Two Years

I've been on AsianFanFics for two years and goodness, these are amazing years.

I've been through so much.

I've grown as a writer and also as a person.

I met new groups, new people and am forever thankful.

I want to thank ifallelsefails unni, as usual. Thank you.

I want to thank everyone who has been with me since the beginning and now, I want to thank the new friends I've made, MusicChibi, cierra and shadowkitsune13. 

All of you are precious to me.

I want to thank all my readers, everyone who's posted and commented and dropped by to say hi.

I want to thank all 1894 of my subscribers. You are amazing. ♥

Thank you for being here for me and I hope to be here for years to come, as I grow as a writer and bring you new things!


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May you have many more great years here! ^_^
We love you! Happy 2nd Anniversary ^^
happy 2nd anniversary ;)
Happy second anniversary! <3~~
WOW Congrats on your 2nd anniversary~!! ^^
Happy 2nd Anniversary with AFF, sunbaenim~ o w o

You're welcome! \o/
Keep up the great work. o u o
uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa congratulations on your anniversary here. <3
Happy 2nd :'DD hehe keep up the great work on your writing c: it will forever make me melt odg (coughs especially your bap oneshots coughs)
<3 I'm not too far behind lol few months till I turn two \m/
Long live our seniorosity \o/
omedetto~~~~~~~~~ more years to come!!!
your welcome dear :) and thanks too 4 ur beautiful stories here in aff thanks also 4 ur updates ;) happy to read all of them cheers ;)
congrats and thanks for keep writing~ :3