"Let's Write to This Modest Proposal" Outline for Davinci


Since the theme for this round is 'space', I thought 'space' could be interpreted into 'room'. And a really small creepy room at that... I came up with this:

A series of rooms that seem to only lead on to another room.

Trapped in a small space that's slowly driving you mad.

Overall Idea:

Everyone suddenly wakes up in a room with two doors. A note on the wall tells them to choose one. The door they pick leads to another room like the last but another line is added to the note. "How long will your trust in one another last?"

After some time, the choices being made get harder and new rules are added. The 'mask' everyone put on for the public falls with the increasing pressure. Their real personalities are uncovered and their trust begins to break down after their darkest secrets are slowly revealed.


Write about trust and friends. Mention how easily that trust can change.

Use a "what if" for a hook? Quotes? There are a few really good quotes I saw on BrainQuote that could fit.

Briefly talk about the strange challenges given in each of the rooms they enter.

Example) All of the doors or whatever else you could think of

Be extra descriptive about the panic someone would feel being trapped in a small space.

Suggested Characters:

B.A.P - You could play off how close everyone is to each other. 

Other groups could work as well. It's really up to you.

When you create their personalities, at first keep it fun; like how they are on stage. Over time slowly change it so they're darker; the kind of person you would think is keeping something a secret. The more different from their original personalities the better.

Plot Breakdown:

Part 1

  • The boys wake up in a room not remembering how they got there.
  • Someone notices the doors; another sees the note telling them to choose a door.
  • Yongguk takes charge and chooses a door
  • They find themselves in another room exactly like the last (other than the now locked door behind them) The note is the same, but another line is added "How long will your trust last?"
  • Next room few rooms are the same as the last, but doors keep getting added and the last line of the note keeps changing.
  • Finally someone freaks out at Yongguk's leadership skills, causing him to snap back (a fight ensues? This should be the first time that someone takes off their mask)
  • Everyone grows uneasy,  people start to say the wrong things, and eventually they start becoming colder to on another.
  • The note in the room should read something like "See? I knew it wouldn't last very long." or something like that to end off the first part

Part 2

  • ​Instead of choosing doors, new challenges are added. (Think of something that could possibly trigger a memory of someone's past)
  • Someone refuses to play along; others ask why and that person's secret is revealed

From there you could spilt everyone up into teams and write the story going back and forth between the parties. OR you could continue on with the pattern of more doors, more rules, more games with the whole crew.

  • From here the notes should begin to leave hints about why this is being done (feel free to add a 'who' if you want)
  • More challenges and rooms; along with the same note.
  • Attitudes towards each other become suspicious and questioning instead of just cold.
  • If they split up, then in the next room before ending this part, everyone should find themselves back in the room that they first started in (think of a way to make the reader remember this room)
  • Note should say something like "Back to square one I see? Oh well..."


Part 3

  • The doors are now locked.
  • The guys have to find a key or pick the lock (you can decide how they open the door; maybe they already had the key in the first place but never even bothered to look)
  • Notes get longer and stranger, signaling that they're close to the end.
  • Eventually, the members find themselves in a room with only one door
  • The note says "Congrats. You've passed. I hope you learned something about trust."

The story can end on a high note by the bond in the group becoming even stronger than ever OR the boys never really recover their 'masks' and the distrust causes them to lose their friendship. 

My Notes:

  1. Be as descriptive as you can with everyone emotional state.
  2. Feel free to add twists and turns or even change up the plot a little, I won't mind. ^^
  3. Make up crazy challenges and strange rules. Maybe a few consequences and rewards too.
  4. Don't be afraid to get a little creepy (just don't make it a horror... I get scared easy)

Have fun! I'll leave the title up to you to decide!

Oh! Remember to incorporate the theme when writing the story!


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