Please Help (repost)


Please help Shania by donating or reblogging this, it isn't a scam or anything. She's in the same roleplay as me and this is her family's last option. Click the link below

Please help


So, My name is Shania and I’m 16 years old. I live in the USA and i have a large family two younger sister and a older brther, we also have custudy of my younger cousin- which his dad lives with us also ( He iously delt with a drug addictin and we are helping him get back up on his feet ect.)  This link will lead you to my moms post asking for donations. If you read it it tells you about my mothers problems. She has sever tooth problems and we are trying to reach enough amount of money to help her fix her teeth. Please donate- even 50 cents is a good amount It really dose mean allot  If you can not Donate please re blog / re post ..put it some where so word will spread.


Now i will share photos of my family;




My Brother Jordan (in the gray tank top), My dad (green), My younger sister Natasha (blue), My younger sister Jaidyn (pink), cousin Brydan and then me



This is my mom and my uncle Danny... My mom is only 109 lbs because she cant eat well due to her teeth problem



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