Vote for your favorite SNSD pairings!

OK, so this poll totally made me Sica.

(By the way, prepare yourselves for some cheesy SNSD terms)

All the cool pairings (Yulsic, Taeny, Soori, Yulti) were not in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd places AT ALL! 


We, as loyal royal SONEs, must raise up against this! So, follow this link and vote for your favorite!

(If it's YoonYul... Don't.)


I already voted for my [obvious] favorite!!

the Yurilicous..


Y U L S I C!!!

(But Soori is a close 2nd, mind you)

You can even comment on your pick, and vote on how good or bad the other comments were on other choices. It's Sooawesome.

Like, totally.


If you Si one you like, you can click vote to vote, comment on why and if you want, spazz a bit.

I guess, thats all I can say for now...



Well, see you guys later!





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I will vote any pairings well ~ except for TaeNy O.O The pairing are already too famous