The Hunger Games!!! XD



Hey!!! Read The Hunger Games!!! It's awsome!!!


In the next blog I will tell u what it is about.....


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I read The Hunger Games! It's awesome!!! OMG CAN'T WAIT FOR THE MOVIE!!
ilovekorea #2
I'm so lost..
ilovekorea #3
UMakeTheSunComeOut #4
I just started the series... it's pretty good, but idk what my final opinion will be :D
I read like ten sentences before I decided I was too bored. I dislike the writing style. =_= Also, I've heard from a friend who had to read that for school that it was really boring and she HATED it.
I might read it someday, but not now. XD
4ever_kpop_love #6
I love that series!! I finished it about a month ago, it was awesome!