
Tag is notworthreading. Ive judged that already :'D

So just last night, I attempted one of those things called 'dreams', you know?

So Im at school with a friend I'll call TS(the dude's initials, mind you), and we've just come back from our art class. He tells me that since tomorrow is the beginning of the school holidays, he needs to have something to do during the time. So we don't(?) ask the teacher, we just go off to the art room again. We have Italian next, but that's hella boring, so I didn't even want to bother.

So then we're back at the art room, where the art teacher isn't there. This particular art room isnt the one I have in school in rl, it's some random one my mind designed for me. It had paper sitting everywhere, in piles and boxes. He needs paper btw. So we look around for a couple hours or so, I dont even know. I held up one of those binder 200-300page notebooks, but this one wasn't binded, it was like a bookbinder. He said that wasn't enough/large enough. As I looked around a bit more, I saw - on the very little space I could see on the floor - a sheet of paper with letters on it, like a stencil, with paint outlining the letters.

After a few more minutes of looking around(god that room was massive), we entered that door in the back of the room which we never knew was there till the current art teacher cleaned up the room. And there was this massive piece of paper stuck on the wall (mind you, that room is massive too)with a half finished Infinite sign on it in that really bright blue. Like aqua, idk. The Second Invasion logo.

Half of these 'dreams', if thats what you call them, come out really well organised in my mind. I honestly think that was the first real dream I have ever had, every other one was somewhat subconsciously planned. And I can't see the colours in my dreams, only when I wake up and manipulate the dream so that the colours show up. How the hell do I do this crap -_-


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