Totally making excuses here

I know I promised updates on many things 'I'll finish that short story' "I'll update Crash' 'I'll post the first chapter to both my new stories'  SHUT UP LIAR *punches self*


Well my new computer does not have Microsoft word on it and until I can get the license information it is not functional for my fanfiction purposes. Until then I shall be ChangYoon drabbling in a little notebook because I certain someone spread a very contagious ship to me


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I use my note app on my iphone whenever I write stories. HAHA!!! Oh gawd, the things I do for fanfics nowadays :3
Google Docs.
Trust me.
TaeNyshidae09 #3
LOL! Unnie, you are definitely the number one procrastinator. ^^ So, kudos to you, my scatter-brained friend.