3-force app


Nakamura Jun



username; [Place your username here :D]

profile link; [Hyperlinkkk to your Profile]

Full Name; Nakamura Jun

Nickname; Jun

Birthday; November 12 1992

Ethnicity; Japanese

Language(s); Japanese, Korean, English

Birth place; Seoul South Korea

Home town; Tokyo, Japan

3-Force Position ?;  Main Rapper

Stage Name ?; Jun


Ulzzang name ?; Kwak Min Jun

Photos of Your Ulzzang; 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

Back-up Ulzzang ?; Won Jong jin

Photos of Your Ulzzang; 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6


Personality; [Doesn't matter if it is short, I rather would have quality over quantity]

Background; [Again Quality over Quantity]

Trivia ?; [Things like; 'Reads a lot' or 'Drools when sleeping' or 'Rumored to be married to a Russian Swim suit Model' or '@ObeyAlexMK Twitter']

Likes ?; [What'chu likke?]

Dislike ?; [What'chu hate, gurrl? ;c]

Habbits ?; [What are you're habbits?]

Hobbies ?; [Gurrl, what are you're hobbies?]


Family Members;

Name | Age | Occupation | Dead or Alive | Realation? |  Info about your realtionship

Realitives? ;

Name | Age | Occupation | Dead or Alive | Realation? | Info about your realtionship

Friends? ;

Name | Age | Occupation | Info about your realtionship


Love Interest ?; [Idols, OC, etc.. even a dinosaur c;]

Have you meet your Love ?; [Yes, No, or It's a dinosaur?]

If so.. how ?; [Explain, how you meet him/her.. even if it's a dinosaur]

If not.. how would you like to meet ?; [Explain how you would like to meet the dinosaur him/her]

Secondary Love Interest ?; [Again, Idols, OC, etc.. even that smexy dinosaur <3}

Have you meet your Love ?; [Yes, No, Maybe that dinosaur]

If so.. how ?; [Explain yourself Jimmy!]

If not.. how would you like to meet your Love ?; [Explain to me]


Rival ?; [Tell me who you're rival is]

Why is He/she your rival ?; [Again explain to me]


scene request ?; [A scene that you reallllllyyyy want?]

Questions/Comments ?; [It's already explained itself]

Password ?; [WHAT'S THE PASSWORD! *Open* NOPE!]



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