
So, my friend got pregnant with a guy three years older than her and in highschool.. She's not a hoe, I mean, she uses protection- but she's not a hoe, believe me. Just, this time, protection wasn't enough.

Over the last weeks of summer, she 'did the deed' with him. They really liked each other. A month later, when school started, she started puking daily in the girl's bathroom. In November, she bought nearly twenty pregnancy tests.

All of them were positive.

In December, she started to show. I had to talk to her about what would happen to the child if she went through and kept it ( and the risks that came with it, because she was on drugs), and what would happen if she, well... you know.. got an abortion. She didn't really make up her mind until two weeks ago, and had her aunt take her to Planned Parenthood to abort the child, because she's almost in her fourth month. Once she passes the four month mark, she has to keep the child.

She also told me that the day before, that boy had asked her for her hand in marriage.

She turned him down. "I'm (her age- which shall remain secret) for freaking God's sake. I 'm already prgenant, as if that's not bad enough- but then I'll get married? Hell no..."

I just- urgh. She went to Planned Parenthood after school on Friday. She was freaking out in school at the lunch table when I told her how they perform an abortion.. I just hope she's okay. I mean, she never asked for it to happen, you know, getting pregnant.

She did use protection and all... she didn't want to get 'knocked up'.

She was a wreck, because someone spread the news around the entire school the day after she told me, and in a day, the princiipal and all our teachers knew. And I think withdrawl had something to do with the anxiety too. She wanted to go back (to smoking pot and weed), but then the child could be born with geneteic flaws and irregularities or deformities such as downsyndrome, or a brain tumor.

I almost flipped in class trying to explain to her what would happen to the child if she did drugs during pregnancy. [ I should be one to know... One of my aunts had done drugs during pregnancy (and was drinking) and my cousin ended up being born with a brain tumor. He died when he was six years old, lying on a hospital bed. I was only seven. It hit the family hard, and my great-aunt (the mother-in-law of my aunt) still has a hard time getting over her grandchild's death. It caused a big hole in the family. My aunt divorced my uncle, and took her twelve year old daughter with her in custody (or at least that's how I remember it.) Her daughter now hates her mother to the point where she'd happily plan her death, and went from a flower girl to complete goth.]

So, my friend decided she would get an abortion, and had an appointment for it on Friday after school. Her parents don't know- her parents don't care. The situation she got put in was something too big and powerful to deal with- much less happen to a teenager. She's not even sixteen... One of our friends got mad(jokingly, of course), because if she had waited a bit more she could've been on Sixteen and Pregnant. She said:"SO SHE COULDN'T EVEN BE ON THE DAMN SHOW. She could've been famous... *insert sobs here*" It was funny... for about ten minutes. We all wanted her to keep the child (hell, she did too- but she isn't fit for parenting, and can't afford to raise a child or put her education aside) but none of us want to see a child suffer because the parents weren't economically fit for its upbringing.


I just needed to get that all off my chest kthxbye.


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I talked to her about it last year.
She already told me she'd be a ____ed up parent. And she joked about it last year too. She told me she was pregnant and I took it as a joke but then she got all serious and then she started laughing.
Yeah she can be responsible and all but you know as well as I do that if she kept the baby--even if people approved--the baby wouldn't be raised as an innocent child.