The EatYourKimchi Awards..

***If you haven't watched the 2012 EYK Awards yet, then I suggest you do before reading this. Spoilers ensue...and so do majorly biased opinions, so if you can't take it then PLEASE DON'T READ THIS.

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Let us begin with this: I AM SO DAMN HAPPY THAT U-KISS WON THE BEST MALE GROUP OF 2012!!!! Seriously they are so awesome and they finally get recognition for it! YUSSSS!!

And whoever reads this, these are my opinions so please do not take offense. EXO's okay and all, but they aren't so much my style. Their immense amount of teasers and promotions honestly bothered me, the fact that Kai is ALWAYS in the limelight bothers me, though I'm slowly getting used to them being in the K-Pop world I still haven't fully accepted them yet.

If I had to choose, I like EXO M better than K if anyone at all, and I think B.A.P was SO FREAKING SET to win the Best Rookie of the Year Award. B.A.P was just stronger, and I feel like they've done a fantastic (baby) job making themselves known rather than...well, whatever. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, and my last intent is to insult any EXO fans.

AGAIN: MAH OPINION PEOPLEZ. I apologize if you took this the wrong way, but maybe in time I'll grow to like EXO better.

So yeah...I'm not going to rant about anything else because you should all watch the EYK Awards yourselves, and gather your own conclusion. But as for these two categories, I was the most interested to see who would win. I am so happy that U-KISS and B.A.P won these awards, it's not even funny.

Until next time,

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~ FaNtAsY ~

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Me too! I was really happy and surprised that they beat Big Bang since Big Bang won almost all the categories but then Simon said U-KISS and I was like HELL YEAH and jumped around like a crazy person. Ahhshfdjdgfdhgdgjd our boys deserved it so much.
But U-KISS is popular on EYK (plus they have a ton of international fans) so they got a lot of votes. If only this is the same in Korea.