Sobs hardcore

Has anyone watched 07-Ghost before? It's like one of my all time favourite animes. I think I've watched it about three times and everytime I watch it I'm filled with feels and sobs and tears. When mikage and teito split up I cried I let the tears fall cause just the most amazing friendship and it makes you wonder if you'll ever find that person for yourself. Idk it's weird that an anime can have an affect on the way you view life. I really love the idea that we had three wishes and we'd only die after we'd been granted those wishes. I think those who die in the world all died for a reason. It's just scary though how life can be taken away so easily, so simply. I'm not too sure what this blog is about. I think it's literally about anime and how I love it and you guys should all watch 07-Ghost because such a beautiful anime and the guys are hot ;)


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elisaexplosive #1
Aah I need to watch it! I keep postponing it!!
OMG I LOVE THAT ANIME! I actually finished watching it, one of the best anime i watched