Any ideas?





this is so random, i know. I KNOW. e___e

i just post it because i kinda bored; lol. 

sooo. here's the thing. i sort of want to make an apply story, not a fantasy or what. But yeah, kinda school life maybe? i know it's so boring and many story already take this idea, but i don't know somehow i just want to make it. while i still must write my other 11 drabbles including You&EXO. Psh. i'm a lazy. i almost done with Chen's story, and also Suho's story (maybe if i'm not too lazy to write it) but since i'm busy -sighs- so i can't write it anymore. the feels are all gone. i have to build my writing mood again -sighs- while exams nearly here. 


and... i'm planning to writing a YouxKris story but... the whole idea stolen by my feels of KrisYeol. So,maybe  this isn't going to be the OC Kris story, but a KrisYeol. and it's gonna be a really long... story. i already have the plot and writing some prologue-- BUT IT'S ALL ON INDONESIAN DAMN. lol. to be honest i now much prefer english to my own language LOL. beside Korean haha. But it's okay, i'm going to make a You&EXO story aswell. it's all onset. on my mind already, just a mood to write it to Ms. Word. Oh. Do you want a fantasy-alternate universe romance or real life romance? Like you're having crush with one of the EXO members and i shall make it. Haha. or something like school life or maybe fantasy with witches or harry potter or hunger games or narnia. Oh nevermind. i'm so clueless these days.


BACK TO MY REAL PROBLEM. Urgh. so which one i have to do? Making a new story with You and EXO, finishing my old lame drabbles, an Apply story, or or or KRISYEOL. 4 stories with differents ideas on my mind -sighs- or all of it? who knows darl.  i'm tired of my own life too. haha. i'm so into KrisYeol these days; damn they're my precious babies. Sighs. Which one guys? Please tell me.*sings to WG's Tell Me* -bythewayijustknowthatmydadisafanofwondergirlsHAHA-.


That's it. Or maybe i should write in Indonesian too? coughssincesomeofmyfrienddoesntknowclearlywhatimwritinglolcoughs {by the way is not you- Mads. 8D} Oh yeah, if you have any ideas, don't be shy to comment! my pleasure to putting your idea. c:


For the apply story, mind to share your opinion? i want to make it pair with EXO though. OT12 or OT6? since maybe 12 is too much , i'll just use OT6-- EXO K okay? i'm going to write it soon. Wait me darlings! <3




Thankyou, my fellow chingus. i really appreciate it. <3


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