Kingdom of Dawn || Application || Mynth

regnum aurora
          enter the realm of magic   











PERSONALITY: She's an 18 years old princess who's acts sarcastic towards other. She's a true badass which is make others think that she isn't any of a princess, because her personality is totally opposing her brother's. Although she seems sarcastic, she is a good girl actually. She likes to help other secretly. She doesn't like people to acclaim at her. So, she often impersonate as an ordinary people and help others as an ordianary people secretly. The only one who knows this activity is her brother. She is a mischievous princess, too. She often playing prank on her maids or hide things if she's bored. And at the end, she'll get scoffed. We can't count how many times she gets scold, because it's countless. Sometimes, she wants to get rid of the kingdom's life. She wants to be free, be an ordianary people who's free to go everywhere, not like her who should always in the palace (actually she could escape to do her usual activity). Oh yeah, don't ever try to makes her angry. Because she's the type who'll explode when she's in anger. If you don't want to see a cupboard fly towards your direction, just don't do it.

BACKGROUND: Actually, her parents wants her to be a good princess, like the other planets have. But because of her stubborn traits, she is difficult to demand. She often skips class, because of her lazy personality. The one and only class she likes to attend is fighting class. She likes to ride horse (and actually master it), but her parents prohibit it. The closest person to her is her brother. Although her brother is a bit busy because of his jobs (he starts working because he's already above 20), he still invite her to play if he has free time. He's the one who taught her almost everything. Her relationship with her family isn't that good, actually. They want her to be a perfect princess while she doesn't feel like it. They always keep her and demand her to do activities that she doesn't like and forbid her to do things she likes. Although she knows it's for her goodness, she still can't stand her parents' inunderstandable traits.

EXO BROTHER: Luhan || Luhan is a sweet yet understandable brother. She felt great for having a bro such as him. She feels that Luhan is more likely to be her friend than brother. If she's ordered to choose between Luhan or her parents, she would gladly choose Luhan because he could understand her better than herself. They like to spent great times together. But because of his busy job now, their high quality time is decreasing. But still, he doesn't takes his eyes off of his one and only sister. 

EXO LOVER: Oh Sehun || He's a smart . His intelligence is above the other princes. He often chosen by his father to represent him in a serious interplanet meeting, and he did it succesfully. Almost no flaw and seems to be so talkative. Actually, if it isn't interplanet business, he's only a shy yet innocent prince. He never know what's going in the society nowadays. His life is always in the palace, and he never have an intend to go out except several urgent things. He live in an ordered life--a flawless prince's life. He always obey all the rules, include the 'not going out the palace' one. His life is filled by study, study, and only study, to be a perfect prince like what his parents want. But, as a human, he has his 'bored point' too. Sometimes he thinks, 'How it's feel for being outside? Isn't it fun?' or 'I start to bored with all these activities.'. But he never try to go out, even once. No, not because he scared for being discovered, but it more likely he doesn't want to disappoint his parents. 

Actually, they (Sehun and Mynth) never meet each other. They may meet in the royal meeting between the planets, but Mynth is too lazy to attend those kind of meetings. So, only her parents and her brother who attend it often.

EXO BACKUP BRO: Byun Baekhyun || He's cheerful, joker, and a bright guy. He and Mynth often joking and playing prank together. Beside that, he likes to joking on his sister too. But, although he seems so careless, he's the one who'll always worrying his sister in every chance. He's truly caring and warm brother. He even risk his soul to protect his one and only sister.

EXO BACKUP LOVE: Park Chanyeol || He's a happy-go-lucky one. He likes to smile widely towards everyone and like to cheer up the sad one. He seems like a mood lifter after all. He's cute and tall appearance makes girls kneeling over him. He's a good boy actually. But behind all those smile, he has an unhealed wound in his heart. He used to love someone who just an ordinary and low-class people before. His parents know it and wouldn't let him continue his feelings. So, they handed some amount of money to that family in order to make that family move to another planet. When he knows the actual fact, he's being anger to his parents. Those anger is still there until these days, but he could keep it neatly.

They (Chanyeol and Mynth) have meet once. When Chanyeol and his parents are visiting her planet for some bussiness. They get acquainted each other, having a fun chat, and found themselves many similarities.

FRIENDS: Seo Juhyun (enkéfalos) || Friend/Kingdom's advisor's daughter || She's kind, understandable, and innocent. Although they are in different term (Mynth's status is higher than Seo), they could befriend because of their good traits. Behind the people, Seo calls her by name, while in front of people she would call her with 'Princess' details. They're so close and often plays together.

GUARDIAN ANIMAL: Imaginary Horse || Thyá || Thyá is a obedient and kind male horse. Sometimes, he acts a bit spoiled too. But, Mynth still loves him. Thyá is a loyal one as a guardian pet. Mynth threat him good, too. She considers him as her friend, human friend. Mynth usually play with him if Seo and Luhan has no time for her. They'll take a journey to the forest and going back to the palace when the dark comes. And after that, as we expected before, Mynth will get scold by her parents.

Thyá's appearance is similar to the ordinary horse, but it has twice size. What makes Thyá different with an ordinary horse is, it has thorn in it sides and it doesn't have any single tail. it doesn't have hair on it head, too. It has a combined of grey and blue colored fur. It speciality is to move things with eye-stare and it could hypnotize the opponents too. Oh yeah. Thyá could talk in both human's and animal's language.

FIGHTING CAPABILITIES: Hapkido || Very Good, Karate || Good

SPECIAL MAGIC ABILITIES: Combustive Orb || Very Good, Glamouring || Weak, Telematerialization || Weak

WEAPONRY: Caladbolg || Very Good, Dyrnwyn || Good


LEVEL: M(advanced)

VIGOR: [5/5] {how strong your physical attacks are}

RESIST: [4/5] {how strong you are against physical attacks}

MAGIC: [2/5] {how strong your magical attacks are}

SPIRIT: [4/5] {how strong you are against magical attacks}

AGILITY: [5/5] {how fast you are able to attack and move around}

RELFEX: [3/5] {how fast you are able to react and defend}

EVADE: [4/5] {how efficiently you can escape a physical attack}

AVOID: [2/5] {how efficiently you can dodge a magical attack}

PRECISION: [4/5] {how accurate you hit your targets}

ENCHANCE: [2/5] {how well to inflict magical attacks on your targets}

ENDURE: [2/5] {how long you can with stand constant pressure from physical, mental, magical, psychological damage or while training}

CHANCE: [2/5] {how lucky, fortunate you are}

BRAWN: [5/5] {how strong you are physically, muscle strength}

BRAIN: [4/5] {how strong you are mentally, mind strength, as with intelligence, too}

FAITH: [4/5] {how much trust you can put into others}

RESTRAINT: [2/5] {how good are you with keeping your cool in situations and the likes}

CONTROL: [2/5] {how good are you with controlling your power and abilities}

DARE: [5/5] {how brave you are to not run away and protect what matters}





there's no password? It's 'Kingdom of Dawn' then~
I love your apply fics! Really, this is my second time filling your app form~
Hope I'll be chosen keke.
O, please tell me if there's something lack or should be corrected!
Hope you like her, please take your time!



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for thya, i would give it a different physical trait from that of wings. as ptisi is only allowed to have wings for other creatures, unless it's like a pegasus, gryphon, etc, then is different.

but then again, baekhyun's guardian animal is a pegasus, and chen's a gryphon. so i highly recommend not using them, and another creature that has wings, if you insist on thya having wings still.

also there is a password. please find it.

other than that, everything is good.