[♕] The Great Artists | 2013 New Girl Group | ↷ Application



[Character Name]



[Below is the application of your lifetime. Don't be too perfect but I don't want any sob stories. Remember to delete anything in the brackets or parentheses and replace the pictures of Kiko Mizuhara with your character. It can be a gif if you would like it to be but the hyperlinked pictures have to be still pictures. I'm still a newbie on this layout thing, so forgive any uglyness you see. Gold, Black, and White is the color of choice but you can change it. Don't change the fonts though. Okay...now that I'm done talking...go on and apply. I'll be stopping by every now and then to remind you of stuff. Good Luck and May the Odds Be Ever In Your Favor.]


Annie, are you okay?

Username: (Hyperlink It.)

Activeness: (From 1%-10o%)

What can I call you?: (Nickname? Full Name?)

We must live each day like it's our last.

Personality: (Quality over quantity. I would much rather have two paragraphs of solid personality tidbits, then four paragraphs of boring nothing. Remember, these girls have been in the industry before and while it might not have been the KPOP industry it was still music. They've learned a few things and grown from it. Make sure your personality reflects what you would like to be seen as in the story)

Likes: (If you're explaining why you like them, god bless you, 6 max. If you're not explaining them, why aren't you? 10 max.)

Dislikes: (Same as above.)

Habits: (I don't want those, she bites her lip when thinking, kind of things. I want something substantial. Something like 'she has to turn on every light in the order that she gets to them' something that can define your character.)

Hobbies: (3 max, these can be anything. I won't dictate your hobbies.)

Trivia: (3 min, I would like these to be pertaining to your career and things that have happened in your life. Nothing too flimsy.)

It's in her DNA.

Background: (This is your backgroud, not your family history. FOR THE LOVE OF CATS NO SOB STORIES! Make it interesting. Again, quality over quanity)


Mother's Name | Age | Occupation | Personality (Three sentences to describe.) | Relationship with Character (How do you get along. Three sentences also.)

Father's Name | Age | Occupation | Personality (Three sentences to describe.) | Relationship with Character ) (How do you get along? Three Sentences.)

(Do the same for any sibilings you have. No Idol Sibilings.)

Family History: (Here's where you tell how your family acts together and yadda yadda yah. Quality over Quanity.)

Nationality: (Where are you from?)

Ethnicity: (Remember, you have to be at least one part asian. So that means you can be half-white, 1/4 german, and then 1/4 korean but don't make it complicated.)

Hometown: (What city do you hail from?)

Birthday: (MM/DD/YYYY. The youngest will be at least 21 and the oldest 26. So nobody should be born after '91 and before '86? Check my math.)

Pretty Brown Eyes.


Visual Name: (Kiko Mizuhara or Jocelyn Chew might be taken...depends on which route I take.)

HQ Pictures: (or as close to high quality as you can get. 3 or more.)

Back-up Visual Name:

HQ Pictures: (3 or more)

Description of Appearance: (One solid paragraph plus the questions below.)

Eye Color: (Remember what ethnicity you are, Asians usually have brown eyes...sometimes hazel...more than often dark brown. I don't expect you to have a cyan eye color. If you need color in your eyes, I'll give your character contacts.)

Hair Color: (Anything except rainbow colored.)

Any specific marks, tattoos, piercings?:

Style Description: (Tell me what your character would wear. You can also add pictures but I still want a written description.)

It's too late to apologize.

Stage Name:

Former Stage Name: (What were you known as before you got into TGA? Remember that you were an artist before entering TGA.)

Position: (Underline Most Wanted Position and Bold back-up position)

Main Dancer, Visual (You will be sort of like Taemin of Shinee. You are known for your dancing...and you're really pretty.)

Main Rapper, Lead Dancer (Jiyong is a pretty good example of this, he can dance really well and rap, however he's not the best dancer.)

Jack of All Trades (You do a little of everything. Taeyang is good for this.)

Main Vocalist, Rapper (Min of Miss A does this. She's very talented at singing but she can also rap.)

Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper, Sub-Dancer (This would be, to me, Jia...except she's a main dancer really. You're good at all things but if you had to do something...Singing and Rapping would be for you.)

Lead Dancer, Vocalist (I think Yuri of SNSD is good for this.)

Lead Rapper, Dancer (Key is good for this, but he also sings...but everyone sings.)

Persona: (What are you known for? Remember no Ice Princesses. The world has enough of those.)

Personal Fan Club Name:

Fan Club Color:

Years of Being Active outside of TGA: (How long did you work for your other label?)


(Before TGA, what did you do? Were you a pop star in america? Make sure it's relevant. Refer back to the story and specifically to chapter 2. Quality over quanity.)

What else do you do?: (Modeling...MCing...)

We belong together.

Love Interest: (Remember what I said about the newer generation of groups...I have no idea how they act. AND TOP IS TAKEN)

Personality: (2 paragraphs of good solid information. I have to write about them and if I have no idea about how they act...then it will be weird.)

How you two met?: (A paragraph please.)

Relationship: Crushing Friends- Enemies - Dating - Friends with Benefits - One sided love (make one bold.)

How do you two act around each other?: (A paragraph also.)

Backup Love Interest:

This is how I work it.

Singing Twin: (Can be anybody in the musical world. Remember what you chose as a position.)

Dancing Twin:

Rapping Twin:

What do you want the world to know about you?: (Why do you want to be a great artist?)

What would you like to come from this new label?: (What do you expect to be different?)



Song Ideas:

Are you okay with rated things?:





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