Princess Application- Pyo Hyojin

the hotandcold Princess
behind my mask
username: tealcloud
profile link: BOOM
nickname?: Ara
 my princess-ibility
 name:  Pyo Hyojin
age: 19
ethnicity:  1/2 Korean, 1/2 Japanese
family/friend nicknames: Jinnie
birthday: May 21
place of birth: Tokyo, Japan
i come from: Seoul, South Korea
languages:  Korean- native language; Fluent | English- basic; from school | Japanese- moderate; uses it with her mother
looks are everything
ulzzang name: Jang Hae Byeol
pics: 01  02  03  04  05
backup girl name: Seo Ji Hye
pics: 01  02 03
i'll be stunting in: Hyojin is the type of girl who likes to wear all different types of clothing that match with the mood she is feeling. Her fashion ranges from girly, cutesy clothes one week then a tomboyish the next. She honestly has no quarrels with any type of clothing and will probably just whatever is given to her for stage outfits. She has lately though, have been in love with things that have skulls printed on them, so she will wear a lot of those.
height: 163 cm
weight: 50 kg
 its just me
stage prescence: When singing, she gets right into the emotion of the song. There are times when she gets too into the sad emotion of the song she is singing that she will start crying. Her expressions vary on the song that it frankly, surprises people sometimes. In variety shows, she is friendly and out going, but give her a game or mission to do and she'll become extremely serious and competitive.
back from fairy-land: Usually at home, she is a girl of high energy that its almost annoying especially when she gets bored. Because of this high energy she needs to get rid of, she often looks to the reckless princess for help because she loves to do new and interesting things. She usually doesn't want to do the chores in the house which makes her whine and such. There are times in which her whining or high energy bothers the members and this can start a fight, but usually she caves in first to apologize. However, push her too far and she will not even bother to talk to you.
She does cause trouble once in a while because she is an extremely determined type. When someone challenges her, she will not back down from the fight no matter what. She will strive to win no matter what because she knows if she puts her whole body and full mind to it, she has more of a possibility of succeeding. When learning new dances or songs, she takes the most time to learn them not because she is a slow learner, but she wants to perfect it to the best she can.
oh, this is easy: When Hyojin hates someone, it's rather obvious. Unlike around the people she likes, she is cold and indifferent to the people she hates. She doesn't even bother with them and doesn't say anything to them either. She just scoffs at them if they try to talk to her and she will avoid being near them as much at possible. She isn't very forgiving to them because usually the people she hates, she has a grudge against. If the person she hates pushes her too far, she has no problem snapping at them with blunt statements. She generally doesn't apologize to them and only will if someone makes her (which will take an extremely long time because of her stubbornness to do so).
never catch me like this: Another obvious with Hyojin, when she likes someone it is apparent to everyone even the blind. She favors this person a lot and makes sure they understand that she views them in a romantic way. She will even out right say it if they don't seem to understand her intentions. She often defends and sides with this person a lot. She has no problem making the first move and will continue to fawn over you even if you reject her. Even if her feelings are hurt, she is too blinded by love to see it, a nasty habit she hasn't seem to gotten over.
hate it or love it.
  • food- cause who doesn't like food?
  • citrus fruits - she loves the taste they have
  • spicy foods - her parents tend to make their food on the spicy side, so she grew to like it
  • music - it takes her to different emotions and she loves it
  • having fun - it beats being bored
  • amusement parks- cause of the roller coasters and has lots of things to do
  • origami- she did them since she was a kid and it reminds her of her mother
  • being late - it's disrespectful, but also annoying to have to apologize for it
  • documentaries- she tends to fall asleep because of the narrators voice
  • cats - cause she is allergic to them
  • when it gets humid - she doesn't like the sticky feeling it comes with
  • when others cry - she doesn't know what to do with the situation and often panics instead of helping
favorites: color: Orange  || movie: Spirited Away || snack: mango cheesecake || thing to do:  hang out with reckless princess or listen to new songs on her computer  || tv show: Super Sentai (cause the Japanese Power Rangers are awesome, she claims...and I claim LOL). ||
  • needles - she freaks out especially when she goes to the doctor's office to get shots
  • losing to people she hates - she dislikes losing, but when it comes to people she hates, she tries her hardest to come out on top because she is never going to give them the pleasure of winning from her.
  • when people insult her cooking's appearance - cause she worked hard on it, damn it and it tastes better than it looks.
  • always walks on the left side of people
  • hides snacks in her bed for emergencies.
  • she always has money in her pockets for those cases when she forgets her wallet
  • when she about to lose her temper, she has a creepy smile on her face
  • first thing when she come backs to the dorm is to go check the fridge even if she's not hungry
  • her food never seem to look good visually, but taste good
  • origami- her mother taught her to make all these different shapes, also she thinks they make good presents. She does it when nobody is around to bother.
  • practicing songs (singing/rapping/dancing whatever she feels like that day) - practice makes perfect and Hyojin wants to be as perfect as she can. She practices on her own spare time at least three times a week even on break days.
  • cooking - it's fun, but she can also feed herself and even the members if needed. She does this once a day for practice and because she needs to eat.
  • she is left handed
  • she has not had a boyfriend as of yet
  • she has a beauty mark right on her left ear lobe
  • she can eat a whole lemon without a problem


what is your stage name: Jin
why did you pick it: Mostly because she wanted to be different from the various amounts of Hyojin's in the world and she thinks the name is nice.
what position do you want: Main vocal, Sub dancer, Sub Rapper
why: Hyojin would fit the position much more because of her tendency to get lost in the emotions of songs and sing it. She isn't much of a rapper or dancer even though she is okay at it, she is more comfortable singing. She also practiced singing out of anything else and can hit high notes.
what are her best attributes: She is friendly girl who has no problem talking to you and having fun. She is a hard worker and will try her best to do anything.
what are her worst attributes: She can be a bit overbearing with her high energy, whining and even overly determined nature. Also when she blinded by love, she isn't the type to listen to others, but herself. 
what are her insecurities: She is extremely insecure that nobody will love her in the end because she has been rejected so many times. Also, she is insecure about her height because she isn't really as tall as some of the members.
what does she do to cheer herself up: She will go to an amusement park and ride the tallest rides there.
what makes her upset: Her upset period doesn't come up a lot especially since she goes to angry mode a lot more. Upset to her is when she realizes the person she is showing her romantic interests to doesn't feel the same way.
what makes her angry: Usually various amounts of things can make her angry, but mostly when people put down her, her loved ones including her members. She will not tolerate people who think they all high and mighty in front of her without a proper match of sorts. You want to put her down, fine. However you need to prove it to you first.
remember your roots
family members:
          Pyo Junho || 48 || Father || Close like any father and daughter. There relationship is rather normal, but since Hyojin is the only daughter of the family and his youngest child, he will spoil her once in a while.
          Yamada Minako || 46 || Mother ||  A completely mirror images of each other  personality wise, Minako and Hyojin are best friends, but they will bump heads together a lot.
          Pyo Shinji || 23 || Older Brother || Shinji tends to spoil Hyojin a lot and will often attack her with love much to her displeasure. Shinji is a bit silly, but he knows when to be serious when he needs to be.
this made me: Junho and Minako met in Japan when Junho was over in Tokyo to study for three years. He and Minako met in their college and had classes together. They meet at 20 years old and started dating when they were 21. They were blissfully in love with each other until Junho went back to Korea at 22. The two decided not to date for that time since they didn't want a long distance relationship, but managed to stay friends. When Junho was 24, however, he decided that he rather be with Minako and moved to Tokyo to be with her.
Minako and Junho married when they were 25 and soon had Shinji afterwards. They lived happily in Tokyo for a while, but seeing there were more opportunities in Korea rather than in Tokyo, they decided to move to Seoul. However before they could, Hyojin was born. The family stayed in Tokyo one more year before finally moving to Seoul. 
In Seoul, Junho got a well paying job as a office worker and was promoted to a manager position soon after. Even though Minako, never mastered the Korean language, she got used to it every day and learned it people around her. She also taught her children Japanese because it was the language she was most comfortable with.
this is my fairy tail: Hyojin grew up in a middle class home in Seoul with her family. She was mostly in the care of her mother, who influenced Hyojin's personality as it now. While her brother went to school, Hyojin and her mother would spend time with each other. Hyojin looked up to her mother a lot and the two would almost everything together. She a bit more of a tomboy when she was younger than she is now and used to play on the rough side.
When she started school, Hyojin was on the cusp of being a bully because of her personality. She was out going and always looking for fun rather than being bored. Thankfully, her older brother managed to be there so Hyojin didn't bully the other kids, but that didn't some of the kids from hating her for how she was. She made a good circle of friends that managed to stay with each other even through middle school and eventually high school. Hyojin was bullied a little bit, but that quickly blew over after a fight between her bully and her. Needless to say, she won despite getting in trouble.
Hyojin's first crush happened in elementary school in which with her passionate way of showing love to people, everyone in the class found out. The boy obviously at the time didn't think of girls other than having cooties, so he tried to keep away from Hyojin. Hyojin however didn't stop showing him her affection which made the boy get teased by some of the other kids in the class. Feed up, the boy yelled at her that he didn't like her and left her heartbroken. She was a bit depressed about the whole thing, but her older brother showed her that instead of moping around one should do something more proactive. He took her to the amusement park and made her ride the tallest rides there in which afterwards she felt better. To this day she still uses this technique.
Hyojin's second crush occurred also in elementary school, but in her last year. The same thing occurred, but instead telling her off like the first boy, he used her love clouded mind to make her do things for her. Forunately, her friends put a stop to this before it got out of hand by making him fuss up that he didn't like Hyojin at all which once again she was left depressed, but got over it via roller coaster ride.
After that she ended up liking two more boys in her middle school years , but when she confessed to them they rejected her because one had a girlfriend already and one ended up liking men. In high school, she ended up having a crush on one of the guys in her circle of friends and even though the guy seemed like he would have feelings for her as well, it never progressed more than a friendship. The reason for this was because he was scared to ruin their friendship, but also the years of friendship that the other members of their group built up. He ended up going on one date with her and just told her that they were better off as friends.
Hyojin was never a good student, but she wasn't a bad student either. She always got average grades that went on the low side especially after she started training. She was placed under tutoring a couple of times, but never seemed to improve her grades because she didn't want to.
this is how i became a princess: Hyojin always loved music and when she was younger, whenever they sang songs, she was loudest one there. She also went karaoking a lot with her friends throughout her schooling years (a lot more than her family knows about) where she sang her heart out. She was always eager with music because it was a fun thing to do and sing along with, but never really thought about it as a career or anything of that sort. However that changed in high school when her friend decided to audition for the company and because she was scared, asked Hyojin to audition with her. Hyojin didn't want to at first, but seeing that she had nothing better to do that weekend, decided why the heck not.
Unfortunately, the friend didn't show up for the audition cause of nerves and Hyojin seeing that she was already there, just went ahead with the audition. She was the last one to sing and was determined to be better than the others before her because she knew she was a good singer at least. She got overly emotional with her performance however and cried at the end because it was a sad ballad. Hyojin swore she wouldn't get in, but a week or two later, she was mailed an acceptance much to her surprise.
it wasn't your average fairy tale: Hyojin at first, didn't want to train because she just didn't want to do music at all. She started her training out of curiosity and before she knew it, she was into that world. She loved singing and practicing despite the pain it was. Trainee years was a bit easier on Hyojin than it seems others, because she worked hard all the time. She didn't really get a chance to talk to much of the other trainees because she was so focused on practicing and when she wasn't doing that, she had to do school work. Even though school was a pain and she didn't want to it, her mother threatened her that she needed to at least graduate high school if she wanted to continue with her musical career.
I spent 4 years in hell, just for this moment. [insert amount of years training.]
this is my fairy tale
this is my prince: Jung Daehyun
he's not exactly charming: In public, Daehyun seems like a normal guy who has a handsome smile and stomach that seems to be endless. He is extremely easy going at first, but in reality when the cameras aren't rolling, he is fierce guy. He is lazy with a mouth that has no problem insulting you if you get under his skin. Don't even think about touching his food without facing his wrath and will be forever be written in his grudge list. He likes to mess with people especially if they can prove a challenge to him.
and it wasn't love at first sight: Hyojin and Daehyun met when the cameras were rolling. He seemed nice to her and the members at first, with a charming smile that Hyojin fell for instantly. However even before she could dwell on those feelings, she overheard Daehyun commenting on the members of her group with s, who didn't seem to care in their dressing room when the cameras were off. He was saying some mean things which Hyojin overheard and before she couldnt stop herself, barged right in there and told him off. Of course mid-way of her doing that, one of the members  of Princess dragged her away. It wasn't the best meeting to say the least.
and we act kind of like: They aren't friends and despite saying they are enemies, they seem more like frienemies in the weirdest ways. They often bicker and glare at each other when they're around, but their fighting can only include them and nobody else. Daehyun and Hyojin make sure to never let anyone else into this game and if someone else seem to be gathering Hyojin's attention, he has no problem eliminating that problem. It's like a challenge to them to see who would break first and go out of the way to bother each other.  Some say that this some odd form of sadistic love which they both deny fiercely.
scene requests?:- I would love to see a scene in which Daehyun and her have to work with each other in a variety show, but they can't bicker like usual so they do an overly polite type of thing where they layer insults with pretty words.
- I would love to see Daehyun and her fight over her mango cheesecake cause...Daehyun is a fatass LOL
-A scene where people refuse to eat cooking because of how it looks, but at the end they find it's actually good
-a prank or some form of mischief with Reckless Princess (You don't have to use these, but I'm listing out things that I can think of at the moment).
i'll tell it how I want to.
anything else? Questions, comments, concerns? Did I miss anything? before you ask. hwangmimi basically did this whole thing for me. I didn't plagarize or anything, I'm just bad at codes and this magical concept called patience and not killing things when my computer shuts off after hours of work and I didn't save. seriously i flipped tables three times before she did this for me.
 I wish I had the magical concept called patience...Alas, I'm too much of a lazy to give a flying elephant about it LOL. Anyways, I hope you like her and of course as you said, you may change anything you want on her app. ANYTHING~.
It was really hard for me to choose which princess to do. God damn, woman. Making it hard for me to choose. In the end, I did Daehyunnie cause he was my bias in that group...but honestly I love them it was hard to choose T_T.
But I guess, I don't regret it cause look at this y man!
pfft this gif was the first one I found and it made me Anyways, I'm off to bed. I wanted to finish this before I knocked out from the land of the living for a while (i have a slight cold -___-). 


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