`〈 S O N G ᐧ H A N U L 〉WELCOME TO 7/11


Welcome to 7/11— Application Form



Basic Information  

ACTIVITY LEVEL 10jeom manjeome 10jeom! [10/10]
LOL. 2pm. Debut song? No? asdfghjk-- ;orz


Basic Info  

NAME  Song "Nulli" Hanul
BIRTH DATE 12/15/1994
HEIGHT 160 cm
WEIGHT 53 kg
HOMETOWN Jeju, South Korea
LANGUAGES Korean : Fluent, English : Basic


Song “Nulli” Hanul  


About You  


THE PAST Hanul grew up in the beautiful city of Jeju; the island there was big, and fascinating and always a pleasure to be living in Hanul's eyes. In her small house of family lived Hanul, her mother, her father, older sister, younger brother, and as well as her two elderly grandparents. With a house so small was a family so big. While living in Jeju, Hanul often stayed at home with her grandparents and siblings while her parents spent their morning and afternoon hours working hard to pay for food to feed the Song family, and money to pay for their children's schooling. So, from Monday to Friday, Hanul and her siblings would follow their daily routine. Get up, eat breakfast, go to school and walk home. It was convenient that the three siblings were somewhat closer to each other's ages, thus going to the same elementary school. It was easier and better for both grandparents, too. The siblings could always find one another, while their grandparents had no troubles of having to pick the individuals up at different locations. At school Hanul was always the super, goody-goody student that made all the teachers smile. Honestly, she was kind of a teacher's pet. She liked her teacher's compliments, because good compliments meant good grades, and good grades meant good surprises, and good surprises meant happy parents. So, even at such a young age, Hanul always worked hard; Hanul often helped out her grandparents with their jobs, too. They had owned a small flower shop, that wasn't all too "new". It was old and out of shape, but it brought in customers here and there. Especially when the kids were their to help. Hanul loved where she was. She loved the island, she loved her home, her family and many school friends. She liked the parks and the beaches, and the weathers that changed. She loved them all so much. Between Hanul and her siblings, she was the middle child. Hanul held a very close relationship with her siblings - even if they did have occasional arguments. Her older sister was always watching over the two, while the baby younger brother had to always be taken care of. Nulli, was squat in the middle. She'd either be the crybaby that her sister would come to, or she'd either be the super coolio older sister that fought her brother's battles (since she was previously enrolled into taekwondo). She liked having to be both, because this way she didn't need to be fighting for anything. Originally, as a kid, Hanul wanted to be a princess who lived in a beautiful sugar castle, full of princes and gold and dresses and cupcakes! But, of course, a little girl's dream was most definitely crushed when she learned that becoming a Princess in Korea was pretty much impossible.

THE PRESENT A year after Hanul's grandparents had passed on, she and her family had moved from their old home in Jeju and moved away to Seoul. Hanul, at first, didn't like Seoul all too much being all biased over her beautiful Jeju island, but eventually she managed to get into things. Seoul was a little more alive than Jeju was, not that Jeju wasn't "alive", but Seoul just seemed to be more lively. Things were moving, and there was so much noise. So many sounds and sights and food. It wasn't as simple as Jeju, but it was just as nice. There were a lot things that took getting used to, like the traffic and the different streets around the city. How the areas were more crowded and full of different people; Hanul actually kind of liked it like that. She was too used to the quiet ways of Jeju, and the motion of Seoul was seriously upbeat! Hanul easily got into Seoul's ways. She liked the way things went here, but even if Seoul was really super cool, she still loved Jeju a whole lot. Their new home was bigger than the previous one. Hanul was a little happier with it, since the family was so big before that she had to share a room with her sister - but, now she had her own room! While living in Seoul, and having tranferring to new schools, Hanul was soon influenced into the life of korean dramas. YEUP, THAT'S RIGHT. Her new friends seemed to be quite fascinated in those fanatic, drama shows..- and soon, Hanul started getting into them too. Like, really.. really into them. Right now, she's super obsessed with To the Beautiful you. And she just so happened to fall head-over-heels over Lee Hyun Woo, that adorable actor of a boy. She's so in love with him in fact, that her bedroom is now full of him! From posters, to bedsheets and socks- But, having spent almost all her allowance.. one could say, Hanul's grown to be a little broke. Her parents were a little disappointed at their daughter's actions in budget. So, what did they make her do? They told her to get a job. Any job would do, as long as it wasn't ion, drug dealing or some others along that line; from week to weekend, Hanul took her time to find some easier job that didn't take up her afternoon or afterschool (even if school wasn't in session). She wanted something easy, something she'd enjoy working at. Nothing that involved too much labor, and nothing that had taken too much time. Something that might be considered enjoyable in a sense that she'd be more than glad to be waking to. One day, while she went for a little grocery run to the convenience store down the street - the so-called 7/11, Hanul noticed that the store was in need of some employers. Completely forgetting about her errands, she rushed right up to that counter and applied. For three reasons mainly: One, because the store just happened to be close to her house and it was a job she could do easily. Two, there was food all around, so she could sneak one or two snacks later on during the day (that is, if she wasn't caught on camera). And Three, because the dudes working that just looked so smokingly fine.. why wouldn't a girl want to be working with these hotties?! It was a win, win, win! She could get the money she needed for her baby, Hyun Woo~ Snacks and various eats for herself and.. she could make some very, very close "friends". Hehe.. he.

THE FUTURE Unwilling to stay afterschool, and too lazy to waste her afternoons, Hanul chose the most easiest possible position should could think of: The morning shift. Sure, she'd have to spend her time waking up early to go and work when she needed, but hey, on a school day, you'd have to wake up early anyways! So, the choice of having to wake up early, she'd work everyday as a cashier. She was good in math, and she thought that it'd help her in practicing with money.. also, to speed things up by beating the cash register. Hanul also preferred working in the morning anyways, since she was usually an early bird; plus, she had to keep committing herself to things. Since her move to Seoul, she started becoming pretty lazy nowadays, and based on her status on both money and actions, she'd try her hardest as the most awesomest-awesome, cashier, lady, person, money, whatever, thing. (LOL. What.)
Her work habits are pretty good - always keeping to her counter and assisting customers when needed.. but, there are times when she just doesn't pay much attention and gets herself into a lot of trouble with her manager; for getting caught eating during her shift (because she'd skip breakfast), or getting caught for falling asleep in staff room (due to, maybe an all-nighter for school, or lack of sleep in general), or just being too chirpy in the morning (since she's just a really happy person, sometimes.) Somehow, she manages to get things done when she's told, and works diligently when needed.

PERSONALITY TRAITS Obedient, dorky, gullible, optimistic

Obedient : Hanul grew up to always doing what she was told, since she pretty much lived with four adults at the time (parents, grandparents). She was taught to always respect her elders, and to follow orders like she's told. If you told her to fetch you some water, she'd go on ahead and bring you a glass, adding additional ice cubes or something, just to keep you satisfied. Her way of listening to and following others instructions is also a habit she gained from always being that child, teacher's pet. If her actions make you happy, then she will be happy. She just loves it when she's recognized for the good deeds she does. She's that type of student- er, person.. as long as you're happy, and you're thanking her, then she'll do anything you ask. As obedient as she is, she can sometimes break the rules, depending on how big the concequences are. For example, her texting is usually limited when working her shift, but even so, she'll still try to sneak in a message or two to her besties over the recent news on Hyun Woo, or something. But, most of the time, she does as others tell her to, and stays loyal when needing to, as long as you treat her fairly. Otherwise, she'll just kind of sit there. (N'aw. She'll do whatever eventually. Just like when a kid tells you they'll hold their breath until they die- go ahead. Let them. Because they won't. Believe me~)

Dorky : When it comes to being a dork, you could say Hanul is like, the biggest dork ever; from cracking really bad puns, to squealing with glee at some cute and adorable plushie. Her jokes are the worst- they never make sense. Ever, like.. ever. They're so bad in fact, that it's alomst impossible to not laugh at them for their stupidity, which makes up for her lame creativity. Hanul loves making other's laugh, which is kind of a tough job when having to work for Mr. Bossman, Monster Baekhyun. What makes her most dorky is her laugh; the snorts just make it noticable, when she giggles or laughs really loud.. all of a sudden "OINK". (pfft-) It's not that much of an OINK, actually, but a snort is a snort. /shrug. How else do I explain it?.. uh- she's the type to laugh to herself randomly when she thinks of something funny that happened in the past, and the type to be super random and weird. In the morning, she'd walk into the store and probably sing to one direction, or something. LOL. A dork is a dork. There's not much of a way for me to elaborate on how dorky she is~ She's just pretty much a girl who does silly things - acting childish and immature, but still manages to work her hardest.

Gullible : As if her childish ways weren't enough, Hanul is often quite.. gullible. She's the type to take things seriously, more easily than others would. Since having a weird set of mind, being somewhat of a brainiac, but a big child at heart (one who often frolicks around with her fangirlisms), she makes others question her a lot. How can someone "smart" be so, "dumb" at the same time?; if one day, you happened to tell her that Zac Efron was outside, claiming that he wanted to see Hanul, she'd seriously get all excited and run right outside to see him. Even after making so many mistakes to take people's words, Hanul still hasn't learn anything at all. Up until now, she still believes whatever you say! If you said that you were in the guiness world record for something so utterly ridiculous, she's think you were famous. Like, seriously, she would. Hanul honestly and TRULY, believes almost every single word.. sometimes, when you're telling the truth, she'll think back to the memories of being tricked, and deny it. So, let's put it this way: a lie will sound truthful, while a lie will sound.. not. (/dies)

Optimistic : One can never be too positive! - unless of course, you're Silly-willy-Hanul, who can only think the best of things and can never, not never see the horrible and dark concequences of anything. She's the type to only see the good in things, because well, the world can be full of rainbows and sunshine and like, everything can be perfect and beautiful if you just choose to see it that way. Hanul likes to spread her optimism with everyone, because she thinks everyone should have a little faith in themselves (like she does when she tells people that one day she'll meet Lee Hyun Woo, and they'll get married and live in a beautiful hotel, frolicking around in a feild of pretty flowers.) See what I mean? Too.. like. Sure of herself. As if, nothing could ever go wrong! That's kind of the reason why, nowadays, she gets herself into trouble. But, it also goes for how hard she works to get what she wants, because she'll always push herself, because "nothing can ever go wrong". As much as she wants to believe things can go horrible, and that the world will end in flames, she just can't. She can't. She prefers to stay positive and think positive, and holy freakin' act positive.

CHARACTER PERSONA Korea's Dorkiest Fangirl




ULZZANG PICS o1 | o2 | o3 | o4 | o5


Character Trivia  

OBJECT earphones : as annoying as they are, always getting tangled around when you leave them alone, or getting lost when you can't remember where you put them, earphones are always useful because, well, what are they meant for? they're meant to help you listen. in a sense, they listen for you, and they stay with you all the time. sometimes, they don't fit you at all, and they fall and you're irritated and you just wanna throw them away. so you do, and you stuff them in a drawer, later finding them again after so long and since, if you haven't found a new pair, you just decide to use them anyways because you say that you've already gotten used to them. if you don't put them away properly, or you just shove them in your pocket, they're bound to get themselves into trouble, where you have to un-tangle them again and again and again, every single, freakin' time. but, you can learn to be patient and love them, and let them work for you all the day through.

COLOR green : it's not too harsh on the eyes, and depending on the shade, green is really an beautiful color that is not only relaxing, but refreshing, too! it kind of gives off this calming, and quiet kind of feel. but, it could also turn retro and out there when mixed with another color. put it beside blue and you got yourself a mellow green. next to red, dood. it's christmas! next to yellow and BOOM SHAKA LAKA. IT'S SUMMER GUISE. green resembles a lot, you know? like nature and all. so, i think green would suit hanul best because as much of a dorky and annoying girl she is, she's pretty kind and happy-go-lucky all around, and kind of creates this happy aura. she just kind of hops along and makes the world seem happier. greener. if you get what i mean? xD

SMELL honey : it's sweet and intoxicating, and pretty much just a really pleasant smell.. but, you know. there's things that honey really isn't good for. sure, it smells pretty good, and yeah it sure tastes sweet, but baby, once you've got honey, you got yourself into a whole buncha mess. it's sticky and causes so much trouble, and if you just LOVE sniffing it all day long, then you're bound to get diabetes right there. sometimes, it's too sweet, and sometimes, it doesn't even have a scent. sometimes, you just learn to like it lots, because honey is just a condiment everyone likes. or, most people like. ah. well, we all know that honey just gets you into sticky situations. honey can also be somewhat of an addiction, depending on how muchu you enjoy it.

ANIMAL monkey : we all know what a monkey is. those human-like, apes that frolick around the forest all willynilly, eating bananas and speaking the languages of the jungle; hanul, is quite similar to one. she jumps around, plays and acts all silly (monkeying around.. LOL) and all that, but you know, a monkey is still capable of a lot of things, besides being so playful. a monkey is intelligent. it's just, people think of them dumbly. like, hanul. a monkey can do a lot of things- they just need to be taught. hanul can do a lot of things, too. you just gotta teach her well, and she'll always pay attention. monkey see, monkey do. monkey's can also hide an emotion. you know, when like, chimpanzee's grin like they do? and you're all like: omg, it's smiling! well, dood. nope. it's not. it's so freakin' angry at yooooou. it's like, you can't even tell. oh- no, hanul doesn't smile when she's angry (she rarely ever does. she kind of just pouts and walks away like a kid-). she smiles when she's happy, but also when she's sad. not a joker smile, but a smile that still kind of reveals she's sad. you know? asdfghfds-- so, yeah. ooh ooh, aah aah, hanul the monkey.


Byun Baekhyung



Love Interest  

His NAME Byun Baekhyun [ EXO- K ]
Occupation new morning shift co-manager @ 7/11

personality traits 
Strict, mature, masterful, intelligent

character persona Monster Baekhyun
relationship Their relationship is pretty much a brother-to-sister one: Where the elder picks on the younger for the stupid things they'll do, or the younger will whine at the elder for being mean, and taunting.. but, that's only because the two haven't ever encountered one like the other. Byun Baekhyun is pretty reserved, as likes to take things seriously- but, when little miss Dorkzilla strolls along, it just kind of ruins his trade of thought that most women are elegant, patient and quiet; while Hanul, is most certianly not. As for Hanul, she had experienced someone being strict over her, but not as strict as Baekhyun. She kind of thinks Baekhyun doesn't have any sense of what Fun, is.. and as much as she tries, she can't help, but bug him all the time. Not bug him, but more like, try to get his attention. Of course, with someone so short-tempered as Baekhyun, he just kind of scolds her for things, for not doing work or doing things like she should. But, in the end, he appreciates how dedicated she'll manage to be, even if her reason for doing so is so (facepalm). It's as if he always has to watch her, or she'll catch the store of fire, due to being too carefree and light about everything, even if she is smart or good at taekwondo. He can't help it. Hanul loves to get him irritated, because she likes seeing his expressions, especially when she calls him "Ahjusshi", for him acting like an old man, despite his surprisingly young face. Hanul kind of has a crush on him, but just sets it aside because she thinks she's in love with L.Joe, while Baekhyun sees her nothing than a weird employee. (Or, he tries not to be a pedo. LOL.)

Love Rival 

His Name Choi Junhong [AKA. Zelo]
occupation Highschool student in his senior year. Works as a cashier at opposing store.

relationship Zelo is the little rascal boy that had taken on the job to spy on their enemies of branch #152, but when he strolled into the store one day, he caught his eyes on the girl behind the counter and couldn't help, but ask for her name, number and.. adress. Yeup. Zelo was a little creep that just loved being presistant. Hanul, on the other hand found him rather annoying. She didn't like the corny lines that were constantly thrown at her, or the skinship he'd try to bring upon the two. But, since Hanul wasn't the type to shoo someone off so harshy, she ended with saying: "Let's try to be friends, saengie!". Hanul kind of likes the fact that she's older than the boy, and likes it when he calls her noona~ It's ironic, though. Because when Zelo's around, she's pretty much put into Baekyun's position! Where she is then the patient, and smart elder than watches over the pabo youngster. pfft- she treats Zelo as nothing more than just a cute, little brother who's a little weird, but.. adorable in a way. Yeah. If that's how you'd put it.

ending Byun Baekhyun because he's this beautiful boy and I think it's better for Hanul because she's a derp, and he's not. And if it' Zelo, cuz he's a derp too, a derp with a derp makes a derp and that's too many derps so go for the non-derp because non-derp is good- and. I'm done. /flops.


Final Questions  

Why should we hire you? 

So you really record EVERYTHING? Wah.. (cough) well, okay. Uhm. (looks at the camera nervously, but smiles)
I think I should be hired because.. well, to be completely honest, I think I should be hired because I'm pretty useful, for the most part! Yeah, yeah, I get it, I'm small okay? (puffs her cheeks a bit) but, seriously, I'm like super strong! Really! I know taekwondo! But, I think, I'd rather be a cashier, cuz I'm pretty good in math.. and cash.. and.. (coughs) I'm sorry, but I'm kind of nervous in front of the camera.. Uuuh, I'd work with whatever is needed.. like, if someone's out for or sick for a day, I'll fill in for them! If, I can.. (tilts her head)
Uh, uh, uh-  well what else does 7/11 need? Employee's right? So, that's another reason, I suppose! I'm young, too, so I can work longer- er, not that you're old, or.. anything, but- I meant like, more energy- uh, like- (shakes her head)
Okay. I'll be honest. I really need the money, and I dunno, 7/11 was the first thing that came to me. I should be hired because I'll honestly do ANYTHING right now. I will. Omg. I will. Just- ah. If you told me to kiss your shoe, right now, at the this very moment, I will! I WILL.  I really will! (smiles brightly and clasps her hands together) I neeeeed the money for this. My parents won't give me any allowance anymore, and I need a job, but jobs are hard, so I think 7/11 is good, because I like it, and there's snacks and cute boys and you guys seem really nice and IjustreallyneedajobsoIcanbuystuffandsoIwon'thavetofindarealjob-job. Hnnn. I don't know what else you need in an employee. You need ones, right? Right? That's what this whole interviewer thingy is about, right!? (stares at the camera again) .. is that still rolling?
Hnnnnngh- Could you please consider it? (puppy dog eyes) A fangirl's life is at stake! (fangirl. aka. me.) .. Don't laugh at me. It's a serious matter! You'd do it too if you were a fanboy, you know! I bet you have lots of pictures of HyunA! .. I dunno. You look the type. Staph. I just want to be hired. (looks at Baekhyun and frowns)

name 4 idols you'd want as regular customers 

Well that's a first. I'd never really think you'd ask what idols.. (tch. Hyun Woo isn't an idol is he? /sob) Okay! So, I'd say Amber Liu because, well derp, I dunno! She can speak english and like, if one day they came I could totally just ask her to teach me and then I'd be this awesome english-speaking korean. Not Sulli, no. Because she totally just dumped Hyun Woo right in front of me. How could she do that?! He was so awesome! Even imagining her with that cute yoogeun. Uh, and I guess.. that chicken-eating Onew. Why? Just. You know. Because (if he's around I won't look like the only weirdo). Yeah. What? Whaaat? I'm kidding! Goooosh! (No. Not really.).. uh. Who else is there? (taps her chin) omg. Do I even know any other idols besides f(x) and shinee?! UHM. I- WELL-.. UGH. FINE. SULLI. SULLI. WHATEVER. JUST. YEAH.. might as well say Choi Minho, too. That poop that just hurt my baby. Why would you ask me something like this anyways? It's not like they're gonna magically just visit us or something! Unless it's manditory for all stores to ask such a question.. omg. wat.

what is the first thing you would buy at 7/11 

Lee Hyun Woo. If he was an item- kidding, kidding! Uh, well. Food, right? So, yeah. Food. Like, donuts. We have donuts, right? Maybe a pizza, actually.. or chips. A drink would be nice, too. Cola. Coke. No, no. Pepsi- aaaah, Dr. Pepper. I think coffee's pretty good, too. Monster Baekhyun's always drinking a whole bunch of that. If we had cake I'd say cake. Omg. We should get cake. People would buy that.. but, that's weird. Why would you eat cake at 7/11?- INSTANT NOODLES. How could I forget?! There's my breakfast, lunch and dinner right there. Yeah, okay. Not the healthiest choice ever, but dood, seriously? It's quite satisfying, okay? Don't pretend like it's not something you'd do. You're home, alone, tired and not in the mood to cook. A pack of instant noodles just sitting on your kitchen table all like: hey. You're hungry? Just eat me and you can sleep! It's good, right? Right? You know what I'm saying? Yeah.. what would Hyun Woo oppa buy?..

what is your thoughts on the employees of 7/11 

Well, that's out of the blue. Welp. I think Manager, Baekhyun is a poop. He's a mean poop. A super mean poop. He doesn't know how to have fun, so I'm gonna like, teach him. He's gotta learn how to liiiive a little- actually, no. Live A LOT. Because, seriously. He works all day and its boring and no fun and I don't like it. (pouts)
But, Chen-chen's pretty chill. He seems like a funner kind of guy, you know? Always sitting there, at his cashier.. and stuff.. omg. you know, I acutally can't say much about him, because we don't really say a lot to each other. TO ME, at least. I can't say all too much, but I guess he's a pretty nice guy overall. (shrug) Wait, do I have to know all the employee's to be hired? (looks at the camera again) You're not recording again, are you?..
Uh, security dood Chanyeol. He doesn't seem like he likes his job, or actually, seems more lazy to be doing it, I mean. Because like, apparently, there's a lot of fangirls that come for them, and he seems like he doesn't even wanna go near them at all, so he kinda drifts to the side.. it's funny really, but- he's a security guard! What is he doing? (laughs) I like him. He's funnyyyyyy. Like, ha-ha funny. Not weirdo funny. But, like- yeah. I don't- I don't know. I don't know any of them too well. It's not like I stalk them everyday of my liiiiiiife. I'm not a faaaangirl! (for them anyways.. maybe.. perhaps.. okaythey'rehotbutwhatever.)

if 7/11 was being robbed, what would you do 

Psh~ Easy. Hide under the desk and cower while Monster Baekhyun scares them away with his bossiness and I'll sit there crying, while Lee Hyun Woo comes in and saves the day, kicking Monster Baekhyun away and sweeping me off my feet, leaving Monster Baekhyun to deal with the robber, because he's a poo and he deserves to fight his own battles because he doesn't know how to have fun, while me and Hyun Woo oppa fall in love and- .. what? This is how I'd deal with it.. no? Not good enough? Okay, okay, OKAY. Geez. Calm down. Calm thy . (huff) With Chanyeol's bad security system, I think a robber might be likely.. kinda unlikely if it's in the morning, but uh, I'd have to defend myself, right? Could I bring a bat and hide it under the chasier desk?.. No. Okay. Then, I'll have to use my taekwondo. Or something. The guys can handle most of it. I might be held hostage though. THEN, I'd use my taekwondo. And I'd like, call the police and stuff, and- like- yeah. But, if all else fails, I think I'll just make the robber take Monster Baekhyun. (nods) Mmn.


SORRY FOR TAKING SO FREAKIN' LONG. OMG. SADFGHJKHGFDSADFGHJ-- FINISHED IT. IT , I'M SORRY BECAUSE I KIND OF RUSHED A BIT, AND I WAS OUT OF IDEAS SO SHE'S KIND OF MEH, AND I DON'T KNOW. IS DORKY EVEN A PERSONALITY TRAIT? I DON'T- I DON'T EVEN. HNG. I might not have done the following ones above correctly because you took down the chapters and I was like: derp. and I did my best to remember what they were, and maybe you were busy and I didn't think to ask because I already did it and I was kind of proud with what I wrote (kind of. LOL.) and I can't help, but feel like she's kind of bland. :'D But, I like her, nonetheless. Thank you for giving me the extention! SORRY FOR THE TROUBLE. I MAY HAVE ALSO WRITTEN TO MUCH ON BAEKHYUN'S PART. OMIGARD. SADFGHJKHGFDS-- I sorry. ;orz

Would it be too much to ask for a short review in the comments or something? /likes feedback. :'DDDDD

if you are not going to be chosen would you still read this fic To be competely honest I don't think I would, but based on the storyline and everything, I'd give it a shot. It'd be dissapointing for me if my character wasn't excepted, LOL. It means I wasn't creaaaatiiiive- /dies. BUT, I READ THE FIRST TEASER TO THE STORY, AND I WAS LIKE: HNNNGH. BECAUSE LIKE, I REALLY LIKE YOUR WRITING STYLE. LOLOLASKJFKSDF-- so, yeah. It all depends. I probably won't though. I'm sorry. ;A; omfg im selfish sdafghjgfds--





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