
Hey everyone, I know I said I'd have an update up by Tuesday (today)...

Sadly, I have not had any time to even think about the next chapter.  I've been casted for a musical (and I was extremely unsure of whether or not I should commit so such an enormous obligation, but I ended up auditioning last minute, and well...), I've not even begun to study for exams coming up in not even a week, and I'm on the verge of losing my mind -- literally.

I can't remember anything, I can't focus on anything, and there's an eyelash that's been stuck in my eye for a good four days, and it just will not come out.

/sobs I'll shut up now/.  /never mind because I have more to rant about/.

Anyway.  I'll try my best to have the next chapter up as soon as the exams are over with, but the musical is going to take over a good 70% of my life.

I'm not kidding.  We're spending a good twenty hours a week rehearsing, and on top of that the fact that I'm one of the biggest procrastinators out there isn't doing much good.

I know this post is getting super, super long and I bet no one even reads it but it's a good rant for myself so I might as well go on.

I'm being bombarded with tests at the moment and I don't even know how I'll maintain all my classes.

I need A's. Solid, solid, A's.

I can't procrastinate, I really can't.  Life's too short for procrastination.

So, I'm going to get an early (not really) night's sleep, and try not to fail tomorrow.

If you read this whole thing, then I love you, and I applaud you, and virtual hugs to all of you.


I'm sorry for my horrid grammar and whatnot; I'm in such a rush and I'm about to pass out.


Good night (morning) everyone, and I'll see you as soon as I can!


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Goodluck... I'm actually I'm the same situation so hopefully we will make our way out successfully with sold A's. Or probably a pluses anyway goodluck to the both of us
angelcity #2
Oh dear~
Please, don't overstress yourself. I'll come back with a good plan. :D