's ex girlfriend [draft]

Hey there,

We know each other, but we have never spoken a word to each other. I'm sure the only things you know about me are the assumptions you have made from mine and my boyfriend's Facebook and Instagram accounts. I'm also sure that you hate me: a sentiment that I assure you has been mutual for a long time since then. The only moments that we have ever come in contact I undoubtedly contribute to God testing my self-control in the middle of an event. Or t'was just me?

I understand; I really do. Your boyfriend broke your heart. You were hurt, but you couldn't help thinking you would get back together. You left your job abroad. You spent a lot of money for calling him in the middle of the night but he didn't answer. I've been there. Then some girl came along and ruined that. Naturally you were even more hurt that he had moved on when you had no intention to. You made your efforts to keep yourself in his life. You texted him, posted about missing him, and reposted quotes about being in a hard place. It was your last stitch effort. And it all has gone unnoticed.

You haven't seen him since then, I believe. You asked him for a date, even just for an hour. I know you want him back. I know your intentions. Looking back, I should have let him meet you at least for a minute or two. I should have done the right thing because I know the feeling of being left behind. Gone by the wind, as they say, the memories are now. I trust him.

Now it's time to hear my side. I had been hurt and heartbroken in the last year. I was loving life, content with being single. Played around a bit, had fun after that guy broke me. Then he came along. We became best friends. He was handsome, charming, and understood my sense of humor. We could watch Lord of The Rings and lengthy movies for hours and share our mutual love for food. Plan our trips together may it be just Downtown or outside the polluted City. Soon, we started dating. It was then that he told me about you. He told me the wrong that he did, and the trouble you had dealing with the situation. I felt bad for you. You did nothing wrong; It just wasn't meant to be. 

Then something changed. I was soon the subject of your Facebook posts. Your friends attempted to follow me in order to see what I posted. You were hurtful and bitter. You're a monster in my vision, and I'm right about everything I thought of you; you're vengeful, you're full of hate, you're full of YOUR SELF. You took a situation that I had no part in and blamed me for it. It was not my fault that he broke your heart. It was not out of malice that I started dating him later. I didn't even know you. But that did not stop you or your friends from posting hurtful things about me. That's when I started seeing you for who you really were. You were mean. You were bitter. You turned an innocent girl into an enemy. 

For months you bothered me. Sure, I had the boy and the relationship in which I was perfectly happy. In my head, that wasn't all that I wanted. I saw you as a threat, which was silly.  I wanted to solidify that I was prettier, happier, and more well-liked. My boyfriend assured me many times that I had nothing to worry about, but I never listened. I couldn't find it in my heart to let go of the pain and anger you made me feel. You made me feel insecure about my self. Not because of who you are and what you have, but because you keep on sticking words right next to my name. shaming my whole existence.

You, of all people, wanted revenge against me. What did I do wrong? Have I hurt you in any way? Why is it my fault? I have so many questions in my head that your existence almost made me go crazy. And in one snap, I realized, I did nothing. I made a person feel loved, important and most of all, took care of a shattered plate. You ruined him and I'm trying my best to build him up again. I may not be like you: A degree holder, who earns money. I still ask my parents for money at times, that's true. At least I have something that he has been mourning for since he answered your irritable consistency of wanting to be in a relationship with him. Is that what made you insecure? That he confessed to me first? That he loves me more than you loved him? That we get to talk a lot about everything and you don't? Was it, maybe, because I have it better than you did? Did it make you feel better? Congratulations.

I'm writing you to tell you that it's over. I am freeing myself of the hate that has filled my heart. I am done worrying how you compare to me. I have an amazing life. I get to spend it with my best friends, who constantly reminds me that I am enough. I have great friends. I have a group of people whom I suffer with everyday just to perform on stage. I'm known because of my talent, my will.  I am freeing myself from the chains of comparison and pain. My only regret is holding on to the animosity I felt towards you for so long. I'm done caring if you insult me on SNS or publicly share your longing thoughts about my boyfriend. I won't even care anymore if you try to show everyone in the internet your melons. Stop being a prisoner of 'likes' and 'comments'. I know how big of a famewhore you are. You can't even leave your old account because "it has more likers" than your private-ish one. I know.  

So this is farewell.

You'll eventually find love, and I'm excited for that.. I'm ready for the day and the person who gets him off your mind. I hope that one day you'll look back on this situation and regret how you've acted.

Until then, best wishes


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