Runningidols application




   Who are you?   

AFF Username: Eunmi_217

What should I call you: Eunmi

Activity level: 4 ( im not online because i busy with school and roleplay,but i really interest with your story XD )


   Special Girl    

Character name: Oh Jooyin


Joo - Her name has Joo,so many people call her that.

Yin -  her name has Yin so that's why they call her that.But only her family call her that

Keira - Her stage name is Keira.Everyone call her that

Age & Birthday: 12/12/1994

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Birthplace: Busan,South Korea

Hometown: Incheon,South Korea

Height and Weight: 165 cm and 46 kg

Spoken Languages: 

  • Korean ( fluent )
  • English ( basic )
  • Chinese ( fluent )

   It's Me   

Personality : JooYin is seen by many to be a random girl who likes to play jokes on people, like pranking them or just normal plain jokes, that aren't funny but somehow make people laugh because it wasn't funny. She is always talking and not with a slow and normal pace, but fast like she's rapping or something. She also really loud and gets scolded by the people around her numerous times. The reason why she is seen to be random is because you never know what she'll do next. One time she'll jump in you face and start crumping in front of you, and the next time she'll be all chic and relaxed and then suddenly ask you if you like peanut butter.

Her own personality already makes people laugh even though she doesn't mean to. Some people even wonder if she drinks cans of energy drink for breakfast or something because she is THAT random and so energised that it's hard for others to keep up.
Aside from her crazy, random and funny self. JooYin is also a very caring girl and is not afraid to speak her mind. Sometimes she even thinks aloud and say embarrasing things that she's thinking without noticing. She is also straight forward, if she doesn't like something,she says it, but not in a cold way, more of a sarcastic/nice way. JooYin doesn't care about what others think, because if she did, she wouldn't be the random and hyper girl she is now.
She can also be a bit stubborn and cause trouble for herself, but only for herself. She believes that if she does anything wrong or if it's her fault, she won't be a coward and will face the consequences and punishment. JooYin is also a bit selfless, sensitive girl who loves to show others her affectionate side, by skinship.


  • Purple : it is her favourite colour
  • theme park : she likes to go theme park every weekend
  • ice cream : the most  she likes is chocolate flavour
  • kids : she likes to treat kids very well
  • singing : she likes to sing every free time she had. her friend that her voice are daebak
  • make aegyo : she likes to the "buing buing" ones
  • cooking : she always cook for her family
  • skateboard :She always play it
  • soft toys : she likes to hug it when she sleeping
  • reading : she is a bookworm
  • Candies : She kinda crazy for candy


  • heights : it make she feel dizzy
  • graveyard : it is very scare to go there at night
  • being alone : it make she feel everyone did not like her
  • being awoke early in the morning : she dislikes people disturbed  her beautiful sleep
  • bugs : she thinks it is very disgusting
  • Horror movies : It kinda make her cannot sleep
  • Thunders and lightning : It is too noisy
  • bossy people : it can make she has no private time
  • Noisy place : She doesn't like noisy place


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Surfing
  • Bungee-jumping
  • Playing Guitar
  • Eating
  • Acting
  • Doing Arts


  • Biting nails
  • Being a bit guillable
  • Eating in the midnight zone
  • Walk around in circle when thinks
  • Says a word like "Kawaii!"
  • Sleeptalking
  • drink too much water when nervous
  • get shy easily when meet new people
  • play pranks when get bored
  • make aeygyo when asking something to people
  • mumbling something when angry


  • Shrimps ( she Allergies with it )
  • Ghost
  • Bugs and frogs


  • When she was 13, she really afraid of cockroaches. She dare to run away until the basement even the small cockroaches
  • She hates Drawing.
  • She likes to release her tension with writing a poetry or wrote in her diary.
  • Excellent in Maths. Her favourite subjects were astronomy, biology, physics and chemistry.
  • She's kind a serious girl when facing any problems.Really hate too curly hair man.
  • She likes to read an informative books. (Bookworm)
  • Her favourite food is Ddukbokki.
  • Her favourite drink is Chocolate Ice Blended. (Yummy! =D)

   Hello Hello   

Background: Jooyin was born in a happy and peaceful family. At the age of 5, she wanted to become an idol when she grows up. Her parents did not refuse but instead, they supported her. They taught her the basic dance moves. Then, she learned ballet. Her dad taught her how to rap while her mom taught her how to dance. At the age of 7, she started having guitar and piano lessons since she wanted to learn at least 2 musical instrument. Her parents started taking pictures of her and put it in the internet, she became an instant ulzzang due to her cute baby face. She even has her own fanclub and once she goes out, many people recognize her. Her parents also posted videos of her dancing on Youtube. She became a hot topic on the internet. 

At the age of 9, Star was offered to join Quest Crew as they viewed her videos and think that she is good enough to join them. At first, Star did not want to leave her donsaeng, but for her dream to become an idol, she had to sacrifice. She had the chance to travel all over the world with Quest Crew. They went to America to participate in ABDC, America’s Best Dance Crew and won the title. They participated in many competitions, and won tons of money. At the age of 11, Jooyin decided to go back to Incheon and quit Quest Crew. She had to go to school and see her oppa. Quest Crew gave her a lot of money and she was forced to accept it.Jooyin used that money on school and to learn Judo, Karate and Taekwondo. At the age of 12, she became a black belt in all 3. She felt happy since she could add some karate moves into her dancing. After that , her oppa told her that he is working in a company, YG Entertainment and is going to become an idol after a few years. Star indeed felt happy for him but still sad since she knew she won’t get to see him much. She decided to audition for SM Entertainment. She was accepted and she trained there for 6 months then quit because of her studies.
At the age of 13, Jooyin went on a competition in Seoul. She was in the final battle and ‘someone’ was watching her attentively. jooyin won the final battle and after that she went home. That ‘someone’ followed her and pulled her into a Café. It turns out that the person was a CEO Agent of YG Entertainment. He offered her to become a trainee there. Jooyin dreamt of this her whole life and accepted immediately. Every day after school, she would go to her company and practice her dancing & rapping, now , she has become a talented dancer and rapper after all the training she went through. She has done many commercials, cameos, and choreographed for dance groups.

Family Members: 

Oh Seungho || Father || 45 || A Chef || Alive || He is funny, caring, dorky and cute. He likes to sometimes tease his own wife and they have a kind of romantic comedy thing going on. He is very caring to his family and works hard so that they don't have a tough life. He is also full of dedication and determination. He loves his three children so much and is proud to be their father.

Moon Haneul || Mother || 44 || A fashion designer || Alive || She is very caring, calm and affectionate. She likes to act like she is a teenage girl and tries to get JooYin into things that she likes doing. She is very effectionate meaning she loves skinship and would do it t everyone, that's why it's normal for JooYin to express her affection to people. She teaches her children to not lie and be good and kind-hearted. She also supports her children to the fullest and is already claiming to be their fanclub president.

Oh Sehun || Older Twin || 19 || Idol/member of EXO || Alive || He is shy to people he doesn't know, but when he's around people that he DOES know, he is more lively, funny, cute and dorky. His personality and kind of like JooYin's but JooYin is still always more crazier. He loves his sister to death and would do anything for her because he knows that she would do the same. The two siblings are so close to eachother that people tend to become surprised when they show their skinship with one another, because they would kiss and hug, like a western family. 


Bae Suzy || Best friend || 19 || Idol/member of Miss A || Alive || She is full charisma on stage , in reality, she is very mature with her friends and family. Like mother nature, she wants to help everyone. She treats everyone in her company like family, she helps her hoobaes a lot too. She is good at keeping secrets and tends to be secretive. A seeker of harmony, she is a natural peacemaker. She is good natured and people enjoy her company alot. She puts people at ease and makes them feel at home with her.

Lee Seunghyun " Seungri || close friend || 22 ||  Idol/member of Big Bang || Alive || He is dependable, popular, and observant. Deep and thoughtful, he is prone to moodiness.In fact, his emotions tend to influence everything he does. He is unique, talkative, and expressive. He doesn't mind waving his freak flag every once and a while.And lucky for him, most people find his weird ways charming! His hyungs worry about him a lot since he is the maknae of the group. He likes attention aand he talks a lot on variety shows. At times, he exposes his hyungs secrets and another problem arises. All in all, he is a kid at heart and very talkative


Ulzzang name: Park Hye Min " Pony

Ulzzang photo: 1|2|3|4|5|6|

Back up ulzzang name: Kim seuk Hye "Joo"

Back up ulzzang photo : 1|2|3|4|

Girl group you from: F(x)

Your position in the group: Lead Dancer,,Lead Rapper


Ex Lover: -

Reason of break up: -

Love Interest: Byun Baekhyun from EXO

Love Interest's personality: Baek Hyun was a responsible and cute person.He love to annoyed Philia with his ultimated aegyo.He also had charming that everyone fall in love with him.He also funny person.He likes to make Philia happy around him.Sometimes he can be naughty and cod-hearted like Philia.Everytime Baek Hyun hang out with Philia people said that Baek Hyun and Philia was couple but they only friends

Back up Love Interest: Xi Luhan from EXO

Back up love interest personality: Words that describes his personality is poite, sweet, kind and humble. He is friendly to everyone and is adored by everyone too. He is friendlier than no other, he can associate with anyone and start a conversation that can last for hours. Since he is handsome and he has a good personality, many girls swoon over him, with just one look from him they would just faint. Unfortunately, he has no interest in relationships and has his eyes set on one girl. He dances well and is the face of Exo-M, talk about perfect. He has the money, the looks but he is not as perfect as you think. He had a rough past, his parents are barely at home, his past love interest parents never approve dating, then he decided to come to Korea along with his younger brother. He misses his parents but they only come home twice for a month, by now, he does not care that much since he is used to it. Lu Han hates two-faced people, he likes being himself and he wants his friends to be themselves too.

   Hey You   

Comments/Suggestions: Couple mission ?

Password : here^^

Other: good luck^^


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