I'm Still Alive


It's been a long time since I posted a blog post. Yo

I don't know if anyone is going to read this, but I kind of want to update on my life a little bit about what's been going on in the last little while.

So I started highschool (grade 10) this year, and it's been a rollercoaster, that's for sure.


Let's start with my classes I guess.

So I have Science in the morning for 80 minutes, and it's actually kind of okay. My crush is in that class ( we will talk about him after ), it's fairly easy since we're just starting chemistry which I am really good at, and yeah. It's actually going pretty great. I have an 89 right now I think.

Next is French. Omg I love French class. It is sooooooooooo fun. I've established a new group of friends because of this and it's really awesome. One of them is a boy who is super obnoxious and insulting but he gives amazing hugs so I put up with him for that.

Then I have lunch blah blah blah

And then hell opens up and swallows me fore 82 minutes of my day. Social class. I absolutely hate social, and I'm not doing the greatest in it. It's all about Globalization and it's really boring and actually quite hard. So that's not fun.

Then I have either Cosmotology or Active Living, which is gym class. Cos is all about hair, make up, nails etc. And Active Living is just gym so its not that interesting.


Next, shall we discuss boys. I mentioned that my crush is in Science with me, correct?

So this boy is named Austin. Austin is short like me, and very cute. He's not gorgeous, but he is attractive. He's also really nice to me, unlike most of the boys who went to my old school. I also thought he was pretty outgoing, but he's actually really shy which is really cute to me. 

I decided to go to a football game last night and I told Austin he should go too, in which he agreed. So Austin and I met up at the game and we sat together before the game started, when one of our friends came over. In my head, I was like , the less people that I know are here, the better because I kinda wanted us to be sort of alone. 

After that, one of my other friends (from the French group who I also went to Japan with) showed up, and then it got more awkward, and finally, another one of my friends showed up and Austin was the only boy and I felt really bad. He was so quiet and he tried to be immersed in the game because he was so shy.

My friends Sawyer (from French and Japan) and Amy (the last one who showed up) were trying to give Austin and I some alone time by going to get mini donuts and hot chocolate, but it wasn't really working because Sarina (the first friend who showed up) was still there and kind of bugging us about being at the game together. 

And then more of Austin's swimming friends came and bugged us even more.

I felt bad for him.


Also, I felt kinda awkward because I was right next to him and our arms kept touching accidentally so I felt weird but then he switched sides and sat on my other side and he was like right up against me

I didn't realize he was okay with it, and I was very very okay with it.
Also, earlier in the week on Monday, I went to a volleyball game to go watch some of my friends go play. Austin was there (and this is kind of when I realized I liked him) after the games were done, Austin, his friend, and I played with the volleyball a little while after and he took my hoodie and wore it, so I took his and wore it, and god damn was it comfortable. So I was like yo I'm stealing this and he was okay with it. He just let me wear his hoodie home. So I wore it to school the next day and 4 people asked if we were dating. So I gave it back to him on Thursday morning. That thing smelled really good. Idk what he was wearing on Monday but oh my god.
Other than all that, nothing really new has happened in my life. So yeah. Someone message me. I'm bored.


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