I feel like crap.


I'm sorry but


the thing is i hate writing these..i-hate-life sort of posts

but seriously. this guy i liked then earlier yesterday i was like nah hes gross, suddenly, he likes me but then we start talking and he sends me this:


I would go out withyou, but..
:/ Bad side of it.
I don't know what anyone will think of me. It's most likely going to be negative ("Eww, you're going out with HER?") etc etc, and nothing I say or do from then on is going to justify it, even if we end up perfect for each other.
 I'm always gonna be "that guy that went out with her", and then there goes my friendship with a ton of people. Despite how happy we might be.
I have thought about leaving my high school because quite frankly, the kids are grossly mean and judgemental (as all people in this stupid rich area are) and I am done trying to please them.
But i thought, i am already really established there. i have a small group of friends i speak to and we have a good time. i like my teachers a lot and the school
is nationally recognized for scholar stuff, so i figure its just a benefit for college.
One thing is for sure...
i am leaving the country for college, or after college. Probably going to go to the homeland of Germany and maybe visit Korea sometimes.
And then another thing..
this morning i frikken get a call and they say:
Them: Are You Molly ____?
Me: Yeah
Them: Your mother is Elke _____? correct? (my mom and i have different last names.)
Me; Thats correct.
Them: She was just in a car accident. 
Me: Oh no, is she alright?
Them: yeah shes fine. No injuries to either of the people blahblah
So, if you could understand it freaked me out for a little bit there. 
I was like. Great. Every ing year something happens in the first week god dammit why can this happen to someone who totally deserves this.
And i am not one to wish ill will towards anyone but my mind was like filled with worry because, sometimes people lie and stuff to protect feelings and i was just hoping my mom was ok, you know?
Kay I'm done. Sorry i put you through torture..
Please comment or something...make me feel like i have friends (lol)
k bai


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What the hell? People there are freaking insane.
Why do they judge people like that? I mean, Ugh, it's so f****** unfair. I would like to see if it was with them.

You need to be strong!!! Fighting!
That boy certainly needs a lesson. I soooo would yell at him or maybe i would humiliate him in front of his friends. I wouldn't care what people would say.

Again, my friend, just be strong. They don't know what it is to feel like this. Maybe they should feel, so they would stop doing that!
I'M YOUR FRIEND <3 <3 that boys a total coward you know thinking what other people will think of him instead of going with the girl he likes -.- and I hope your mom is okay T.T