Why so mean?

Im posting this blog post because IM ING PISSED.

It's not the first time I read a blog post about people hating the plot for story writing, for eg. Don't use those cliche ideas/ I don't read such stories blah blah blah.


So let me highlight a point here : NO ONE ING GIVES A CARE WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT.


Yes,Im sure there are some of those writers who always use cliche ideas. AFF is full with them. But SO? What makes a story cliche? Probably the idea. BUT people still read it,so why are you complaining about it? They got featured,and did you? You didn't,so who are you to judge? They got like a thousand of subscribers with their so-called 'cliche' story ideas,and your so-called 'not-cliche-ideas-because-im-creative' story has how many subscribers? Give me a break,stop complaining. If you want to complain,at least DON'T BE SO MEAN. Saying such things like 'I read the foreword,ohgawd what is that? Is that even readable? I mean,Its so cliche!' What does cliche mean to you? Ideas that are often used? Thats just shows that idea is popular and people like reading it. As if your story is any better,oh please. And of course,some people do not have good grammar,so? This is not a writing contest,idiot. As long as the readers understand,its fine. It does not need to have 10 out of 10 PERFECT GRAMMAR,NOT NECESSARY. Some mistakes here and there are understandable,as long as it doesn't cross the line.

So what if there are both an author's note on the top and below of every story? The author wants to write it,just let them. Who are you to say I don't want to read this note,so boring blah blah blah. NO ONE GIVES A . You can read if you want and not read if you don't want,who are you? You're just a 1 Person,a 1 Subscriber. The writer won't die without you subscribing to their story. Thats why I say,NO ONE ING CARES WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. Don't like,don't subscribe. As easy as that. What kind of ing loser-face are you to criticise other writers when you're no better?

A few people have also stated in their 'wonderful' blog post that fanfics should be realistic. And when I read that stupid ing word called-realistic I just see how RETARDED you are. What? You think that such fanfics plots will happen in real life? You think you'll get to marry your idols? HAHA,what are you talking. Like that will happen. These are storylines,who cares if it is realistic? As long as its interesting and keeps the subscribers craving for more,its a good fanfic. I've got to be really honest,until now I have not found even 1 fanfic that keeps me craving for more and wanting more updates. NOT EVEN 1. Im completely fine whether the author updates. I won't and don't want to even lie about that.


So yes, I wrote this blog post because I WAS PISSED. Yes I know you are just stating your opinions. And I respect the fact that everyone should have their own opinions. But if you want to have your ing-wonderful opinions blogged,don't be mean. Other writers may not be THE BEST in writing but  at least they are making an effort. No Authors would post a story that they don't care about. Obviously. Im sure everyone tries their best and thats it. If you're pissed,too bad. Shut the up,I don't give a ing damn.


Oh gawd,save me from the bloggers. I will write another blog post soon so miss me. Bye~

To those bloggers(you know who you are) - I don't come in peace. And im sure you come in piss. so piss out losers. \m/


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Dude I agree with this! I hate nit pickers honestly,I only misspelled one or two words on Fanfiction.Net once,and some of them were all 'Oh! You misspelled this or that!' ...It got really annoying afterwards.