The Shadowcloak Resistance
Recruitment Sheet

Application Sender;

Username: _xUnbreakablex_
→ Nickname: You can call me SH :)
Activity Level: around 3 or 4 ^^

The Recruit;

Name: Hwang Ji Yeon 'Scarlett Amelia De Blecourt'
→ Nickname: Dragonnire | She has a very big and obvious dragon tattoo on her back, so her friends call her that.
Age: 19, 2th August
Ethnicity: Half American and Half Korean
Languages: English and Korean ; Both very fluent
Height: 5'9" (I'm not sure if that is the correct way to put it since i never used feet before)

Attach a Photo;

Ulzzang: Su Kyung (I dont know if Su Kyung is popular?)
one | two | three | four

Back-up Ulzzang: Moon Ya El
one | two | three (I apologise if there no bit of american in them.)

Extras: Ji Yeon has three piercings on one ear and two on the other. She has a big dragon tattoo that goes fromn the back of her neck to her waist, which she is proud of.

Background Check;

Personality: She has a bit of an ice-princess blood in her since she doesnt open up to strangers most of the time. Her killer glare has been described as 'intense' by her best friends. It is rare to see her smile. When you get to know her, underneath she is just a really happy-go-lucky girl who is wild and dorky with her friends. Her smile is considered the prettiest in the world.

Ji Yeon argues particualry well, she likes to prove things by her point. She is strong-willed and will not back down. However, if she is proved wrong she well merely shrug it off and say 'whatever'.  She is a really caring girl, lay a hand on her friends or her parents and you will go down. Her studies aren't really that important to her, but she does really well despite the fact that she doesn't study at all. She perfers to have guy-friends ; she considers girls in her school drama-queens. She will say 'aish' to anyone, be it her parnets or her oppas. Cusses and scarcasms are her strong points, she uses it on all the drama-queens who fakes sobs. Her past for her is a weak point, and she will break the person's arm who mocks her about it. I'm not kidding.

Background: Her mother was a korean woman who worked in a small little cafe in the district of Busan, until she met her husband who works as one of the major stock-holders in America. They fall in love, and gave birth to Ji Yeon. Simple as that.

Maybe not.

Ji Yeon, althought she was pretty, no one really loved her. No one wanted to be her friends. At first she cried to herself many times at night, but she grew with the solitude.Things got worse in High school however. She was constantly builled, teased and even beaten up i school . It was toture for her, and she kept it in all in. End her whole life. Her mother tried to stop her from jumping from the school's rooftop, but guess what? Her mother got killed instead as she dropped from the 5-storey high buliding. Apprently she lunged for Ji Yeon but Ji Yeon happened to move out of the way, and she fell. Ji Yeon could only watch in horror as she dropped from the school rooftop. Her father never blamed her for it, he could understand the bullying Ji Yeon went through.

You may think the bullies at school had stopped with the bullying, but it even grew worse. She was teased for her mother's death, and was labelled as 'muderer.' Her father was worried and wanted her to change school, but she said those simple words.

"I cannot back down until i show them who i really am."

Her father was rather impressed with her courage. Now she walks along the school hall, feared by many. The person who saved her from the torment was none other than Bang Yongguk from kingkas BAP. He taught her how to fight, how to unleash her inner strength. She was grateful, no doubt. She is proud of her tattoo, she sometimes walks down the hallway with just a simple tank top to show off her tattoo, and show them who is the feared 'Dragonnire.'

Family: (Name | Age | Dead or Alive | three words to describe them | describe their relationship. no more than two siblings.)
→ Father: Lionel De Blecourt | 45 | Alive | Fearless, smart, rash | Close |
→ Mother: Hwang Hana | 42 | Dead | Friendly, Out- going, always happy | Close
→ Sibling: None

Friends: (same as above, two at the most)
→ Best Friend: Yongguk, Bang | 22 | Alive | Tough, Charmastic, Dorky | 'brother and sisters' releationship
→ Friend: Minwoo, No | 17 | Alive | Cute, Humorous, Baby-Faced | Best friends


  • The space is a subject she likes studying.
  • She has a addiction for choclate milk, she drinks 2 packets day.
  • She can fight well, but doesn't use her fists alot.
  • She carries daggers around in her pocket and likes to throw it at random people to scare the sh*t out of others.

Love Interests:
→ Name: Daehyun | Jung Daehyun | BAP
→ Age: 19 | 28/06
→ Personality: The cold ice prince of BAP. He wears a mask, and no one knows except for the rest of the BAP members. He rarely speaks, never takes off his mask in front of others. His eyes are alluring, some girls have fainted from just gazing into his eyes. He ignores the fangirls and school, and if they really get on his nerves he will push them out of the way. Literally pushing them out of the way. He doesn't accept gifts from those fangirls, and couldn't be cared about them crying on the fact that Jung Daehyun didn't accept their gifts.
→ Relationship: Awkward. One word to describe them being alone would be awkward. After all, Daehyun liked Ji Yeon first. She had the mysterious aura that attracted Daehyun when Yongguk introduced her to his friends. Ji Yeon also finds Daehyun charming even if he doesn't take off his mask and communicate via paper. The members of BAP often leaves Daehyun and Ji Yeon together, which makes Ji Yeon cuss at them. Ji Yeon has the ablitly to actually make Daehyun smile, she can tell when his eyes turn into cresent shapes.

→ Name: Kris | Wu Yi Fan | EXO-M
→ Age: 21 | 06/11
→ Personality: The cool and chic leader of EXO-M. He has a unforgettable smirk that makes fangirls faints at his feet. He is a bit of a playboy, he likes grabbing fans and leaving them to faint in their friend's arms. Despite all that he is merely a wild boy who likes doing random stuff with his friends. He is considered more mature than Suho, the leader of EXO-K. Although Luhan and Xiumin is older than him, Kris is more mature than them, for they like goofing around constantly.
→ Relationship: Kris first fell in love with a badass girl who was none other than Ji Yeon. She had the badass image which attracted Kris, since he wants a badass girl to be his girlfriend. After EXO-M found out that Kris likes Ji Yeon, they have made plans in getting them together. Ji Yon doesn't thinks about Kris alot, which casues the latter to weep in despair. THey are comfortable spending time together, and it breaks Kris's fragile heart that Ji Yeon only thinks of him as a friend. FRIENDZONED.


Scene Requests: Nothing~

Any Questions? Nothing~

Comments/Anything Else: Nothing~



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