My Apologies

Hello, reader-nims *bows* It's Amanda here. Sorry for not updating "It's Time to Believe" even though I said I would. Its just that I fell sick yesterday, with a fever, sore throat and blocked nose. I could barely walk, with that fever burning me up. I had the most terrible headache, and I even cried because it was so pain *sobs* :(

I couldn't sleep the night before I fell sick. I was tossing and turning in bed, and my sore throat was killing me. Plus, the room was so cold, I was practically shivering under my covers. I couldn't even get close to falling asleep, I felt as if I was in a limbo, in the middle of being asleep and awake. I was getting SOME rest, but not all the rest I needed. Being the basketball player I am, I even woke up the next morning to attend my training, because the attendance was compulsory. We had a competition coming up so I didn't want to let my coach down. I mostly sat down and watched my fellow teammates train, but I did a few lay-ups, so I guess it was a pretty productive training. My teammates were so concerned about me, it touched me :)

I came back from training, exhausted. I took a shower, and without bothering to dry my hair after, I fell asleep. I was supposed to go to my school to buy new exercise books for the coming year, but my mom noticed how sick I was, so she told me to buy them on the first day of school. My mom scolded me for not drying my hair after I showered. Well, I was pretty tired, and my head was killing me, so I just passed out on the bed. She dried my hair for me, and let me continue my sleep. It is during times like this that I realize how it feels like to have a mother worry about you, and I didn't mind the attention, really.

My sister, on the other hand, wasn't helpful at all. I told her that I was feeling pretty hot, so I told her to get me an ice pack at about noon. Instead, she just told me to sleep it off. She even asked me to transfer from my mom's bed to my own bed, just so she could use me as an excuse to turn the air-conditioner on. I just shrugged and moved, because she was annoying me so much I couldn't even rest. So I fell asleep. Again. The next time I woke up, I felt even more terrible. My sister was just playing a game on the computer, totally oblivious of her sick sister suffering on the bed. I asked her to get me an ice pack, which she still hasn't given me, and it was like 2pm already. She just said, "You don't need the ice pack, okay?" and continued with her game. With much begging and irritating her, she got me the ice pack. 

After cooling myself down a little, I fell asleep. I sleep a lot when I'm sick. Well, I woke up and around 4pm, and I went down to the living room. My mom was cleaning the storeroom, and I just fell on the couch. Just walking down the stairs and moving to the couch brought me another headache, only that the pain was ten-fold. My tears were hot as they fell down my face, and I complained to my mom about it. She touched my forehead, and it was really hot. I could barely speak too. So my mom asked me to change, she said she was going to bring me to the doctor. I dragged myself up the stairs to change. My sister noticed how terrible I looked when I entered the room. Guess what she said. "I think you really are sick."

I barely had the energy then, so I just nodded, but, thinking back about it, I think I would've screamed in her face. "REALLY?! YOU THINK SO? THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN TRYING TO TELL YOU LIKE FOUR HOURS AGO." I have a very caring sister, you know.

So I went to the doctor, got my medicine, and went back home. Drank some cold milk, which helped me cool down a lot, and took my meds. Felt a little better, and I sat down to watch Music Bank on TV. It was the KPOP Festival in Hong Kong episode, and I don't know why, but just watching TV makes my head hurt. So I surrendered the remote to my sister, and fell asleep on the couch. Sleep. Again. I woke up sweating. I guess the fever is still there, but just toned down a little. Well, at least I could walk without feeling dizzy now. It was almost dinner time then, and my mom made porridge for me. I ate that, and took my medicine again. I even ate some chicken (cooked by my sister, and it was yums ^^) and I watched TV. My dad came back at around 9 or so, and he saw the receipt on the console table, and he asked why I was sick. He said that I rarely got sick, so what happened this time? I think it was my immune system. It's pretty weak now. Must take my antibiotics to strengthen it.

After that, I watched TV somemore, and I watched the KPOP Song Festival 2012, hosted by Sung Sikyung, Yoona, and Junghwa (From CNBLUE). I saw Teen Top, INFINITE, and B1A4 there, so that pretty much made my day. After the program, which ended at 2:30am, I would usually stay up till 3-3:30am to practice my dance moves, but since I didn't have much energy, I went to sleep right after the program. The amount of time I spent sleeping really surprises me, even now.

That concludes my sick day. So, since I'm a little better now, I promise you the update, by... say... Monday? School's starting soon, and I can't wait to meet my new friends :) My whole form got streamed, and I ended up in the first class (I'm sorta smart) and that class, is made up of a bunch of smart people. And when I say smart people, I mean GENIUS smart people. The competition next year is going to get a whole lot more heated. I'll have to put in more effort and work harder to remain at the top of the class. I'll make sure of that. Fighting! 



~Amanda <3


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get well soon (y)

God bless <3