
First off, I just want to say that this is more or less a post where I'm going to let my feelings out like no tomorrow.
So read at your own risk.


I just finished watching the movie Cyberbully -or Cyberbu//y- and I'm crying like a fricking baby.

I myself have not been cyberbullied to the extent of the situation in that movie, but god damn was it touching. I felt for the character, I felt her pain and suffering.

The that people post online about others is so disgusting and sick.

Who has the heart or the balls to post something about someone that horrible and horrendous, with the potential to ruin or even end someone's life? 

I've been seeing posts all over tumblr lately about people commiting suicide because of anon hate, or comments made by friends, and to the people who post that:

What the actual is wrong with you?

Hiding behind a computer screen does not make you tough.
It doesn't make you powerful.
It doesn't make you the queen .

How would you feel, if someone that you knew posted about you online where everyone can see it, and it's there forever.

Yeah, you wouldn't feel too hot.

Think about it,

you send one anonymous message to someone like:

"Lol you're so ugly."
"What a freak you are."

Did you ever think that that could be the one message that sends someone over the edge. The one that gives them that extra push to do the unthinkable? To take their own life to get away from it all? Death is permanent, and cannot be undone. What if you caused that? How can you live, knowing that you sent one message, and it ended a perfectly innocent person's life.

Take Amanda Todd for example.
Now yes I know what she did, posting videos etc.

But no one, and I mean no one on this earth, deserves to go through anything like that. I don't care what they did or anything, no one should have to feel that hatred, that pain that people like her did. 

Everyday, teens across the world commit suicide because of online hate, for so many reasons.

Being gay
Being labeled a
Being "ugly"
Being "stupid"


Ending your own life doesn't make you a coward, it just shows that you had enough, and no one was there to tell you

it gets better.


I had a friend, and he's practically like my brother.

A few years ago, he told me he was thinking about suicide. 
Now I'm 98% sure he wasn't actually serious, but a little voice inside of me always mumbles; "what if he was"

To this day, people still say about him, and he's in a whole different ing province. 


So to anyone out there reading this, if you are getting bullied in anyway and you need someone, anyone to talk to, 
I am here.

I will be that ear to listen, the shoulder to cry on, anything.

No one should have to go through any pain like that ever. 

If you really need or want to talk, pm me on here, message me on facebook, tumblr, twitter


Just please never ever do something like that to anyone.
Because it could be that one message that could make someone pay the ultimate price.





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*nods* I know what you mean. Sometimes it really makes me wonder what in the hell goes through some people's minds when they're doing this... Just like my English teacher says to one of the loud mouth students in my class; You need a filter from your brain to your mouth and from your brain to your fingers because you never think before it comes out. And it's true. Those kids and teens don't think about the repercussions at all, they just do what they think wold be funny at the time. *sighs*