New Years Resolution...GG


so Girls Generation came out with their new video, as you probably know

i think the song is really good. 

But this video made me really think..

Since they are showing their stomachs and being all awesome

...i want to be awesome...


ACTUALLY it didnt go that way

it was more of

gawd dammit i need to get in shape

I have been kinda self concious lately about myself, as every teenage girl is..

A year ago i quit dance because my dad essentially forced me to. It was something i totally loved doing and i had a great time.

Ever since quiting, i have gained about 20 pounds and I am just not as flexible or good at dancing anymore.

I mean i wasnt super good in the first place. but the quality is no longer the same..

plus i have been eating SO much junk food and fast food its gross...

And before anyone says anything i know its bad to compare yourself to celebrity peoples since they have help and dance like...almost 24 hours a day..

plus these girls are korean and korean women usually have small bone structure.

but dont think of it as comparing, think of it as this being an encouragement type thing

so in 2013 i promise i will get in shape. Because i mean i am skinny everywhere but my stomach...

damn genetics..go to my legs or something...

So you should just be like..hey fatso.

get off your and jog.


but remember you are beautiful the way you are. and if you want to think of yourself as beautiful, change something or do something different

Just please dont be extreme about it..

I also have a few more resolutions but....lets not..go in depth.

Thanks for reading my nubby rant and dorkiness...



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For a second I was like WHAT THE HELL HEECHUL? And then someone told me it was one of the dorm leaders from To the Beautiful You XD