exo shipping challenge!


orz lmao, i really want to try this, it seems so fun but oTL SO MANY SHIPS MEANS SO MANY STORIES

but  it seems fun, idk, should i try it?

obviously these aren't the order of my ships but orz i was too lazy to sort it out orz T.T




How to play:
1. Top row reserved for bias ships
2. You do not need to fill out the card in order
3. Minimum of 300 words per ship, 1000 words per bias ship
4. Any genre is acceptable, AUs included
5. There is no time limit :)



baekhyun/chanyeol suho/chen kai/sehun xiumin/luhan kris/lay kai/d.o.
tao/sehun kai/luhan suho/d.o. kris/luhan suho/kai kris/tao
suho/luhan luhan/lay baekhyun/kai kai/lay sehun/luhan kris/chen
chen/tao baekhyun/d.o. chanyeol/kris kai/chen d.o./sehun sehun/lay
suho/xiumin kai/kris chanyeol/d.o. xiumin/tao xiumin/chen baekhyun/chen
xiumin/lay d.o./chen baekhyun/lay kai/tao sehun/xiumin lay/chen
suho/baekhyun chanyeol/chen d.o./lay suho/kris chanyeol/xiumin lay/tao
sehun/kris kris/xiumin chanyeol/kai chanyeol/luhan baekhyun/luhan luhan/chen
suho/chanyeol baekhyun/sehun baekhyun/xiumin chanyeol/lay luhan/tao chanyeol/sehun
d.o./xiumin baekhyun/kris d.o./kris kai/xiumin suho/tao chanyeol/tao
d.o./luhan baekhyun/tao d.o./tao suho/lay suho/sehun sehun/chen



Status: 0 / 66




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W-whut i don't get it?