Star-Crossed Application MEMBER

Band member Application

Username: iiMoon

Character name:  Saito Michiko Kokoro (surname, first, middle)

Stage name: n/a

Age:  19 [International] ; 20 [Korean]

Country/city of origin:  Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan

Language(s) spoken: Japanese [fluent], English [fluent], Mandarin Chinese [fluent], Korean [semi-fluent], Spanish [basic], French [basic]

Family: Lee Ji Woo [44]-world-renowned Korean supermodel. Saito Akira [46]-USA CIA agent, assassinated.

Past: Mother sent her to live in the states (Seattle, Washington) with her grandparents. She picked up high levels of education here, after growing up here she's always been top in her classes. She grew up in their care until they moved to Tokyo, Japan, her grandfather's hometown. There, she was exposed to martial arts and trained vigorously. She was due to a national competition after sweeping regional wins but then her grandmother passed awayafter 3 years there, then they moved to her grandmother's hometown, Hangzhou, China and her grandfather passed away there. She scattered their ashes without her mother, in both of the cities. Her father, the Korean blood in her family, was framed of theft and then the same people framed him for murder. He was very caring, no one wouldn't like him. He wanted her to follow her dreams, her mother opposed it, but after his assassination in prison, she bent to his will in grief. But Hae In doesn't want to follow her dream, she wants to earn money. She never honestly realized her dreams of a career in the fine arts department, even though her teachers all acknowledged her talent to a vast extent. She wants to study Law to help her father but she doesn't have enough money to go to college because she refuses to accept money from others, especially family. Lawyers are working on her father's case to clear his name bring back honor to his soul while she tries to study it, which is why she needs money, and her mother is very healthy and alive. She now lives in Seoul, Korea and is searching for the fastest way to earn money, when she gets entangled in the mess of a murder.

Position you are applying for and why: Main rapper/Lead rapper

Years of training/experience:  5 years

Which entertainment company discovered you? C Entertainment

Lady Bec wants to know if you don't make the cut, as a member of the band if you mind being a side character/getting killed off? Sure, why not? XD

Personality: She's a representative of the O bloodtype. She is so easily influenced by what others' say, therefore rather sensitive she doesn't show it at all though, she actually comes off as the type who doesn't care what others say. She trained a strong pokerface, thats why she comes off as carefree, but she's extremely hardworking. But she only uses it when she's upset, nervous, lying, or wants to look cool and chic. When people look upon her mask, they do think she's rather unapproachable and shy away from talking to her. She's actually quite dorky though. She laughs at almost anything. Not to mention that her laugh isn't like bells, as in romance novels, but more like a mix between a cat's 'meow' and a hyena's. She's not very clumsy, but her balance is terrible. Even her hands can't balance anything, they're shaky with diffidence, just like the rest of her physically and emotionally. She likes to hang out with her friends, but spends most of her time inside.

She doesn't like being in the sun, you can guess correctly if you say she hates summer. Winter is her favorite season, cold is her friend. She lives by strict principles that guide her life. She keeps her promises no matter what, she avoids cursing, and she focuses on her goals. She's very vivacious in whatever she does, but she tend to get lazy and procrastinate. She finishes up in the end though due to her genius brain and quick work skills. Once she gets interested in something, she rapidly develops in that area, this is what excells her in the fine arts department, especially acting. Her work ethic is extremely admirable.

She likes to smile, but keeps to herself at times. She can't tell the difference between normal conversation and sarcasm so her friends with that. Due to that, she's extremely gullible. She's very caring, she's the type to give up her seat for a senior or a child and give pocky (which she always carries around in her pocket) to a crying child. Her priorities are solid (1. Studies 2. Others' Wellness 3. Fun/Happiness  4. Her own Wellness), and she's never fallen in love.

She's completely inexperienced in that area. She's very innocent too, because of her grandparents. In America, on days they were showing videos about males and females, her grandparents took her to the amusement park.She loves all sports or anything that lets her mind go blank. Her sense of direction is appalling, not in a good way. Not just that but she likes to doze off into a parrallel universe. "Don't let her walk alone, she'll manage to walk into the street and get hit by a bus or something." -everyone who knows the slightest about Michi, even if they just go to her school they say this. She had the worst memory ever possessed by a human being in the world, PERIOD. She loses things on a regular basis, and then forgets what she lost and goes on with her life.

1.  IU

2.  Hyoyeon

3. Sunmi


Casual Dresses: 




  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5


  • being at the top/excelling
  • sports of all kinds
  • games
  • winter/cold
  • laughing
  • pocky of all flavors
  • cuddling
  • coffee
  • tea
  • music
  • anything that can clear her head (i.e. running)
  • laughing
  • ice cream in general
  • singing
  • dancing
  • songwriting
  • martial arts
  • rapping


  • fish
  • fast noodles/ramyun a.k.a. ramen
  • sun/heat/summer
  • lies
  • grass
  • ridiculously expensive things that aren't even worth it
  • fish o_____e
  • the taste of water when it's not cold and you're not thristy
  • the beach
  • anything that surprises her/surprises
  • making mistakes/failing
  • smores
  • alcohol, drugs, smoking, anything that's bad for her health


  • fish
  • losing
  • failing
  • dissapointing
  • dark
  • papercuts
  • fear
  • light
  • pavement
  • holding hands
  • being hurt

Allergies/medical conditions: Allergic to pollen, bad digestive tract, occasional bouts of constipation, insomnia, near-sideness, astigmatism

Strengths: dancing, flexibility, dancing, martial arts, moodsetting, pokerface, acting, piano, viola, songwriting

Weaknesses:  aegyo, flirting, gullibility, not drinking black coffee with a cream and half a sugar at 6:00 every morning, meat, food, ice cream, pocky, Terrible Memory, Over-Analyzes, Addicted to her Laptop, Bad Eyes, Fish, Insomnia, Muscles Spasms, Pride, OCD, Obsesses over Revenge, Insomnia, Regular Collapses from Exhausting herself by Overworking

Friends: IU, Amber [f(x)] (Interact: Hae In is happy around her two best friends, IU and Amber. She smiles often and laughs with them. They share secrets and they drag her to the mall to shop. She drags them to a bookstore to read. They scold her for being lazy at times. All of them bring out the best in each other and push each other above their limits in the industry. They help each other out, especially when it comes to love. Amber and IU are both experienced veterans in that area, while Hae In is a dope. They always give advice to her, that--no matter how hard she tried to follow--didn't heed. As punishment they'd make her do something she considered humiliating. Such as screaming out an introduction in the middle of a mass of people and sing for them. All three of them are ice cream worshippers, when they get together they always remember to stop by a local creamery for ice cream. Hae In's favorite flavor was green tea, Amber's was red bean, and IU's was taro. (Remember what I say about Amber being the same type as Jinyoung and IU being the same type as Sandeul.) They are very close, and call a three-way everyday during their lunch break and at night before going to bed. They update each other on their lives and the others help out or comment or laugh. They each know exactly what the other two are doing/going thru in their lives, and usually their schedule for the week.)

Celebrity crush? And are you open to being paired with a band mate or another OC? Crush: Sandeul of B1A4 Pair: Bandmate

If you aren't chosen as a member of the band, you may appear in a guest role. Select which of the following you would like to appear as:

  • Another entertainer from one of the two companies Yes
  • A fan or anti-fan No.
  • A love interest for one of the charactors Yes

Anything else you want to add? n/a. ^^


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