i should have helped, the horror and a beautiful sound of rain

Well, my week was horrid, this isn't base in order of the time, but rather what impacted me most... and scared me for the rest of my life, and i am for once thankful for timings.


I was walking home from school... well, more exactly, walking from the bus stop i alighted at to the interchange to take another bus home. There was this rather... scantily clad woman? She was wearing this really transparent shirt, showing off her black bra and her shorts were barely covering her . In one hand, she held a cigarette, the other was her hand phone. Using both hands she was pushing... a little kid in a baby stroller. It was the type where the baby was facing the mother, and he was just staring at her as she took a huff of her cigarette and then breathing out, not bothering to move her head away from her son but blew it right into the little kid's face! It was the most horrid scene I've scene happen in front of my eyes. 

Thankfully, it was windy and we were walking against the wind... resulting in the smoke "hitting" me in the face. It wasn't the most pleasant thing for me - my nose is rather sensitive. However, i was thankful for that wind, and that smoke making me stink up. For if it was not for the wind, that little boy would have to breath in all that toxic. He's in a stroller, his brain is probably still developing, and his own mother was making him breath in all these toxic that is destroying his and her brain cells. To make matters worst, when she finished puffing the cigarette, she just littered it on the floor, not bothered to go to the dustbin which was just barely 5 steps away! If i had been closer to her, i could have burnt my uniform, and littering is not only bad, it is also ILLEGAL in Singapore (if you plan to visit, please don't attempt to spit or drop any rubbish on the floor. You don't want a fine during your holiday)

I wanted to reprimand the lady, beat some sense into her. However, in what position was I in? Being a student, in what position was I in to tell the mother how to take care of her baby and how to dress? I would just be called a stupid kid who knows nothing, or get my school a complaint about me being "rude".


Just an hour ago(from when i write this), i saw an old lady with one of the stray cats living at my block. I can't bring it home for my house isn't the best place for a cat to be in, being wooden, and also has many fragile items around. I would usually go pet it every time i see it when i go home (it roams around the block of flats i live in). I had just ended tuition and was with my dad walking when i saw the cat being cornered by this old lady, whom i have never met before. She was holding a black trash bag and I suspect she was trying to kill the cat, for the cat was meowing, obviously frightened. I presume the cat has never seen or met the old lady before. As we were walking by, the old lady stopped and looked at us, for we were the only people. I was standing quite a distance away, but the lady (thankfully) noticed us. The cat had quickly ran to me when i bent down and signaled it over, maybe recognizing me from afar, and i let it sniff my hand before it lifted his head at me, asking for a pet, which i gave. However, i had not noticed the old lady walking towards me, the black trash bag still in hand. My dad, had told me to stop petting the cat and go home. The reminder of his presence scared the old lady and she quickly walked off to another block, before my dad dragged me away from the cat and reprimanded me.

I am truthfully worried for the cat downstairs as i type, for what if that psychopath old lady kills the cat as we talk? I regret not trying to bring the cat to somewhere else safer, or at least nearer to the lift landing where there is usually more people, and theres a CCTV camera there... Tomorrow, after my lessons and doctor's appointment, i shall go make sure dear little cat is safe and sound, maybe playing at the playground, or at the stairs itself.


Tuesday, BAP released their ballad "Rain Sound" which I'm listening to on repeat now.  The song is amazingly well put, and the raps were not awkward squashed in the song. When Zelo started rapping, it made me rather emotional as his voice sounded so... broken. He's a really good actor though, i must admit. However, i wonder its just the effect of that black eyeliner and huge amount of eye shadow. 


It's been a hard and horrid week. I hope I'll never have to experience this ever again.



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articuno #1
wow...that's eventful...I'm all lagged and tired this week, waking up late 2 times...Oh well.
awwww poor cat :( people are so evil these days...well for me...is spend my week...in school...studying my heads off...