my eyes are dying. /flips table.

okay guys, this is a serious post :c

i think my eyes are getting worse and worse by the way ><

i'm so scared of going blind.

my short-sighted-ness is a generic thing. my parents both have it as well. except my eyes are like 10x worse. my mum went to the laster clinic and she got her eyes fixed, so she doesn't have to wear glasses anymore ouo my dad is like three degrees.

well i'm like 8+ degrees. /crying.

and i'm getting my eyes checked soon and i'm so scared ><

i'm so paranoid of going blind. /sob.

next year at school, we have to use my eyes are going to die. and srsly, i can't let a day go by without using at least two hours of some ipod/ipad/computer/laptop thing. i don't know what to do anymoreee >.<

since my eyes are so bad now, i don't think it'll ever be okay to wear contact lenses...

forever a glasses person.

last year i started using the computer/laptop/ipod whatever a whole lot more. and i made a huge mistake of reading with a dim light. for some of you with healthy eyes, it probably doesn't matter. but for me, it's like im suiciding my eyes. i neeed my sight to get better, but it can't ><

;u; why are my eyes like dis.

i need to stop feeling sorry for myseeeelf asfkdl

for those with perfect eyesight, take care of your eyes lol.

i need to limit my computer time lol.

anyways, this was kinda random. so, um. byee!

but on ze bright side.

chanyeol wears glasses. kinda. eeem. maybe. i don't know.

ybsdsdfasfodi he's sooooo adorableeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee <3


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glowbug #1
i hope you get better eue

lol why am i here?
scrollin through the blog posts
tagged 'rant'
I recently got corneitis
and I thought I was gonna be blind too ;n;
Julettums #3
Oh I have to wear glasses practically everyday and I can't wear contacts either. I got really dorky glasses (like Chanyeol's only bigger and black) so it's kind of when people try to wear them for fun. Don't worry, you're not alone. (Lol that sounds dramatic)
OMO! :O i've been in front of my laptop and phone a lot lot more last year as well OTL my eyes sometimes get really blurry :L yes, you should definitely limit your conputer time >< i hope your eyesight can somehow get better!