B.A.P ! OMG!

Omgg! its offical guys! B.A.P is having their first solo concert on Feb 24th located in Seoul! '' Living on earth Seoul'' Look how far they have gone,to the point where they able to host their own live concert. I'm so proud of you guys,from all the blood,sweat and work hard you finally got what you wanted. Be hapy and stay infinite<3 babies for life!! I love you b.a.p hwaiting!!!


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yankee17zelo #1
no one should underestimate B.A.P. cause they are best absolute and perfect!!
Farro7anono #2
OMG love you guys *hearts*
Woah...that's fast...did secret held one?
AW, I'm so proud of them! :') ❤❤
Dang! That is pretty good for a rookie group! They must have a crap load of fans in South Korea!