Today in French class.




im writing this bc aff is too quiet at the moment



It was so hilarious LOLOLOL You might not find it that funny but I mean

You just had to be there to understand lol


So since we have our Chapter 5 Test tomorrow, we reviewed today by playing Jeopardy with French stuff


We were put into 4 teams and I was in Team 3.  I kept on saying, "We're in Team... Three.  We will... try.  Team Three will try.  T is for try" and yeah but okay anyways


So we got into the thing and we were LEAAAADDDIINGGGGGGGG


My friend was the spokesperson and whenever there was a new question on the board she would ask me like "QUICK HOW DO YOU SAY THAT?!" I would cling to her and be like "THIS!" and I would whisper it and she would say it and we'd get points


And then there was this one question that threw everyone off.


We had to translate "I am hungry and thirsty.  I would like something to eat and drink."


My friend was like "HOW?!" and while everyone was like talking to themselves trying to figure out A REPRESENTATIVE FROM ANOTHER GROUP stood up and said it

and I was still going "It's 'J'ai faim et j'ai soif.  Je voudrais quelque manger et boire'. GO GO GO GO!" then she got all confused then I had to say it again and omg

and the other representative was stuck at the "drink" part and then the teacher just looked at our team and was like "What is it, Team 3?" and I was like "Do we have to say the whole thing?" she was like "Just the drink part because they already said the rest" and I whispered to myself "BOIRE BOIRE" and she said it

and we had the same amount of points as that team did



It was like a question towards the end where it said something about getting fries and stuff and we were all scrambling and screaming

and this one guy from another team was just like dancing with his hands in the air all waving like "FRITEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES"


We were laughing so hard and I'm on my monthly womanly problem so my stomach started hurting while I was laughing

and when we got out of class i was walking beside one of my friends and we were talking about it and laughing in the hallway going "FRITEEEEEEES"

and yeah


and we won too yay


On the bright side, I have three 100s on my report caaaaaaaard ~ the rest are 90s lol except for English 'cause our teacher was out for a long time and they didn't get to put our grades in the yearbook so we had "Incomplete" on our report cards fkjdslfjskd

and yeah



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xxHardcoreShawolxx #1
HahaxD ur fre class seems soo fun!;) im in the 2nd grp 4 fre so we kinda knw the basic stuff but i rly wish i can go 2 ffl(french as a foreign language) and play games/quizzes where u hav 2 do translations... I dunno if they even do tht at my school... ^^ xx
you presh thing omg xDDD
I alrdy did something like this too like
we had to solve questions and in the end I just screamed around somewhere .__. XD
/sobs you're precious...
haha we played a review game in medical today, but our team got last because out buzzer kept messing up ;__;
and i understand. it's okay. just wait a bit and the woman problems will go away. AND THEN COME BACK IN FULL SWING BECAUSE IT IS A ____HHHHHHHHHHHHH.
we saw a little boy get with his crush while his sister was an annoying third wheel
also tintin
in french
ㅋㅋㅋ Seems like you had fun... We barely get to play anymore games but I still love French class. (even though I at French...)