funny story with k-pop gif's come check this out :)



  • Funny Story with kpop gifs

    Okay, so I decided to do a post with lots of gifs to make a story ! ^^ It’s gonna be fun ! And I have a bunch of funny gifs :) 

    Okay so my life is all about kpop  And I get so excited when they release new songtumblr_mcmwitl4Av1rznc6j.gif


    And I really want to show people because it is just amazing and whenever I talk about it they’re like tumblr_mcmwkdcyQn1rznc6j.gif  or tumblr_mcmwlpg2iM1rznc6j.gif


    tumblr_mcmwnwsxdi1rznc6j.gif  tumblr_mcmx4wj9gL1rznc6j.gif 


    and i am just like

      then i get either sad or angry

    Because it’s like their judging me tumblr_mcmww1SKHF1rznc6j.gif
    Then I go on Youtube to go watch some korean varitey shows with kpop idols tumblr_mcmwy4qhME1rznc6j.gif  
    They just don’t know how funny and talented (and adorable..) these people are ! tumblr_mcmx5znUot1rznc6j.gif tumblr_mcmxbrmKJF1rznc6j.giftumblr_mcmx7rQ6iv1rznc6j.gif 
    And i’m like “Why don’t they like it ?” tumblr_mcmxxqYFlp1rznc6j.gif   I keep thinking really hard.. tumblr_mcmxatv21e1rznc6j.gif Then i’m in deep concentration.. tumblr_mcmy03VNxW1rznc6j.gif But I just can’t find the reason ! tumblr_mcmxlp8lEv1rznc6j.gif 
    And they’re just looking at me like i’m weird tumblr_mcmxd1dkc71rznc6j.gif 
    I just wish they would just be like tumblr_mcmxfxX5g81rznc6j.gif 
    Then I just give up tumblr_mcmxh1VwpS1rznc6j.gif 
    But after a while of watching some korean shows I get all happy and i’m just like tumblr_mcmxij55Ug1rznc6j.gif  
     tumblr_mcmxjv1KV41rznc6j.gif Hahah ^^ 
    This is my life and I love it ♥





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ha.... i think everyone feels that way ahha :)
i think B1A4 are some of the best fanboys ahhaa i love their reactions... especially Sandeul's
can i just ask who's the one nunchucking? it looks like INFINITE'S L to me but i'm not 100% sure. is it?... who is it? ahha
i can sooo relate, i mean there is nothing with us loving these people because we dont harm any of them
exotic02 #3
I can sooooo relate XD
rocksolidpanda #4
hahahahaaaaaa!!! I love that! It is so true!! And that Kevin gif had me rolling on the floor! XD
I make each and evryone of the people i talk to like Kpop
Right now im working on this girl who hates Asians
and unlike most people would ignore it
i will make her love korea
right now she really likes Miss A....
Thank God my sister is a fan too...but I feel your pain XD
Me too my sister always makes fun if me because I'm always watching or doing something related to kpop or Korea but I'm still proud to be a fan :D
i understand your feelings too...
lucky that i had other kpop fans in my life~ XD
This is pretty much the best explanation to a kpop fans life.
AHHAHAHHAHHAHAH lol~ well i know how ya feel there xD and LOL Kevin xD
Chocolatemushrooms #13
Oh my gosh, Kevin in the end XD