「The Secrets of Luminaria」 | Kang Michelle

The Secrets of Luminaria

What is this place really?



( Kang Michelle )


Welcome To The City

Username: ~Clicky Clicky~

How active are you?: 9

Name/Nickname: Hi Ree! :DD I'm Chrissy~


Allow Me To Take Off Your Coat

Full Name: Kang Michelle


  • Mich - Some of her friends that know her as Michelle call her this as a shorter version of Michelle.
  • Mimi - Her brother always teases her with this "dreaded" nickname.

Age: 17

Birthdate: February 13, 1995

Ethnicity: Korean-American


  • English - fluent
  • Korean - fluent


You Look Rather Lovely

Ulzzang Name: Jung Roo

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Back-up Ulzzang: Hong Ah Reum

Picture Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Height: 169 cm

Weight: 51 kg

Style DescriptionMichelle cares deeply about her appearance. She will rarely ever wear shoes besides converse. She loves accessories and will have at least one decorating her outfit everywhere she goes. She likes dressing up for the occasion, and dresses herself depending on her mood. On a down day its baggy sweaters and skinny jeans, while on a normal day she tries her best to look good. The same with shoes, she will not wear a skirt or a dress unless there is something special going on. (1 | 2 | 3 | 4)


Show Me Your Inner Light

Personality:  Michelle is shy. She doesn't really like to talk to others she doesn't know unless they approach her. She is emotional and is very sensitive on the inside even though on the outside she is never showing it. She tends to be very quiet around everyone, even when she's with her friends. It's not that she has nothing to say, she just doesn't know when to say them and how to speak up. She likes to keep to herself and is reserved. In a way, she is socially awkward. She never forces something out of someone else even if she is very curious, which she is all the time. Michelle is quiet, and is a good listener when she tries. Only when she tries, though. When she doesn't, she spaces off and is a complete airhead. She'll make up her own fantasy world where everything is perfect and nothing is flawed. She is a slow learner because of this but she puts in all her effort in everything she does nonetheless, though sometimes it doesn't work out. She is very polite to people she just meets. She rarely ever explodes out into a fit of emotions and rarely ever cries in front of anyone except herself. 

Michelle is a good advice giver, and loves helping out people who need it. Her friends are always going to her for advice because she gives an honest answer. She is never blunt and always says everything in a more gently put way. She is easily scared and intimidated and will never watch horror movies even with a group of other people in the morning. Despite having a few friends, Michelle likes to be alone by herself, reading a book or listening to music. She doesn't enjoy going with the crowd and goes against it instead, yet she hates standing out and getting attention. Michelle has a low self-esteem and is rarely doing things in front of a bunch of people due to her fear of embarrassing herself. She is patient and will wait however long is needed for something she wants or needs. She can be careless and clumsy sometimes, being nowhere near a perfectionist. Just like how she is hurt easily, she is satisfied and impressed just as easily. 

Background: Michelle's family seems close now, but it wasn't always that way. Michelle grew up with her grandmother living with her. Her parents would always ignore her needs and sometimes even forget about her and her brother. It wasn't that they didn't love them; they just sometimes forgot that they had responsibilities for other lives besides their own especially since their grandmother was always taking care of them. This is why Jordan and Michelle became so close, because the only ones they could really depend on when they were young, were each other. When Michelle's grandmother passed away, that's when the family changed. Her grandmother always wished for the family to be closer and tell each other everything, and that's what it became. A closely built family that would not keep any secrets from each other.

Michelle was only five when her grandmother had to leave her. She had barely just started going to school, and she was already putting all of her attention into her studies. She wanted to make her grandmother proud and show her that she would have a better future than everyone else who fooled around all the time. Because of this, she didn't speak much when the teacher didn't ask her to. Jordan's friends would always come over and say hi to her since they found her pretty, but she never said anything back. All she would do is turn a little red and smile. Her classmates have rarely ever heard her voice, and she never really made a friend until fifth grade. After meeting Zelo, she only became a little more social. Yet still not as much as her best friend or her brother.


  • cats
  • birds
  • flowers
  • night sky
  • caffeine
  • dark colors
  • tea
  • clouds
  • astronomy
  • music


  • dogs
  • rude people
  • thorns
  • horror movies
  • aegyo
  • PDA
  • neon colors
  • spiders
  • clowns


  • reading
  • cooking/baking
  • playing piano
  • doodling
  • surfing the internet


  • her lips
  • biting her tongue
  • holding the door open for people
  • twirling her thumbs when impatient


  • horror
  • spiders
  • losing someone close to her


  • She has a pet parakeet named Kuu.
  • Her tongue swells when she eats spicy food.
  • She's allergic to shellfish.


Aren't We Family?


Kang Minjun | 47 | Accountant | Michelle is pretty much exactly like her father. Shy, socially awkward, and quiet. Yet with his family, Minjun is teasing, comforting, talkative, and helpful. This is the one part that Michelle is not similar to. Minjun easily tenses and is usually very serious. | Minjun and Michelle always have this comfortable silence around them. They don't need to talk when they're with each other, it's like silent communication. Michelle feels very at peace and comforted when around her father. Her mom and her brother always joke about this being 'the awkward father and daughter moments'. | Alive


Lee Jaejin | 44 | Highschol Teacher | Jaejin isn't the strict teachers you have normally, she's the fun and carefree ones that you wish every teacher was like. She is a go with the flow type of person and is very optimistic. She's always joking around with her children and thinks that if they decide something, let them face the consequences after. She thinks the same with her students. | Jaejin always knows how Michelle feels whether she's sad, or angry. Her mother can tell if she's faking a smile or if she's naturally laughing. Michelle can't ever lie to her. | Alive


Kang Jordan | 17 | Student | Twin Brother | OC | Jordan is almost like a mirror of his mother, which is strange since Michelle is almost exactly like her father. He is outgoing and social, and loves talking more than anything else. He is very protective over his family and if any harm was done to them, he'd be heartbroken.  | Jordan and Michelle are very close, having been together since they were born. She tells him everything, and vice versa. Jordan is very affectionate with his twin and is always pinching her cheeks, hugging her, or holding her hand. He can be very protective as well, his reason being "because I'm older by three minutes". | Alive

Other Relatives: 

Lee Kyung Mi | 74 | none | Grandmother | OC | Wise, and mature. Very kind and caring, just like any other grandmother would be. Also was very loving towards her grandchildren.  | Michelle loved her grandmother very much and would always run to her crying when she needed someone to tell her feelings to, or whenever Jordan would make fun of her. | Deceased

Kang Hyunsoo | 24 | University Student | Cousin | OC | Hyunsoo is a playful and childish person. Despite his age, his mentality is one of a eight year old. He is immature and sarcasm is his main language. He loves making people laugh and is the jokster of the family.  | Hyunsoo is always making fun of and teasing Michelle for being so quiet. Michelle doesn't mind this since she knows he only means good. She knows he actually cares a lot for her inside. She isn't as close to him as Jordan is, but they have a good relationship. | Alive


Best Friends:

Choi Jun Hong (Zelo) | 17 | Student | Male | Idol | Zelo is a bubbly, and bright boy. He is very talkative and always has something to say. He can be stubborn and persistent when he thinks he is absolutely right. Despite his childish personality, he hates being babied. | In elemantary school, when they had to be partners for an assignment. Zelo forced Michelle out of her shy shell and made friends with her. | Relationship with your character - How do they treat your character? | Alive


Yook Sungjae | 18 | Student | Male | Idol | A very cheerful and bright boy. He is always joking around with his friends, but he takes some things seriously. Things like his dream, his studies, and if somone harms his friends. He is very protective over all of them. | Her locker was right next to his friend's and he was standing in front of Michelle's. She had to ask him to move and he, in the end, made conversation with her. | Almost like a sibling relationship. He likes playing around with her, and he loves showing affection to her (like hugs and hair ruffles). She's always whining to him about this. | Alive

Park Hyomi | 23 | University Student | Female | OC | A sarcastic, picky, and loud girl with a rebellious personality. People don't seem to like her for her uncaring and snobby attitude. With her friends, she's the one who's always talking and sticking up for everyone in the group. | She's a friend of her cousin Hyunsoo. When she visited him while Michelle was over, she got attached to her and told the girl that she "protect her from all those stupid guys out there". | Hyomi is probably one of the only girl friends that Michelle has. Hyomi treats Michelle like a little girl who's always lost, and is very overprotective over her. Michelle just thinks of Hyomi as the older sister figure she always wanted in her life. | Alive


The Key To Your Heart

Love Interest: Kim Jongdae (Chen)

Age + Birthdate: 20 | September 21

Personality: Chen is a very laid back and optimistic type of person. He is always smiling and is very kind to everyone around him. He can be very talkative when someone asks him to speak, or for his opinion. Other than that, he will keep quiet. He is protective over his friends and cares about all of them very much. When he gets close to someone, he never wants to let them go. He can be shy and quiet at times where he feels embarassed. Chen works hard to get what he wants, and rarely ever slacks off. If he sets a goal, he will be very persistent in acheiving it. He learns from his and other people's mistakes and learns from observing other people. He is very softhearted and considerate of other people's feelings. He is very wary of what other people think of him. He is a very stubborn person, and never gives up an argument when he thinks he is right. He acts very maturely, and takes every situation to heart. Chen gives off the feeling of gentleness, that make people want to go to him for help. He is a jokester around his friends, and is always making people laugh.

Have you met yet?: No.

How you met/meet: Chen is a friend of Jordan's, and he comes over for a visit. Of course, Michelle doesn't know him yet. Michelle and Jordan are out doing errands for their parents and he is let in. Michelle and Jordan came home, Michelle going straight to her room. She opens the door and is very shocked to see some stranger playing with her parakeet Kuu. He apologized profusely for barging into her room and saying he didn't know it was her's. She feels very embarassed about this since her room has a bunch of posters of all the boy bands she listens to, and she doesn't allow anyone into it.


Back-up Love Interest: Yong Junhyung

Age + Birthdate: 23 | December 19

Personality: A seemily cocky person with a sweet personality on the inside. He puts up a confident look in front of others to make him seem tougher than he really is. Junhyung is very talkative and a jokester, always teasing his close friends and cracking jokes that make everybody laugh. He can seem mean and cold-hearted when you first meet him, but getting to know him is a must to know his true personality. He is actually very kind, sweet, and sensitive on the inside. He is very soft hearted and gets offended easily. He is also a social, and upbeat person.

Have you met yet?: Nope.

How you met/meet: Michelle was out in the pet store to buy some bird feed for Kuu. Of course, the bird feed had to be on the top shelf. Junhyung walks in to buy food for his dog and sees Michelle struggling to reach for the highest shelf. He grabbed the bag of bird feed and handed it to her. Michelle turned red in embarassment when she saw his handsome features, thanked him and took the bird feed.


This Is The End

Scene Requests: I'm blank. Filling out everything used up all of my imagination and I pretty much just repeated the same thing over and over. LOL

Comments? Questions?: This isn't an actual question. What if you jynxed it and it actually happened. LOL Another world existing. Also, excuse my errors. I didn't proofread anything.

Password: Lanterns (Too many times I have seen this GIF. But I'm using it right now because it's the cutest thing ever.)



Thank you so much for applying! >w<


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