Stolen from Sarangheniel

[ ] My fingernails/toenails are almost always painted.

[ ] During the summer pretty much the only shoes I wear are flip flops.

[ x ] My favorite toy as a child were Barbies/Bratz. /Look at me now. Surprising, eh.

[ ] My favorite color is pink or purple

[ ] I did Gymnastics.

[ ] I love skirts.

[ ] Hollister is one my favorite places to shop. /whats that

[ ] Tight jeans are the only jeans I'll wear.  /I don’t wear jeans, btish.

[ ] I love chocolate.


[ x ] My hair is mostly always straightened.  /natural

[ ] I usually go shopping once a week.

[ x ] I love to hang out with friends.

[ x ] I have a piece of real diamond jewelry. /pretty sure its real. How do u tell the difference anyway

[ ] I've gone to a tanning salon.

[ ] I've gone to the beach to tan

[ ] I have at least 10 pairs of shoes. /I only have like, what, 2?

[ ] I watch Gossip Girl.

[ ] I change my profile picture weekly.

[ x ] I wear a shower cap. /I have long- hair. Whut u expect


[ ] I would NEVER set foot into Hot Topic. /whats that

[ ] My cell phone might as well become a part of me. /don’t have one

[ ] I wear mascara everyday.

[ ] Bathing suits are adorable. /whut—when—how--

[ ] I don't know the difference between a sheep and a goat. /Lol. Im asian.

[ ] Big sunglasses are awesome.

[ ] I have gotten my nails done.

[ ] I own over 10 purses. /why would I have a purse? why would u need ten of them?

[ ] MuchMusic is my one of my favorite channels. /Wdf is that


[ ] I love to have other people do my hair.  /No. It hurts.

[ x ] I like to give and receive hugs from all my friends. /omg yes camp started errything

[ ] I hate bugs. /christmas beetles ftw

[ ] Carnivals are fun. /I don’t remember what a carnival is

[ ] Summer is THE best season. /ew no

[ ] My swimsuit has 2 pieces.

[ ] Musicians are hot /how is this girly wdf

[ ] You write me a poem and tell me I'm beautiful and I'm all yours. /no.


[ ] I'm self-conscious.

[ ] My room smells like vanilla. /do girls like, aerate their rooms with ice cream

[ ] I don't do sports.

[ ] I HATE to run /its actually quite fun

[ ] I squeal when I am surprised or angry. /how do u squeal out of anger idgi, are you like, vocally disabled

[ ] I eat dried fruit as a snack.

[ ] I love romance novels. /I like abuse, being the sadist I am(and scary things)

[ ] Drew Barrymore is so cute. /who the shethole is this-- and wouldnt they say 'hot' instead of cute because if he was cute as the definition of the dictionary says, wouldnt that be not gorly and more like normal


[ x ] I dance randomly around the house.

[ ] I usually spend over an hour to get ready to leave my house.

[ ] I only have like 5 billion hair products.

[ ] I love to get dressed up. /EW NO GET AWAY FROM ME

[ ] I talk on the phone at least once a day to my friends

[ ] I would love to have a photo shoot of myself.

[ ] My parents buy me everything I want, whenever I want it. /I don’t require useless necessities for everyday life, mind you

[ ] I apply lip gloss 50-a million times a day.


[ ] I wish I could meet Paris Hilton. /Who the piff is this

[ ] R&B is the best. /I still havent figured out what this is

[ ] Horses are beautiful. /…beautiful whut

[ ] Kittens are adorable.


[ ] I write my own music. /So ur saying ppl who write their own music is girly wtf im sure that meanhoe isnt a girl

[ ] I would love to visit Hawaii.

[ ] I wouldn't be caught dead in all black.

[ ] My closet is STOCK FULL of clothes.

[ ] I hate beards.

[ ] I love to read magazines.


[ ] I love to gossip. /that’s creepy

[ ] I had Lisa Frank folders/posters as a kid.  /I don’t know any of these people im sorry I havent seen enuff of the world yet(not like im going to live long enuff)

[ ] I love Celine Dion. /SEE?? WHO DF IS THIS

[ ] My showers are 2 hours long.  /wasting water, bish its like 17L a minute

[ ] My wedding only needs a groom because it's already planned.

[ ] I refuse to eat at McDonald's. /what why


[ ] I have a lot of jewelry.

[ ] Much of my jewelry comes from Claire's. /whats this

[ ] My screen name(s) has or had x's in them. /not all hackers are girls you no

[ ] I have more than 3 pillows on my bed.  /I have two


[ ] I like the color pink.

[ ] I want to BE Paris Hilton. /ive concluded that this person is very female, So no.

[ x  ] I scope the room for hot guys. /lol, yes i do, by mistake

[ ] I love the mall. / I still havent figured out what is classified as a mall

[ ] I love the beach

[ ] You modeled as a little kid. /what the it could be a dude modeling u no

[ ] You love receiving compliments. /ahahahano.

[ ] You've been to a wedding and loved it. /weddings are boring and not worth it


Below 10 = Total Tomboy

Below 20 = Boyish

Below 30 = Not girly

Above 30 = Girly

Above 55 = Paris Hilton



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