
What do you guys do when you need motivation?  I'm constantly trying to think of what to write, but nothing seems to work out.  It doesn't help that my thoughts are all a total blur.  Insomnia has come back to me.  I feel like I'm worrying too much, but I just can't stop worrying.  On top of that, I have a sinus infection and my eyes, nose, and head are throbbing.  /sobs.

So what I'm trying to say is:

  • How do you stop worrying?
  • How do you fall asleep?
  • How do you explain your feelings?  (Even when nobody's listening).
  • What do you do when you're searching for motivation but nothing's coming to you?  Is everything actually right in front of you?
  • What do you guys do to relieve stress?
  • How are you guys feeling right now?
  • What do you do when you just feel hopeless, lonely, and just horrible?

Please, help me.


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